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The London of
rnmea tn &w&~Bfttain by Burleigh Ltd. at the
Burleigh Press, Bristol
THIS is a book for the fireside, or the deck-chair ;
the main road or the side street.
In its company the reader can review in fancy or
in reality the London sites and scenes made famous
by Dickens in the pages of his immortal stories.
Dickens himself has leit on record a list of books,
" the glorious host/' that kept him company in the
dull sad days of his childhood. " They kept alive
my fancy, and my hope of something beyond that
place and time " he tells us. " Every barn in the
neighbourhood, every stone in the church, and every
foot of the churchyard, had some association of its
own, in my mind, connected with the books, and
stood for some locality made famous in them. I
have seen Tom Pipes go climbing up the church
steeple ; I have watched Strap, with knapsack on
his back, stopping to rest himself upon the wicket-
gate ; and I know that Commodore Trunnion held
that club with Mr. Pickle, in the parlour of our little
village ale-house."
Thus did the books he read appeal to Dickens ;
and Dickens in his turn has so kept alive pur fancy
by his own books that rambles and pilgrimages to
places associated with him and his stories are a
regular feature with the various branches of the
Dickens Fellowship, with literary societies and
rambling clubs and with overseas visitors who
desire to see the site of Garraway's Coffee House,
from which Mr. Pickwick indited his famous Chops
and Tomata Sauce epistle to Mrs. Bardell ; to see
the remains of the Marshalsea Prison, and the church
I am both a town traveller and a country traveller, and am
always on the road. Figuratively speaking, I travel for the
great house of Human Interest Brothers, and have rather a
large connection in the fancy goods way. Literally speaking,
I am always wandering here and there from my rooms in Co vent
Garden, London now about the city streets, now about the
country by-roads seeing many little things, and some great
things, which, because they interest me, I think may interest
(The Uncommercial Traveller.)
Mr. Jonas enquired in the first instance if they were good
walkers, and being answered "Yes," submitted their pedestrian
powers to a pretty severe test ; for he showed them as many sights
in the way of bndges, churches, streets, outsides of theatres, and
other free spectacles, in that one forenoon, as most people see
in a twelvemonth. It was observable in this gentleman that he
had an insurmountable distaste to the msides of buildings ; and
that he was perfectly acquainted with the merits of all shows,
in respect of which there was any charge for admission, which
it seemed were every one detestable, and of the very lowest
grade of merit.
(Martin Chuzzlewit.)
Doughty Street to The Temple.
3. UP AND DOWN THE ClTY ROAD - - ^ - 59
The Bank to Islington.
Islington to Hampstead.
Euston to Camden Town.
Blackfriars to the Monument.
Westminster to Greenwich.
Doughty Street to Oxford Circus.
Leicester Square to Hyde Park Corner.
Hyde Park Corner to Westminster.
12. WESTWARD 186
Hyde Park Corner to Twickenham.
Trafalgar Square to St. Paul's.
The Bank to the Tower and return.
Aldgate to Limehouse.
THESE fifteen rambles cover the whole of Dickens s
The most important quotations from the works of
Dickens are given in the text, but at the end of each
route will be found a full list of references, with book
and chapter quoted, to which the reader can refer.
With the exception of Routes 4, 8, 12 and 15, each
ramble is so arranged as to be accomplished comfortably
in about two hours. Routes 4, 8 and 12 make somewhat
longer afternoon trips in conjunction with tram-car or
The following routes can be linked together if so
desired :
Routes i and 13.
Routes 2 and 14.
Routes 3 and 4.
Routes 5 and 6.
Routes 7 and 14.
Routes 9 and 10.
Routes ii and 8.
Routes 13 and 14.
Doughty Street to the Temple,
Strand, Fleet Street.
Bloomsbury to the Bank and City.
Bank to Islington, Highgate and
Covent Garden to Camden Town.
Blackfriars, Borough and the City.
The Squares of the West End.
Hyde Park to Westminster and
Trafalgar Square to St. Paul's and
the City.
The London of Dickens
DICKENS'S gallery of lawyers is not by any means
the least engrossing of the many types he has
created for us ; and, strangely enough, there is
hardly a lawyer in that extensive list who had not
his location in the legal district that runs from
Doughty Street to the Thames Embankment.
Dodson & Fogg, Sampson Brass and Mr. Jaggers
are almost the only exceptions, and, outside London,
we can but call to mind the case of Wickfield &
The undoubted reason for the predominance of
description given by Dickens to his legal characters
is that from his very earliest days the power of the
law had a really great meaning to him ; his first
occupation as a lad on leaving school was as office
boy to a firm of solicitors in Lincoln's Inn, where his
fancy must have been given free flight in the grass-
centred squares, in the trim gardens of the Temple
and Lincoln's Inn, in the subdued grey and red
buildings, in the quaint Halls, the quainter and more
secluded nooks and corners, in the narrow winding
staircases, the little small-paned windows, and the
deep and silent recesses. As a young man he occu-
pied chambers in one of the old inns, FurnivaTs,
and at the age of twenty-seven actually entered his
name as a student of Middle Temple but he was
never " called."
To commence our exploration of the London of
Dickens and his works, there is no finer way imagin-
able than to take a stroll through the Inns of Court
to the Temple ; its secluded ways are unknown to
many Londoners and are a side-light on the many
beauties the great city possesses that are as foreign
climes even to those people who pass and repass
its very portals day after day ; the great thorough-
fares of Holborn, Fleet Street and the Strand run
through its centre ; Theobald's Road and the Thames
Embankment flank its farthest sides. Truly, as
we shall see, entering these regions of repose is akin
to putting cotton wool in our ears, as Dickens has
likened it, so contrasting is the bustle of the street
without with the silence reigning within.
Doughty Street, the Dickens Mecca, on the out-
skirts of Dickens's legal land, is an excellent starting
point. It was the first house rented by Dickens
after his marriage, and here he lived from 1837 to
1839. Here Pickwick Papers was finished, Oliver
Twist, Nicholas Nickleby, and Barnaby Rudge
Doughty Street leads into John Street, at the end
of which Theobald's Road runs right and left.
On our left lies Gray's Inn Road, the place of
residence of Mr. Mortimer (otherwise Wilkins
Micawber), and in Little Dorrit we are told that
Mr. Casby lived in a street in the Gray's Inn
Road, which had set off from that thoroughfare
with the intention of running at one heat down
into the valley and up again to the top of Penton-
yille Hill : but which had run itself out of breath
in twenty yards, and had stood still ever since.
There is no such place in that part now.
The continuation of Gray's Inn Road on the right,
leading into Holborn, was formerly called Gray's
Inn Lane, and is briefly mentioned in Pickwick and
one or two of the other books.
Before turning into Gray's Inn there is a little
detour worth making : strictly speaking it is only
partly legal, but it is necessary nevertheless, although
it can be omitted from this ramble or included in
Route Two. By the side of Holborn Hall at right
angles to Gray's Inn Road runs Clerkenwell Road.
Leather Lane on the right figures in the account
of the riots in Barnaby Rudge.
The second turning to the right is Hatton Garden
(see also Route Two), where at No. 54 was the " very
notorious Metropolitan Police Office," presided over
by Mr. Fang : in reality it was the Hatton Garden
Police Court, and a Mr. A. S. Laing was one of the
magistrates there between 1836 and 1838. Oliver
was brought here, " down a place called Mutton
Hill, where he was led beneath a low archway and
up a dirty court into this dispensary of summary
justice, by the back way. It was a small paved
yard into which they turned."
If we turn in at Hatton Wall we shall find the
archway mentioned above, next a tavern, leading
to a narrow passage called Hatton Yard parallel
with the backs of the houses in Hatton Garden. This
way, too, came Nancy, at the request of Fagin,
tapping at the cell doors with her keys in the endea-
vour to trace Oliver. The backs of the houses have
now been built over. No. 54 itself is the original
building, although newly faced.
The Jellybys, in Bleak House, once lived in
lodgings in Hatton Garden :
When Mr. Jellyby came home, he usually
groaned and went down into the kitchen. There
he got something to eat, if the servant would give
him anything ; and then, feeling that he was in
the way, went out and walked about Hatton
Garden in the wet.
Mutton Hill is now known as Vine Street. Here
is Field Lane Ragged School, in which Dickens
took a great interest.
Further along Clerkenwell Road we reach Clerken-
well Green. It was near here that Mr. Brownlow
was considered by Master Charley Bates to be "a
prime plant " as he was attentively reading a book
at a stall outside a shop. In Chapter X of
Oliver Twist we are told :
They were just emerging from a narrow court
not far from the open square in Clerkenwell,
which is yet called, by some strange perversion of
terms, "The Green/'
The court in question is said to be Pear Tree
It was to the Clerkenwell Sessions House that
Bumble was bound when he announced to Mrs.
Mann he was going up to London. " And I very
much question whether the Clerkenwell Sessions will
not find themselves in the wrong box before they
have done with me," said Mr. Bumble, drawing
himself up proudly.
As in the days of Barnaby Rudge so it is now :
there are " busy trades in Clerkenwell and working
jewellers by scores." Then, Dickens tells us "it
was a poorer place with farm-houses nearer to it
than many modern Londoners would readily be-
lieve, and lovers' walks at no great distance, which
turned into squalid courts long before the lovers
of this age were born."
In the venerable suburb it was a suburb
once of Clerkenwell, towards that part of its
confines which is nearest to the Charterhouse,
and in one of those cool, shady streets of which a
few ... yet remain,
lived that honest locksmith, Gabriel Varden, at
a house not over-newly fashioned, not very
straight, not large, not tall, not bold faced with
great staring windows, but a shy, blinking
house, with a conical roof going up into a peak
over its garret window of four small panes of
glass, liked a cocked hat on the head of an elderly
gentleman with an eye. ... A great wooden
emblem of a key, painted in vivid yellow to
resemble gold, dangled from the house front,
and swung to and fro with a mournful "creaking
noise, as if complaining that it had nothing
to unlock.
Mr. Jarvis Lorry, in A Tale of Two Cities, " walked
along the sunny streets from Clerkenwell, where he
lived, on his way to dine with the Doctor " (Dr,
Manette, who lived near Soho Square) ; and Mr. Venus,
so we are told in Our Mutual Friend, lived in " a
narrow and a dirty street " in Clerkenwell, at a
little dark, greasy shop with a dark window with one
tallow candle dimly burning in it, where he was
visited by Silas Wegg, who " being on his road to
the Roman Empire approaches it by way of Clerken-
We now return to Theobald's Road, pass Gray's
Inn Road, and find on our left the spacious gardens
of Gray's Inn, where Flora, in her second wooing of
Arthur Clennam, " considered nothing so improbable
as that he ever walked on the north-west side of Gray's
Inn Gardens at exactly four o'clock in the afternoon."
We pass along the gardens and turn in at the gate-
way on the left, by the side of Raymond Buildings,
where at No. i Dickens was a clerk to a firm of
solicitors in 1827.
Beyond is Gray's Inn Square, where Mr. Perker
had his chambers up " two pairs of steep and dirty
The " old 'ooman " who opened the door to Mr.
Pickwick and Sam called herself " Mr. Perker's
laundress," which gave rise to the following amusing
conversation :
" Ah," said Mr. Pickwick, half-aside to Sam,
" it's a curious circumstance, Sam, that they call
the old women in these inns laundresses. I
wonder what's that for ? "
" 'Cos they has a mortal awersion to washing
anythin', I suppose, sir," replied Mr. Weller.
" I shouldn't wonder," said Mr. Pickwick,
looking at the old woman, whose appearance,
as well as the condition of the office, which she
had by this time opened, indicated a rooted
antipathy to the application of soap and water.
" Gray's Inn, gentlemen. Curious little nooks
in a great place like London these old inns are."
So said Mr. Pickwick. Of a later visit of Mr. Pick-
wick we read :
Ten o'clock had not struck when he reached
Gray's Inn.
It still wanted ten minutes to the hour when he
had ascended the staircase on which Perker's
chambers were. The clerks had not arrived yet,
and he beguiled the time by looking out of the
staircase window.
The healthy light of a fine October morning
made even the dingy old houses brighten up a
little, some of the dusty windows actually
looking almost cheerful as the sun's rays gleamed
upon them. Clerk after clerk hastened into the
square by one or other of the entrances, and,
looking up at the Hall clock, accelerated or
decreased his rate of walking according to the
time at which his office hours nominally com-
Gray's Inn has a great attraction, and belies the
later description given of it in the Uncommercial
Traveller as
the most depressing institution in brick and
mortar known to the children of men. Can
anything be more dreary than its arid square
Sahara Desert of the law, with the ugly old
tiled-topped tenements, the dirty windows, the
bills To Let, To I^et, the door-posts inscribed
like gravestones.
There has evidently been a change for the better
since that day.
Passing through the archway of Gray's Inn Hall,
we reach South Square, where Mr. Phunlcy had
chambers. " Phunky's Holborn Court, Gray's Inn."
Holborn Court, by the by, is South Square now.
Trad dies' address was " Holborn Court, sir,
number two," where he " occupied a set of chambers
on the top storey," and when David visited him he
had to ascend " a crazy old staircase . . . feebly
lighted on each landing by a club-headed little oil
wick, dying away in a little dungeon of dirty glass.
In the course of my stumbling upstairs," he tells
us, "I put my foot in a hole where the Honourable
Society of Gray's Inn had left a plank deficient."
His subsequent reception by his old friend
Traddles, by Sophy and all the Devonshire beauties
(who had been playing Puss in the Corner), was,
however, a sufficient recompense.
Gray's Inn Gateway, referred to in Pickwick,
leads into Holborn, where we turn left, passing the
site of Gray's Inn Coffee House, at which David
Copperfield stayed when visiting Traddles at his
His bedroom, he tells us, was " an old wainscoted
apartment, over the archway leading to the inn,"
and here he dwelt on the pleasure his visit had given
him. " If I had beheld a thousand roses in a top
set of chambers in that withered Gray's Inn, they
could not have brightened it half so much," he
With Holborn and the site of Furnival's Inn (now
the Prudential Assurance Company's Offices on the
left) we deal in Route Two.
Opposite the southern end of Gray's Inn Road
we see on the right a little group of picturesque
houses, behind which lies Staple Inn, thus described
in Edwin Drood :
Behind the most ancient part of Holborn,
London, where certain gabled houses some
centuries of age still stand looking on the public
way, as if disconsolately looking for the Old
Bourne that has long run dry, is a little nook
composed of two irregular quadrangles, called
Staple Inn. It is one of those nooks the turning
into which out of the clashing street imparts to
the relieved pedestrian the sensation of having
put cotton in his ears and velvet soles on his
Entering the gateway we find ourselves in a veri-
table oasis :
It is one of those nooks where a few
smoky sparrows twitter in the smoky trees,
as though they called to one another, " Let
us play at country/' and where a few feet
of garden mould and a few yards of gravel
enable them to do that refreshing violence to
their tiny understandings. Moreover, it is one
of those nooks which are legal nooks ; and it
contains a little hall, with a little lantern in its
roof : to what obstructive purposes devoted,
and at whose expense, this history knoweth
It was Mr. Snagsby, we remember, who, " being
in his way rather a meditative and poetical
man," delighted to walk in Staple Inn " to ob-
serve how countrified the sparrows and the leaves
Beyond the first courtyard is another, containing
the Hall of the Inn, and the house on the left
presenting in black and white over its ugly
portal the mysterious inscription :
J. T.
In which set of chambers, never having troubled
his head about the inscription, unless to bethink
himself at odd times on glancing up at it that
haply it might mean Perhaps John Thomas,
or Perhaps Joe Tyler, sat Mr. Grewgious writing
by his fire.
Here, too, was the scene of the " Magic Beanstalk
Country " at Mr. Tartar's chambers :
" The top set in the house next the top set
in the corner, the neatest, cleanest and best-
ordered chambers ever seen under the sun,
moon and stars. No man-of-war was ever kept
more spick and span from careless touch."
And there was a neat awning " rigged over Mr.
Tartar's flower garden, as only a sailor could
rig it."
The other side of the Inn leads into Chancery
Lane, where we turn to the left.
Chancery Lane figures largely in the novels. Mr.
Pickwick went there on his way to the Fleet :
John Rokesmith first saw Mr. Boffin there. " Old
Tom Jarndyce in despair blew his brains out at a
coffee house in Chancery Lane," and Mrs. Snagsby
was " the high standard of comparison among the
neighbouring wives a long way down Chancery
Lane on both sides." Young Smallweed had " a
passion for a lady at a cigar shop " here, and Mr.
Bucket remarked to Esther that, " It looks like
Chancery Lane and was christened so." Indeed
Bleak House is the novel of Chancery Lane.
In Cursitor Street on the left is Took's Court, the
original of Cook's Court.
On the eastern borders of Chancery Lane,
that is to say more particularly in Cook's Court,
Cursitor Street, Mr. Snagsby, law stationer,
pursues his lawful calling. In the shade of Cook's
Court, at most times a shady place, Mr. Snagsby
has dealt in all sorts of blank forms of legal
process ; in skins and rolls of parchment ; in
paper foolscap, brief, draft, brown, white,
whity-brown, and blotting ; in stamps, in
office quills, pens, ink, India-rubber, pounce,
pins, pencils, sealing-wax and wafers ; in red
tape and green ferret ; in pocket-books, alman-
acks, diaries and law lists ; in string boxes,
rulers, ink-stands glass and leaden penknives,
scissors, bodkins and other small office cutlery.
Of Mrs. Snagsby's own domain, the drawing-
room, we are told :
The view it commands of Cook's Court at one
end (not to mention a squint into Cursitor
Street) and of Coavinses', the sheriff's officer's
back yard at the other, she regards as a prospect
of unequalled beauty. The portraits it displays
in oil and plenty of it too of Mr. Snagsby
looking at Mrs. Snagsby and of Mrs. Snagsby
looking at Mr. Snagsby, are in her eyes as
achievements of Raphael or Titian.
Cursitor Street itself sheltered Coavinses and his
Symond's Inn stood a little lower down on the
site of Bream's Buildings
Symond's Inn, Chancery Lane : a little, pale,
wall-eyed, woe-begone inn, like a large dust-bin
of two compartments and a sifter. It looks as
if Symond were a sparing man in his way, and
constructed his Inn of old building materials,
which took kindly to the dry rot and to dirt
and all things decaying and dismal, and perpetu-
ated Symond's memory with congenial shabbi-
ness. Quartered in this dingy hatchment com-
memorative of Symond, are the legal bearings of
Mr. Vholes.
Behind was Rolls Yard and Chapel, where also
Mr. Snagsby loved " to lounge about of a Saturday
afternoon, and to remark (if in good spirits) that
there were old times once."
Opposite Rolls Passage is Chichester Rents, at
the corner of which stood the Old Ship Tavern, the
original of Sol's Arms famous for its Harmonic
Meetings and its inquests. Krook's Rag and Bottle
Warehouse stood in Chichester Rents ; " blinded by
the wall of Lincoln's Inn," and the " little side gate "
and " narrow back street " (Star Yard), mentioned
in Chapter V of Bleak House, are easily identified.
One of the lodgers at Krook's shop was Miss Flite,
who " lived at the top ot the house in a pretty large
room, from which she had a glimpse of the roof of
Lincoln's Inn Hall."
Returning to Chancery Lane and retracing our
steps, we reach Lincoln's Inn Gateway, thus described
by Esther :
We passed into sudden quietude under an old
gateway and drove on through a silent square
until we came to an odd nook in a corner, where
there was an entrance up a steep, broad, flight
of stairs like an entrance to a church. And
there really was a churchyard, outside, under
some cloisters, for I saw the gravestones from
the staircase windows.
Lincoln's Inn Hall opposite us was the scene of the
memorable trial of Jarndyce v. Jarndyce.
In Lincoln's Inn Hall, at the very heart of the
fog, sits the Lord High Chancellor in his High
Court of Chancery.
The Chapel, with gravestones underneath, is on
the right, and a passage by the side leads to Old
Square, in which Kenge & Carboy had their
offices, wher6 Mr. Guppy used to take a breath of
air at the window and look out " into the shade of
Old Square, surveying the intolerable brick and
mortar." Here Serjeant Snubbin had chambers
and was " impossible to be seen such a thing was
never heard of, without a consultation fee being
previously paid."
At No. 8 New Square, Dickens was employed
by Mr. Molloy as a clerk for a short time in 1827.
Lincoln's Inn Fields lie beyond us ; somewhere
hereabouts David Copperfield's aunt, being in mortal
dread of fire, took lodgings for a week " at a kind of
private hotel in Lincoln's Inn Fields, where there was
a stone staircase and a convenient door in the roof."
On the far side of the Fields is No. 58, the house of
Dickens's friend and biographer, John Forster.
This was the original of Mr. Tulkinghorn's house
in Bleak House.
Here, in a large house, formerly a house of
state, lives Mr. Tulkinghorn. It is let off in
sets of chambers now ; and, in those shrunken
fragments of its greatness, lawyers lie like mag-
gots in nuts. But its roomy staircases, passages
and ante-chambers, still remain ; and even its
painted ceilings, where Allegory, in Roman
helmet and celestial linen, sprawls among balus-
trades and pillars, flowers, clouds, and big-legged
boys, and makes the head ache as would seem
to be Allegory's object always, more or less.
Here, among his many boxes labelled with tran-
scendent names, lives Mr. Tulkinghorn, when not
speechlessly at home in country-houses where
the great ones of the earth are bored to death.
Here he is to-day quiet at his table. An oyster
of the old school, whom nobody can open.
Here it was that Dickens was a frequent visitor,
and here he read The Chimes in 1844 to a select
circle of friends, before its publication, coming from
Italy specially for the purpose.
Turning to the left from No. 58, and proceeding
along the northern side of the Fields, we reach
Portsmouth Street, and on the left a quaint and
picturesque piece of Old London, inaccurately des-
cribed as " The Old Curiosity Shop, immortalised by
Charles Dickens/'
At the corner of Portugal Street is the George
IV Tavern, on the site of the original " Magpie
and Stump " of Pickwick. The Insolvent Court and
the " Horse and Groom " public-house, were both in
Portugal Street ; the latter is no longer in existence ;
it was the scene of the meeting of the two Wellers
with Mr. Solomon Pell.
Through Carey Street we reach Bell Yard, altered
out of all knowledge since the day when it was a
narrow alley where the Neckett children lived
over the chandler's shop. At the end of Bell Yard
is Temple Bar, dividing Fleet Street from the Strand
(see Route Thirteen).
Crossing Fleet Street we reach Middle Temple
Gate, mindful that it was Hugh in Barnaby Rudge
who likewise crossed the road here for the purpose of
visiting Sir John Chester, and " plied the knocker
of Middle Temple Gate/' only to be regarded sus-
piciously and told, " We don't sell beer here."
It was also at Middle Temple Gate that Mr. Fips
arranged the meeting with Tom Pinch which led to
his engagement at the mysterious chambers, of which
we make mention later.
What is probably the best description of the charm
of the Temple is to be found in Barnaby Rudge :
There are still worse places than the Temple
on a sultry day, for basking in the sun or resting
idly in the shade. There is yet a drowsiness
in its courts and a dreamy dullness in its trees
and gardens. Those who pace its lanes and
squares may yet hear the echoes of their footsteps
on the sounding stones and read upon its gates
in passing from the tumult of the Strand or Fleet
Street, " Who enters here leaves noise behind."
There is yet in the Temple something of a clerkly
monkish atmosphere, which public offices of law
have not disturbed and even legal firms have
failed to scare away. In summer time, its
pumps suggest to thirsty idlers springs cooler
and more sparkling and deeper than other wells
. . . and, sighing, they cast sad looks towards
the Thames and think of baths and boats, and
saunter on, despondent.
In Pickwick we have the following description of
the chambers of the Temple :
Scattered about, in various holes and corners
of the Temple, are certain dark and dirty cham-
bers. . . . These sequestered nooks are the
public offices of the legal profession, where
writs are issued, judgments signed, declarations
filed, and numerous other ingenious machines
put in motion for the torture and torment of
His Majesty's liege subjects, and the comfort
and emolument of the practitioners of the law.
They are, for the most part, low-roofed, mouldy
rooms, where innumerable rolls of parchment,
which have been perspiring in secret for the last
century, send forth an agreeable odour, which
is mingled by day with the scent of the dry rot,
and by night with the various exhalations which
arise from damp cloaks, festering umbrellas,
and the coarsest tallow candles.
The same chapter gives an interesting account of
lawyers' clerks, which is worth repeating here :
There are several grades of lawyers' clerks.
There is the articled clerk, who has paid a pre-
mium, and is an attorney in prospective, who
runs a tailor's bill, receives invitations to parties,
knows a family in Gower Street, and another in
Tavistock Square ; who goes out of town every
Long Vacation to see his father, who keeps live
horses innumerable ; and who is, in short, the
very aristocrat of clerks. There is the salaried
clerk out of door, or in door, as the case may
be who devotes the major part of his thirty
shillings a week to his personal pleasure and
adornment, repairs half-price to the Adelphi
Theatre at least three times a week, dissipates
majestically at the cider cellars afterwards, and
is a dirty caricature of the fashion which expired
six months ago. There is the middle-aged
copying clerk, with a large family, who is always
shabby, and often drunk. And there are the
office lads in their first surtouts, who feel a
befitting contempt for boys at day-schools :
club as they go home at night, for saveloys and
porter : and think there's nothing like " life."
Passing through Brick Court and Essex Court
we reach Fountain Court, where, as is said in
Barnaby Rudge, " There is still the plash of falling
water in fair Fountain Court" ; but it is in Martin
Chuzzlewit that Dickens has made a romance for us
round Fountain Court and its association with Ruth
Pinch, her brother Tom, and John Westlock.
There was a little plot between them that Tom
should always come out of the Temple by one
way ; and that was past the fountain. Coming
through Fountain Court, he was just to glance
down the steps leading into Garden Court, and to
look once all round him ; and, if Ruth had come
to meet him, there he would see her ; not saunter-
ing, you understand (on account of the clerks),
but coming briskly up, with the best little laugh
upon her face that ever played in opposition to
the fountain, and beat it all to nothing. . . .
Either she was a little too soon, or Tom was a
little too late she was so precise in general
that she timed it to half a minute but no Tom
was there. Well ! But was anybody else there,
that she blushed so deeply, after looking round,
and tripped off down the steps with such unusual
expedition ?
Why, the fact is that Mr. Westlock was passing
at that moment. The Temple is a public
thoroughfare ; they may write up on the gates
that it is not, but so long as the gates are left
open it is, and will be ; and Mr. Westlock had
as good a right to be there as anybody else. . . .
Merrily the tiny fountain played, and merrily
the dimples sparkled on its sunny face. John
Westlock hurried after her. Softly the whisper-
ing water broke and fell ; and roguishly the
dimples twinkled, as he stole upon her foot-
steps. . . .
" I felt sure it was you/' said John, when he
overtook her, in the sanctuary of Garden Court.
" I knew I couldn't be mistaken/'
She was so surprised.
" You are waiting for your brother/' said John.
" Let me bear you company." . . .
Merrily the fountain plashed and plashed,
until the dimples, merging into one another,
swelled into a general smile that covered the
whole surface of the basin. . . .
On a later occasion we are again introduced to
Fountain Court :
Brilliantly the Temple Fountain sparkled in
the sun, and laughingly its liquid music played,
and merrily the idle drops of water danced and
danced, and, peeping out in sport among the
trees, plunged lightly down to hide themselves,
as little Ruth and her companion came towards
And why they came towards the Fountain
at all is a mystery ; for they had no business
there. It was not in their way. It was quite
out of their way. They had no more to do with
the Fountain, bless you, than they had with
with Love, or any out-of-the-way thing of that
It was all very well for Tom and his sister to
make appointments by the Fountain, but that
was quite another affair. Because, of course,
when she had to wait a minute or two, it would
have been very awkward for her to have had to
wait in any but a tolerably quiet spot ; "but that
was as quiet a spot, everything considered,
as they could choose. But when she had John
Westlock to take care of her, and was going
home with her arm in his (home being in a differ-
ent direction altogether), their coming anywhere
near that Fountain was quite extraordinary.
However, there they found themselves. And
another extraordinary part of the matter was,
that they seemed to have come there by a silent
understanding. Yet, when they got there, they
were a little confused by being there, which was
the strangest part of all ; because there is nothing
naturally confusing in a Fountain. We all
know that.
What a good old place it was ! John said
with quite an earnest affection for it.
" A pleasant place indeed," said little Ruth.
" So shady ! "
O wicked little Ruth !
They came to a stop when John began to
praise it. The day was exquisite ; and, stopping
at all, it was quite natural nothing could be
more so that they should glance down Garden
Court ; because Garden Court ends in the Garden,
and the Garden ends in the River, and that
glimpse is very bright and fresh and shining on
a summer's day. Then, oh, little Ruth, why not
look boldly at it ! Why fit that tiny, precious,
blessed little foot into the cracked corner of an
insensible old flagstone in the pavement ; and
be so very anxious to adjust it to a nicety !
Pip in Great Expectations had his t chambers at
" the top of the last house in Garden Court
down by the river. . . . Alterations have been
made in that part of the Temple since that time,
and it has not now so lonely a character as it had
then, nor is it so exposed to the river."
Here it was that Magwitch revealed himself one
stormy night, as the source of the great expectations.
Facing the river, we turn left to Middle Temple
Lane and cross it, passing through Elm Court,
and Pump Court, the court " more quiet and more
gloomy than the rest/' where Tom Pinch was
employed so mysteriously by Mr. Fips.
There was a ghostly air about these uninhabited
chambers in the Temple, and attending every
circumstance of Tom's employment there, which
had a strange charm in it. ... It seemed to
Tom, every morning, that he approached this
ghostly mist, and became enveloped in it, by
the easiest succession of degrees imaginable.
Passing from the roar and rattle of the streets
into the quiet court-yards of the Temple was the
first preparation. Every echo of his footsteps
sounded to him like a sound from the old walls
and pavements, wanting language to relate the
histories of the dim, dismal rooms ; to tell him
what lost documents were decaying in forgotten
corners of the shut-up cellars ... to whisper
of dark bins of rare old wine, bricked up in vaults
among the old foundations of the Halls ; or
mutter in a lower tone yet darker legends of the
cross-legged knights whose marble effigies were
in the church. With the first planting of his
foot upon the staircase of his dusty office, all
these mysteries increased ; until, ascending step
by step, as Tom ascended, they attained their
full growth in the solitary labours of the day.
Descending the steps on the right beneath the
Dining Hall of the Inner Temple, we reach Paper
Buildings, where Sir John Chester had his chambers.
Paper Buildings a row of goodly tenements,
shaded in front by ancient trees, and looking
at the back upon the Temple Gardens. . . .
Through the half-opened window the Temple
Garden looks green and pleasant; the placid
river, gay with boat and barge and dimpled with
the plash of many an oar, sparkles in the distance.
The original Paper Buildings were destroyed by
fire in 1838.
Opposite is King's Bench Walk, dedicated to the
memory of Sydney Carton, who " turned into the
Temple, and, having revived himself by twice
pacing the pavement of King's Bench Walk and
Paper Buildings, turned into the Stryver Chambers."
The Walk leads down to the River, where once
were Temple Stairs, where Mr. Tartar kept his boat
and from which he rowed Rosa and Mr. Grewgious
up the river. This landing-place also figures in
Great Expectations, during the exploit of Pip and
Herbert on the river as a prelude to getting Mag-
witch out of the country.
Returning along King's Bench Walk we find
Whitefriars Gate on the right, through which Pip
came one eventful evening.
" My readiest access to the Temple was close
by the riverside, through Whitefriars. . . .
It seldom happened that I came in at that
Whitefriars Gate after the Temple was closed.' 1
Here, by the light of the night-porter's lantern,
he read Wemmick's message, superscribed " Please
read this here," containing the laconic instructions,
" Don't go home."
This way came Mr. George in Bleak House, " by
the cloisterly Temple and by Whitefriars " to the
Bagnets in Blackfriars ; and this way, too, went
Rogue Riderhood, after seeing " Governors Both "
in the Temple.
The waterside character pulled his drowned
cap over his ears with both hands, and . . .
went down the stairs round by Temple Church,
across the Temple, into Whitefriars and so on
by the waterside streets.
Reversing the steps of Rogue Riderhood we pass
Paper Buildings and under the Inner Temple Dining
Hall and so reach Temple Church. Beyond are the
churchyard and Goldsmith Buildings, the latter
built on the site of the old chambers occupied by
Mortimer Lightwood in Our Mutual Friend.
Whosoever had gone out of Fleet Street into
the Temple . . . until he stumbled on a dismal
churchyard and had looked up at the dismal
windows commanding that churchyard, until at
the most dismal window of them all he saw a
dismal boy, would in him have beheld . . . the
managing clerk, junior clerk, common law clerk,
conveyancing clerk, chancery clerk ... of
Mr. Mortimer Lightwood
Through Inner Temple Gate, where Mr. Dolls,
in one of his usual maudlin conditions, was con-
ducted by Eugene Wrayburn, we reach Fleet Street,
opposite Chancery Lane. Here it was that Bradley
Headstone used to rest " in a doorway with his eyes
upon the Temple Gate," waiting and watching for
Eugene Wrayburn. " For anything I know he
watches at the Temple Gate all night/' said Eugene.
Doughty Street
No. 48, Dickens lived 1837-9
Gray's Inn Road
Dorrit, I, 13
Copperfield, 36
Gray's Inn Lane
Pickwick, 47
Uncommercial, 14
Twist, 42
Sketches, Dancing, Theatres
Reprinted, Inspector
Verulam Buildings
Uncommercial, 14
Leather Lane
Barnaby, 68
Hatton Garden
Bleak House, 30, 26
Reprinted, Bill-sticking
Twist, ii
Sketches, Christening
Hatton Yard
Twist, ii
Vine Street (formerly Mutton
Twist, ii
Clerkenwell Square
Twist, 10
Clerkenwell Sessions House
Twist, 17
Twist, 10
Two Cities, II, 6
Mutual, I, 7
Bleak House, 26
Barnaby, 66, 4
Barnaby, 4
Gray's Inn Gardens
Dorrit, I, 13
Bedford Row
Uncommercial, 14
Sketches, Scenes, 16
Raymond Buildings, Gray's Inn
Field Court
Uncommercial 14
Gray's Inn Square
Uncommercial, 14
Pickwick, 53
Sketches, Steam Ex.
Gray's Inn
Pickwick, 20, 53
Uncommercial, 14
South Square (formerly Holborn
Pickwick, 31
Copperfield, 59
Gray's Inn Hall
Pickwick, 53
Copperfield, 59
Gray's Inn Gateway
Pickwick, 47
Gray's Inn Coffee House
Copperfield, 59
Curiosity, 37
See Route 2
Staple Inn
Drood, ii
Bleak House, 10
Uncommercial, 14
Chancery Lane
Sketches, Streets
Pickwick, 40
Mutual, I, 8
Bleak House, i, 10, 32, 20, 51,
Reprinted, Bill-sticking
Quality Court
Bleak House, 8
Cursitor Street
Sketches, Bounce
Bleak, 10, 15, 25
Reprinted, Bill-sticking
look's Court
Bleak House, 10
Symond's Inn (site)
Bleak House, 39, 51
Rolls Yard
Bleak House, 10
Chichester Rents
Bleak House, 5, 20, 33
Sol's Arms (site of)
Bleak House, 11, 33, 20
Lincoln's Inn Gateway
Bleak House, 3
Lincoln's Inn Chapel
Bleak House, 3
Lincoln's Inn Hall
Bleak House, i, 19
Old Square
Bleak House, 20, 3
Pickwick, 31
Lincoln's Inn
Bleak House, 19, 20, 3, i
Uncommercial, 14
New Square
Lincoln's Inn Gardens
Bleak House, 10
Lincoln's Inn Fields
Copperfield, 23
Bleak House, 10
Barnaby, 50, 63
Sketches, Scenes, 16
College of Surgeons
Bleak House, 13
Barnaby, 75
Sardinia Street (site of)
Barnaby, 50. 63
Portsmouth Street
Curiosity, i
George IV Tavern (Magpie and
Stump), rebuilt
Pickwick, 20
Clare Market (site)
Barnaby, 56
Sketches, Gin Shops
Reprinted, Lying awake
Pickwick, 20
New Inn
Pickwick, 20
Uncommercial, 14
Portugal Street
Pickwick, 43, 55
Insolvent Court
Pickwick, 43, 55
Bell Yard
Bleak House, 15
Fleet Street
See Route 13
Middle Temple Gate
Barnaby, 40
Chuzzlewit, 39
The Temple
Pickwick, 31, 43
Barnaby, 15, 67
Chuzzlewit, 40, 48
Two Cities, II, 5, 13
Uncommercial, 14
Mutual, IV, 9, 10 , I, 8. 12
Reprinted, Ghost Art.
Bleak House, 27, 19
Hunted Down, 5
Holly Tree
Clock, i
Expectations, 39
Sketches, Tales, 4
Fountain Court
Barnaby, 15
Chuzzlewit, 45, 53
Garden Court
Expectations, 39, 46
Chuzzlewit 45, 53
Paper Buildings
Barnaby, 15, 75
Two Cities, II, 5
King's Bench Walk
Two Cities, II, 5
Middle Temple
Clock, i
Hunted Down, 3
Temple Gardens
Barnaby, 15, 75
Holly Tree
Temple Stairs
Drood, 22
Expectations, 46
Whitefriars Gate
Expectations, 44
Bleak House, 27
Mutual, I, 12
Goldsmiths' Buildings
Mutual, I, 8
Temple Church
Mutual, I, 8, 12
Pump Court
Chuzzlewit 39, 40
Inner Temple Gate
Mutual, III, 10, n
NEXT to the Strand and Fleet Street, Holborn may
justly claim to be the thoroughfare that is most
replete with Dickens memories. But a greater
change has come over the face of Holborn than over
the other two great arteries ; not only at the begin-
ning and the end, Kingsway and Newgate, but also
in the centre, and indeed almost all the way along.
And in writing of the district of Bloomsbury and
of, the great historic thoroughfare called Holborn,
memories at once surround us of that part of Blooms-
bury Wdiich housed the immortal Mrs. Gamp, and
which was cleared away in 1905 when Kingsway
was planned ; of the " Black Bull " in Holborn,
where ship and Betsey Prig nursed " turn and turn
about/' swallowed up by Carnage's premises in
about 1^/04 i f Furnival's Inn, the birthplace of
PickwicM, now covered by the offices of the Pru-
dential/Assurance Company; of Snow Hill a
name (only of the Saracen's Head whose memory
is recorded of Field Lane, happily gone, of Holborn
Fill, now spanned by a viaduct, and of Newgate
Prison on the site of the present Sessions House
at the corner of Newgate Street and Old Bailey.
But however dear memories may be there are
fortunately preserved to us some few relics of the
buildings that Dickens knew, on which we can feast
our eyes in this journey of about one mile ; and a
few detours into the Inns Gray's Inn and Staple
Inn (Route One), and perhaps some other place or
two a little off the route, will enable us to pass a
short morning in this enchanted land of dreams and
The junction of Hart Street with High Holborn
is our starting point, on the edge of the Bloomsbury
district, which figured in the early sketch by Boz
entitled The Bloomsbury Christening, the Kitterbells
living in Great Russell Street, and the christening
taking place at St. George's Church in Hart Street.
Bloomsbury Square, which we pass on the left
of Hart Street, is dealt with in Route Nine. Oppo-
site is Southampton Street, whither came Mr. Grew-
gious to look for a lodging for Rosa Bud.
Mr. Grewgious's idea of looking at a furnished
lodging was to get on the opposite side of the
street to a house with a suitable bill in the window,
and stare at it ; and then work his way tortuously
to the back of the house, and stare at that ; and
then not go in, but make similar trials of another
house, with the same result.
Their progress in this direction was naturally
slow, but :
At length he bethought himself of a widowed
cousin, divers times removed, of Mr. Bazzard's,
who had once solicited his influence in the lodger
world, and who lived in Southampton Street,
Bloomsbury Square. This lady's name, stated
in uncompromising capitals of considerable size
on a brass door-plate, and yet not lucidly as to
sex or condition, was Billickin.
As to the Billickin's terms, they are put on record
in this inimitable fashion :
" Five-and-forty shillings per week by the
month certain at the time of year," said Mrs.
Billickin, " is only reasonable to both parties.
It is not Bond Street nor yet St. James's Palace ;
but it is not pretended that it is. Neither is it
attempted to be denied for why should it ?
that the Arching leads to a mews. Mewses
must exist. Respecting attendance : two is
kep', at liberal wages. Words has arisen as to
tradesmen, but dirty shoes on fresh hearth-
stoning was attributable, and no wish for a
commission on your orders. Coals is either by
the fire, or per the scuttle." She emphasized
the prepositions as marking a subtle but immense
difference. " Dogs is not viewed with favioun
Besides litter, they gets stole, and sharing sus-
picions is apt to creep in, and unpleasantness
takes place."
The house in question was probably No. 20, next
to the " Arching " leading to what was once a mews.
The School of Arts and Crafts at the corner of
Southampton Row and Theobald's Road covers the
site of Kingsgate Street, where Mrs, Gamp lived
over Poll Sweedlepipe's shaving establishment.
Her name . . . was Gamp ; her residence in
Kingsgate Street, High Holborn. . . . This
lady lodged at a bird-fancier's, next door but one
to the celebrated mutton-pie shop, and directly
opposite to the original cat's meat warehouse ;
the renown of which establishments was duly
heralded on their respective fronts. It was a
little house, and this was the more convenient ;
for Mrs. Gamp being, in her highest walk of art,
a monthly nurse, or, as her sign-board boldly
had it, " Midwife," and lodging in the first-floor
front, was easily assailable at night by pebbles,
walking-sticks, and fragments of tobacco pipe ;
all much more efficacious than the street-door
knocker, which was so constructed as to wake the
street with ease, and even spread alarms of fire
in Holborn, without making the smallest im-
pression on the premises to which it was
Behind the School of Arts and Crafts is Red Lion
Square, mentioned in Gone Astray.
Entering High Holborn from Southampton Row,
we turn to the left, and in a short distance notice a
narrow turning on the right called Great Turnstile,
and a Little Turnstile further along. Both lead
into Lincoln's Inn Fields (see Route One) and remind
us, as Mr. Snagsby in Bleak House used to tell his
two apprentices, that " a brook once ran down
Holborn, when Turnstile really was a turnstile
leading slap away into the meadows/' Further
along on the right we reach Chancery Lane and
nearly opposite is the archway leading to Gray's Inn.
Both these places are visited by Route One. Just
beyond Gray's Inn Road is " the ancient part of
Holborn " behind which is Staple Inn (Route One).
Next to it is Furnival Street, formerly Castle Street,
where Traddles lodged "up behind the parapet of a
Next we reach on the same side Mercers'
School in the old Barnard's Inn, brought very much
up to date. Here Pip had chambers on first coming
to London in preparation for his great expectations.
Not knowing what sort of a place Barnard's Inn was,
he was not a little surprised.
I supposed -that establishment to be an hotel
kept by Mr. Barnard, to which the Blue Boar
in our town was a mere public-house. Whereas
I now found Barnard to be a disembodied spirit
or a fiction, and his Inn the dingiest collection
of shabby buildings ever squeezed together in a
rank corner as a club for tom-cats. . . .
I was content to take a foggy view of the Inn
through the windows' encrusting dirt, and to
stand dolefully looking out, saying to myself
that London was decidedly overrated.
Adjoining Barnard's Inn were the premises of
Thomas Langdale, a distiller, the destruction of
whose premises by the rioters is graphically de-
scribed in Chapter 68 of Barnaby Rudge. The side
entrance by which the distiller and Mr. Hare
dale entered and left the premises was in Fetter
On the opposite side of Holborn is a pile of red
brick buildings occupied by the Prudential Assurance
Company. This covers the site of Furnival's Inn,
where Dickens had chambers from 1834 unt ^ J 837,
when he went to live at No. 48 Doughty Street.
A tablet in the court-yard marks the site of
the chambers he occupied, and a bust of Dickens
by Mr. Percy Fitzgerald adorns the wall on the left
as we enter.
This is how Dickens describes the origin of
Pickwick in the preface to that book :
When I opened my door in Furnival's Inn to
the partner who represented the firm, I recognised
in him the person from whose hands I had bought,
two or three years previously, and whom I had
never seen before or since, my first copy of the
magazine in which my first effusion a paper in
the " Sketches," called Mr. Minns and his
Cousin dropped stealthily one evening at twi-
light, with fear and trembling, into a dark
letter-box, in a dark office, up a dark court in
Fleet Street appeared in all the glory of print ;
on which occasion I walked down to Westminster
Hall, and turned into it for half an hour, because
my eyes were so dimmed with joy and pride that
they could not bear the street, and were not fit
to be seen there. I told my visitor of the
coincidence, which we both hailed as a good
omen ; and so fell to business.
John Westlock, in Martin Chuzzlewit, also lived
in Furnival's Inn, and we are told :
There are snug chambers in those Inns where
the bachelors live, and, for the desolate fellows
they pretend to be, it is quite surprising how well
they get on. ... There is little enough to see
in Furnival's Inn. It is a shady, quiet place,
echoing to the footsteps of the stragglers who have
business there ; and rather monotonous and
gloomy on summer evenings.
The hotel that stood within the Inn (Wood's
Hotel) was patronised by Mr. Grewgious for his
meals, and from here to Staple Inn came that
amusing creation, the " flying waiter/ 1
Here, too, did Mr. Grewgious find accommodation
for Rosa.
Mr. Grewgious ... led her by the hand
. . . across Holborn, and into Furnival's Inn.
At the hotel door he confided her to the Unlimited
head chambermaid. . . . Rosa's room was airy,
clean, comfortable, almost gay . . . and Rosa
tripped down the great many stairs again, to
thank her guardian for his thoughtful and affec-
tionate care of her. ..." You may be sure
that the stairs are fireproof/' said Mr. Grewgious,
" and that any outbreak of the devouring
element would be perceived and suppressed by
the watchmen/'
Rosa replied she did not mean that, but re-
ferred to Jasper.
" There is a stout gate of iron bars to keep
him out," said Mr. Grewgious, " and Furnival's
is fire-proof, and specially watched and lighted,
and / live over the way."
Beyond the Prudential buildings is Carnage's, the
lower end of whose premises covers the site of the
" Black Bull " in Holborn, where Mrs. Gamp and
Betsey Prig nursed Mr. Lewsome, as described in
Martin Chuzzlewit.
A little further on and we are in Holborn Circus,
where five important roads converge.
Ahead is Holborn Viaduct, completed in 1869,
across the hills which made this road so notorious
in the coaching days.
We can, in our imagination, see Job Trotter,
" abating nothing of his speed," running up Holborn
Hill to Mr. Perker's at Gray's Inn ; we can see
Wemmick, with his " such a post-office of a mouth,"
walking here with Pip, who, we are told, had got
to the top of Holborn Hill before he " knew that it
was merely a mechanical appearance, and that he
was not smiling at all." We can see Oliver Twist
trudging along here in company with Sikes en route
for " the Chertsey crib," looking up at the clock of
St. Andrew's Church, now half-hidden by the
Viaduct, and being told it was " hard upon seven !
You must step out." This same church and clock
are referred to in David Copperfield, when the hero
of that story was a full quarter of an hour late by
that clock in mustering up sufficient courage " to
pull the private bell handle let into the left-hand
door-post of Mr. Waterbrook's house " to see Agnes,
after his night of dissipation. Mr. Waterbrook's
house was in Ely Place, Holborn, a turning on the
left of Charterhouse Street, which branches half-left
from the Circus.
St. Andrew's Street is on the right of Holborn
Circus and the first turning on the right is Thavies'
Inn, renowned for its association with Mrs. Jellyby.
It was " no distance " from Kenge & Carboy's,
said Mr. Guppy, "round in Thavies' Inn, you know."
Esther did not know, so Guppy explained :
Only round the corner. We just twist up
Chancery Lane, and cut along Holborn, and there
we are in four minutes' time as near as a toucher.
So they went out into the " London particular " of
a fog and soon
We all ... turned up under an archway
to our destination, a narrow street of high
houses, like an oblong cistern to hold the fog.
There was a confused little crowd of people,
principally children, gathered about the house
at which we stopped, which had a tarnished
brass plate on the door, with the inscription,
Jellyby. " Don't be frightened ! " said Mr.
Guppy, looking in at the coach window. " One
of the young Jellyby's been and got his head
through the area railings ! "
There sure enough we can see the houses with the
area railings an uncommon sight in this part of
London. Esther went to the rescue of the poor
child, who was one of the dirtiest little unfortunates
she ever saw.
I ... found him very hot and frightened,
and crying loudly, fixed by the neck between
two iron railings, while a milkman and a beadle,
with the kindest intentions possible, were en-
deavouring to drag him back by the legs, under a
general impression that his skull was compressible
by those means.
Returning again to Holborn Circus we cross it
and proceed along Hatton Garden. At the far end
is Clerkenwell (see Route One).
Turning into Charles Street on the right, we find
on the right all that is left of the Bleeding Heart
Yard of Little Donit, where the Plornish family
As if the aspiring city had become puffed up
in the very ground on which it stood, the ground
had so risen about Bleeding Heart Yard that
you got into it down a flight of steps . . . and
got out of it by a low gate-way into a maze of
shabby streets. ... At this end of the yard
and over the gate-way was the factory of Daniel
The position of the yard is certainly changed
to-day, but the above description is interesting.
The next turning on the left is Little Saffron Hill.
This continues on the right of Charles Street as
Great Saffron Hill, along which our way lies into
Charterhouse Street.
Along Saffron Hill from Clerkenwell came Oliver
Twist with the Artful Dodger, on his first visit to
From the Angel into St. John's Road . . .
through Exmouth Street . . . thence into
Little Saffron Hill and so into Saffron Hill the
great. . . . When they reached the bottom of
the hill his conductor . . . pushed open the
door of a house near Field Lane.
Field Lane, and with it Fagin's house, was swept
away when Holborn Viaduct was built. Charter-
house Street at the end of Saffron Hill cut through it,
and it extended right into Holborn. The block of
buildings to the left of Shoe Lane marks the site.
Near to that spot on which Snow Hill and
Holborn Hill meet, there opens, upon the right
hand as you come out of the City, a narrow and
dismal alley leading to Saffron Hill. . . . Con-
fined as the limits of Field Lane are, it has its
barber, its coffee-shop, its beer-shop, and its
fried-fish warehouse. It is a commercial colony
of itself the emporium of petty larceny ;
visited at early morning, and setting-in of dusk,
by silent merchants, who traffic in dark back-
parlours, and who go as strangely as they
In Little Saffron Hill was " The Three Cripples, 11
the house of call of Bill Sikes and Fagin, "a low
public-house situate in the filthiest part of Little
Saffron Hill ; a dark and gloomy den, where a
flaring gas-light burnt all day."
Phil Squod in Bleak House tell us how he took on
a travelling tinker's beat in this district :
It wasn't much of a beat, round Saffron Hill,
Hat ton Garden, Clerkenwell, Smiffield and
there poor ^neighbourhood, where they uses up
the kettles till they're past mending.
Reaching Charterhouse Street we turn left into
Smithfield, crossing Farringdon Road. The old
market, with its open pens, was discontinued in
1855, and the new building covering the site opened
in 1868. It was quite a different place wjien Oliver
Twist crossed it with Bill Sikes after he had been
captured for the second time. " It was Smithfield
they were crossing/' we read, " although it might
have been Grosvenor Square for anything Oliver
knew to the contrary/' and when he again crossed it
en route for the Chertsey burglary it was market
morning, and " the ground was covered nearly
ankle deep with filth and mire." They crossed the
market and went " through Hosier Lane into Hoi-
Smithfield Market is also referred to in Barnaby
Rudge :
While Newgate was burning . . . Barnaby
and his father having passed among the crowd
from hand to hand, stood in Smithfield, on the
outskirts of the mob, gazing at the flames like
men who had been suddenly aroused from
sleep. . . .
In a corner of the market, among the pens for
cattle, Barnaby knelt down, and, pausing every
now and then to pass his hand over his father's
face, or look up to him with a smile, knocked off
his irons.
In Little Donit we read of Clennam and Doyce
crossing Smithfield together but there is no de-
scription of the market. These two parted at
Barbican and Clennam walked on alone down Alders-
gate to St. Paul's, when he met John Baptist, who
had been knocked down by a mail-coach and was
being conveyed to St. Bartholomew's Hospital.
Later, in Great Expectations, it still kept its old
traditions, for Pip discovered it as a " shameful
place being all asmear with filth and fat and blood
and foam."
Regaining Farringdon Street, we turn to the left ;
the first on the left is Snow Hill, which leads to
Holborn, on reaching which we turn to the left.
The Saracen's Head Inn, where Squeers had his
head-quarters, was three doors from St. Sepulchre's
Church, and was demolished in 1868. A new inn
was erected at the foot of the hill and is now
occupied by a warehouse and factory. The follow-
ing is a description of the old inn from Nicholas
Nickleby :
Near to the jail, and by consequence near to
Smithfield also, and the Compter, and the bustle
and noise of the city ; and just on that particular
part of Snow Hill where omnibus horses going
eastward seriously think of falling down on
purpose ; and where horses in hackney cabriolets
going westward not unfrequently fall by accident,
is the coach-yard of the Saracen's Head Inn ;
its portals guarded by two Saracens' heads and
shoulders, which it was once the pride and glory
of the choice spirits of this metropolis to pull
down at night. . . . The inn itself, garnished
with another Saracen's head, frowns upon you
from the top of the yard.
As the building is to-day, a bust of Dickens adorns
the door-way with plaques of scenes from Nicholas
Nickleby connected with the older building, on
either side.
Close by are Cock Lane and Hosier Lane, both
mentioned in the novels.
Between Snow Hill and Giltspur Street is St.
Sepulchre's Church, the clock of which heralded the
death of many a prisoner awaiting his end at
Newgate opposite. In Barnaby Rudge we read,
" The concourse waited with an impatience which
increased with every chime of St. Sepulchre's
The Sessions House now occupies the site of New-
gate Prison. Writing of it in Barndby Rudge,
Dickens refers to it as " then a new building, re-
cently completed at a vast expense, and considered
to be of enormous strength." To him it had a
peculiar fascination, and several times he wrote
of it in the Sketches by Boz, in one of which we read :
We shall never forget the mingled feelings of
awe and respect with which we used to gaze
at the exterior of Newgate in our schoolboy days.
How dreadful its rough heavy walls, and low
massive doors, appeared to us ... then the
fetters over the debtors' doors, which we used
to think were a bona fide set of irons, just hung
up there, for convenience' sake, ready to be taken
down at a moment's notice. . . . Often have
we strayed here, in sessions time, to catch a
glimpse of the whipping place, and that dark
building on one side of the yard in which is kept
the gibbet with all its dreadful apparatus.
Although Newgate has its principal associations
in Barnaby Rudge, Oliver Twist, and Great Expecta-
tions, one of the best descriptions of it is given in
Nicholas Nickleby :
There, at the very core of London, in the
heart of its business and animation, in the
midst of a whirl of noise and motion, stem-
ming as it were the giant currents of life that
flow unceasingly on from different quarters and
meet beneath its walls, stands Newgate ; and,
in that crowded street on which it frowns so
darkly, scores of human beings, amidst a roar of
sounds to which even the tumult of a great
city is as nothing, four, six, or eight strong men
at a time have been hurried violently and swiftly
from the world, when the scene has been rendered
frightful with excess of human life ; when curious
eyes have glared from casement and house-top,
and wall and pillar ; and when, in the mass of
white and upturned faces, the dying wretch, in
his all-comprehensive look of agony, has met
not one not one that bore the impress of pity
or compassion.
The account of the burning of Newgate by the
Gordon Rioters in Barnaby Rudge is a remarkable
piece of writing. Lord George Gordon died in a
cell in Newgate Prison some years after the famous
riots but not on account of them.
The Central Criminal Court in the Old Bailey
adjoining Newgate Prison was the scene of some
stirring events in the novels of Dickens : Fagin's trial
in Oliver Twist, the trial of the returned convict,
Magwitch, in Great Expectations, and the very
memorable trial in A Tale of Two Cities, when
Sydney Carton rendered such yeoman service to
Charles Darnay. Of the street which gave the
Court its name, Dickens writes in this book :
The Old Bailey was famous as a kind of deadly
inn-yard, from which pale travellers set out
continually, in carts and coaches, on a violent
passage into the other world.
Kit, too, "honest Kit/' in The Old Curiosity
Shop, suffered trial at the Old Bailey, and was con-
fined in the cells there until released by the assistance
of Dick Swivel] er.
Newgate Street itself is often mentioned by
Dickens, the most memorable occasion being in
Pickwick, when in walking along this thoroughfare
Sam Weller remarked to Mr. Pickwick on the date
fixed for the trial being the I4th of February,
" Remarkable coincidence. . . . Walentine's day,
sir, reg'lar good day for a breach o* promise trial
that." He then drew Mr. Pickwick's attention to
a " wery nice pork-pie shop . . . celebrated sas-
sage factory," he explained, and told the diverting
history of the man owning the shop, who was made
into sausages in his own " patent never leavin' off
sassage steam-ingin."
Our way now lies along Giltspur Street, in which
the Compter mentioned on page 46 used to stand,
close to St. Sepulchre's Church. It was a debtors'
prison and was demolished in 1855.
This leads to St. Bartholomew's Hospital, re-
ferred to above, where Jack Hopkins (in Pickwick)
was a student and Slasher the wonderful operator,
and where the boy who swallowed the necklace was
" wrapped in a watchman's jacket for fear of waking
the patients."
Mrs. Betsey Prig was described as " of Barthemy's ;
or as some said Barklemy's, or as some said Bara-
lemy's ; for by all these endearing and familiar
appellations had the hospital become a household
Keeping the hospital on our right we presently
find St. Bartholomew's Church facing us, when we
turn to the right, passing Bartholomew Close on our
left, and so into Little Britain, which bears round to
the left into Aldersgate Street.
Mr. Jaggers had written on his card that his
address was Little Britain, " just out of Smith-
field, and close by the coach office," and, while
waiting for the lawyer, Pip had been advised
to go round the corner and take a turn in the
air at Smithfield, but, finding it a shameful place
and seeing " the great black dome of Saint Paul's
bulging " at him from " behind a grim stone building,
which a bystander said was Newgate Prison," went
into the prison yard and saw the gallows and whip-
ping post and the " Debtors' Door, out of which
culprits came to be hanged."
Returning, he " made the tour of Little Britain
and turned into Bartholomew Close/' and at length
as he was " looking out at the iron gate of Bartholo-
mew Close " he saw Mr. Jaggers coming towards
him. Little Britain was described by Pip as " a
gloomy street," and Mr. Jaggers's room as " lighted
by a skylight only and a most dismal place ; the sky-
light eccentrically patched like a broken head, and
the distorted adjoining houses looking as if they had
twisted themselves to peep down at me through
On reaching Aldersgate Street we find across the
road to the right the site of the Albion Hotel, where
Dickens entertained his friends in 1839 to celebrate
the completion of Nicholas Nickleby*
In "a hybrid hotel in a little square behind
Aldersgate Street, near the General Post Office,"
John Jasper stayed when in London. It is said to
have been the Falcon Hotel, formerly in Falcon
Square, on the right.
Hereabouts, too, the firm of Chuzzlewit must have
been situated :
The old-established firm of Anthony Chuzzle-
wit & Son, Manchester Warehousemen, and
so forth, had its place of business in a very narrow
street somewhere behind the Post Office ; where
every house was in the brightest summer morn-
ing very gloomy ; and where light porters
watered the pavement, each before his own em-
ployer's premises, in fantastic patterns, in the
dog-days ; and where spruce gentlemen, with
their hands in the pockets of symmetrical
trousers, were always to be seen in warm weather,
contemplating their undeniable boots in dusty
warehouse door-ways ; which appeared to be the
hardest work they did, except now and then
carrying pens behind their ears. A dim, dirty,
smoky, tumble-down, rotten old house it was
as anybody would desire to see ; but there the
firm of Anthony Chuzzlewit & Son transacted
all their business, and their pleasure too, such as
it was ; for neither the young man nor the old
had any other residence, or any care or thought
beyond its narrow limits.
Turning towards St. Paul's Cathedral (Route
Thirteen), we have the site of the old Post Office build-
ings on the left, and the new buildings on the right
occupying the site of the Bull and Mouth Inn, which
must have been the halting place of the " North
country mail-coach . . . hard by the Post Office,"
which brought John Browdie to London with his
bride. " A Poast Office ! " he exclaimed. " Wa'at
dost thee think o' that ? Ecod, if that's on'y a
Poast Office, I'd loike to see where the Lord Mayor o'
Lunnon lives ! "
This portion of the street being called St. Martin' s-
le-Grand recalls that from the coach-stand here
Mr. Pickwick took the " bob's vorth " to the Golden
Cross at Charing Cross.
From the General Post Office we turn to the left
into Cheapside.
Along Cheapside rode Lord George Gordon, and,
later, Mr. Carker on his bay horse.
Mr. Mould, the undertaker, in Martin Chuzzlewit,
lived hereabouts :
Deep in the city and within the ward of Cheap
stood Mr. Mould's establishment . . . abutting
on a churchyard small and shady. . . .
His premises were in a quiet corner, we are told,
" where the city strife became a drowsy hum . , .
suggesting to the thoughtful mind a stoppage in
In Wood Street on the left formerly stood the
Cross Keys Inn, at which Dickens himself arrived
as a boy from Chatham on the family coming to
Through all the years that have passed since,
have I ever lost the smell of the damp straw in
which I was packed like game and forwarded
carriage paid to the Cross Keys, Wood Street,
Cheapside, London ?
Here naturally, coming also from Rochester, Pip
arrived, and later he met Estella here when the waiter
on being asked for a private sitting-room led them
" to the black hole of the establishment."
On the left of Wood Street we find Huggin Lane ;
there is another Huggin Lane off Queen Victoria
Street, and either one might have stood for what
was probably the birthplace of The Pickwick Papers ;
for in the advertisement, undoubtedly drawn up by
Dickens himself, we are referred to " The Pickwick
Club, so renowned in the annals of Huggin Lane/'
The continuation of Cheapside to the Bank, past
King Street (on the left is the Guildhall see Route
Three) is called Poultry ; a description of the
firing on the rioters here is given in Barnaby
Grocers' Hall Court on the left is said to be the
place to which Sam Weller, whose " knowledge of
London was extensive and peculiar," directed Mr.
Pickwick for " a glass of brandy and water warm."
Mr. Pickwick had crossed opposite the Mansion
House and was proceeding up Cheapside when
Sam replied, " Second court on the right-hand side
last house but vun on the same side the vay take
the box as stands in the first fire-place, 'cos there
ain't no leg in the middle o' the table, vich all the
others has, and it's wery inconwenient."
Authorities differ as to the exact court ; some say
Honey Court, others Freeman's Court, both in Cheap-
side. It all depends, of course, where Mr. Pickwick
was when Sam gave the direction !
We now arrive at the famous centre named the
Bank. On the left is the Bank of England, on the
right the Mansion House, and opposite us the Royal
" If you please, is this the city ? " enquired
little Florence Dombey.
" We . . . men of business. We (who) belong
to the city," to quote old Sol Gills in the same book,
say " yes " most emphatically, as anything west
of St. Paul's is not quite of the city from real busi-
ness point of view, the city proper having its centre
in the Bank, and being bounded on the west by
St. Paul's and on the east by Aldgate Pump.
" Something in the city " must have had a peculiar
fascination for Dickens, seeing the continual refer-
ence he made to city life. It was Bob Sawyer who
explained to Mrs. Raddle how it was he was unable
to pay her little bill. "I'm very sorry . . . but
the fact is that I have been disappointed in the city
to-day" "Extra-ordinary place that city. An
astonishing number of men always are getting
disappointed there."
" Every morning, with an air ever new," Herbert
Pocket, in Great Expectations, " went into the city
to look about him. ... I asked him in the course
of conversation what he was ? He replied, * A
capitalist an insurer of ships ... in the city.' "
Mr. Tibbs whose wife kept the boarding-house
described in Sketches by Boz " always went out at
ten o'clock in the morning and returned at five in
the afternoon, with an exceedingly dirty face, and
smelling mouldy. Nobody knew what he was or
where he went, but Mrs. Tibbs used to say, with an
air of great importance, that he was engaged in the
Nadgett, in Martin Chuzzlewit, " was always
keeping appointments in the city, and the other man
never seemed to come."
On the right is the Mansion House, where, to quote
from A Christmas Carol, " the Lord Mayor, in the
stronghold of the mighty Mansion House, gave orders
to his fifty cooks and butlers to keep Christmas as
a Lord Mayor's household should." In Gone Astray
we read, " There was dinner preparing at the Man-
sion House, and when I peeped in at the grated
kitchen window . . my heart began to beat
with hope that the Lord Mayor . . . would look
out of an upper apartment and direct me to be taken
The Bank of England recalls the visit of the elder
Weller with Sam to cash the money the former
received under Mrs. Weller's will, when some
amusing references were made to " reduced coun-
That Dickens was familiar with this portion of
the city, the following from The Uncommercial
Traveller will show :
To walk on to the Bank, lamenting the good
old times and bemoaning the present evil period,
would be an easy next step, so I would take it,
and would make my houseless circuit of the Bank,
and give a thought to the treasure within ;
likewise to the guard of soldiers passing the night
there, and nodding over the fire.
Bella Wilf er, too, we read, ' ' thought, as she glanced
at the mighty Bank, how agreeable it would be to
have an hour's gardening there, with a bright copper
The Royal Exchange finds frequent reference in
Dickens. In Sketches by Boz we read, " We never
went on 'Change, by any chance, without seeing
some shabby genteel men, and we have wondered
what earthly business they can have there." A
similar experience was that of Pip, who said : " I
went on 'Change and I saw fluey men sitting there
. . . whom I took to be great merchants, though
I couldn't understand why they should all be out
of spirits." Herbert, too, in the same book, Great
Expectations, " when he felt his case unusually
serious . . . would go on 'ChangS at a busy time
and walk in and out, in a kind of gloomy country
dance figure, among the assembled magnates."
Quilp " made appointments on 'Change with men
in glazed hats and round jackets pretty well every
day " and Scrooge, Flintwinch and Mr. Dombey
were regular frequenters there.
In Gone Astray Dickens as a child describes find-
ing himself on 'Change and seeing " the shabby
people sitting under the placards about ships "
and coming to the conclusion that " they were
misers, who had embarked all their wealth to go and
buy gold dust or something of that sort and were
waiting for their respective captains to come and
tell them that they were ready to set sail/'
Mr. Toots, we are told, not bearing to contemplate
the bliss of Walter Gay and Florence Dombey,
explained to Captain Cuttle that he might possibly
be under the necessity of leaving the company
assembled at The Little Wooden Midshipman,
" to see what o'clock it is by the Royal Exchange."
Southampton Street
Drood, 22
Red Lion Square
Gone Astray
Kingsgate Street (site)
Chuzzlewit, 19, 38
Bleak House, 10
Chancery Lane
See Route i
Bleak House, 4, 10
Dorrit, I, 14, 13
Chuzzlewit, 13, 19.
Barnaby, 66, 67
Drood, ii
Twist, 21
Sketches, Scenes, 7
Furnival Street (late Castle Street)
Copperfield, 36
Furnival's Inn (site)
Pickwick Preface
Chuzzlewit, 36, 37, 45, 53
Drood, n, 20
Sketches, Christening
Barnard's Inn
Expectations, 20
Uncommercial, 14
Langdale's Distillery (site)
Barnaby, 61, 66-8
Fetter Lane
Barnaby, 66
Sketches, Characters, 9
Twist, 26
Bull Inn (site)
Chuzzlewit, 25
Holborn Viaduct (crossing Hol-
born Hill)
Pickwick, 47
Expectations, 21
Chuzzlewit, 26
Sketches, Dancing
Barnaby, 67, 61, 66
Bleak House, i
St. Andrew's Church
Twist, 21
Copperfield, 25
Bleak House, 10
Reprinted, Bill-sticking
Ely Place
Copperfield, 25
Thavies' Inn
Bleak House, 4, 5, 9
Bleeding Heart Yard
Dorrit, I., 9, 10, 12
Saffron Hill
Twist, 8, 15, 26
Bleak House, 26
Field Lane (site)
Twist, 8, 26
Barnaby, 37, 68
Uncommercial, 34
Expectations, 20, 51
Nickleby, 5, 4
Twist, 16, 21, 42
Dorrit, I, 13
Snow Hill
Barnaby, 67
Nickleby, 3, 4, 42
Domt, I, 13
Twist, 26
Saracen's Head (rebuilt)
Nickleby, 3, 4, 39, 42
Cock Lane
Nickleby, 49
Two Cities, I, i
Hosier Lane
Twist, 21
St. Sepulchre's Church
Twist, 15, 52
Nickleby, 4
Uncommercial, 13
Barnaby, 64
Giltspur Street
Expectations, 51
The Compter (site)
Nickleby, 4
Newgate (site)
Twist, 52, ii
Barnaby, 61, 63, 64, 66, 67, 58
Curiosity, 63
Nickleby, 4, 38
Expectations, 20, 32, 33
Two Cities, II, 2
Sketches, Newgate
,, Criminal Courts
Bleak House, 26
Ur commercial, 34, 13
Old Bailey
Pickwick, 33
Twist, 52
Barnaby, 39
Chuzzlewit, 9
Curiosity, 63
Uncommercial, 34
Two Cities, II, 2
Nickleby, 26
Expectations, 56
Newgate Market (site)
Bleak House, 5
Newgate Street
Pickwick, 31
Barnaby, 64, 67
Nickleby, 26
Expectations, 33
St. Bartholomew's Hospital
Pickwick, 32
Chuzzlewit, 49, 25
Dorrit, I, 13
Reprinted, Detective
Little Britain
Expectations, 20
Bartholomew Close
Expectations, 20
Albion, Aldersgate Street (site)
Aldersgate Street
Miscel. : Lively Turtle
Dorrit, I, 13
Drood, 23
Chuzzlewit, n
St. Martin's-le-Grand
Pickwick, 2
General Post Office
Nickleby, 39
Drood, 23
Chuzzlewit, n
Twist, 26
Dorrit II, 8
Bull and Mouth (site)
Pickwick, 10
Nickleby, 39
St. Paul's Cathedral
See Route 13
Pickwick, 20, 31
Nickleby, 26, 37
Mutual, I, 4, III. i
Barnaby, 37, 67
Expectations, 48, 20
Chuzzlewit, 25
Dombey, 13, 22
Sketches : Christening
Dorrit, I, 3
Uncommercial, 12
Wood Street. Site of The Cross
Keys Inn
Expectations, 20, 2?, 33
Sketches, Scenes, 16
Uncommercial, 12
Dorrit, I, 13
Huggin Lane
Pickwick Advt.
Lad Lane
Dorrit, I, 13
Bow Church
Dombey, 4
Sketches, Thoughts
Barnaby. 67
Grocers' Hall Court
Pickwick, 20
Mansion House
Pickwick, 20, 33
Barnaby, 61
Gone Astray
Sketches: Scenes, 17
Bank of England
Pickwick, 55
Nickleby, 35
Uncommercial, 13, 9
Sketches, Bloomsbury
Barnaby, 67
Chuzzlewit, 37
Mutual, III, i
Dombey, 4, 13
Dorrit, I, 26
Dr. Marigold
Royal Exchange
Sketches, Shabby Genteel
,, Sparkins
Nickleby, 41
Dombey, 5, 56
Expectations, 22
Chuzzlewit, 36, 27, 8
Dorrit, I, 29
Gone Astray
Barnaby, 67
Golden Mary
TRUE to the popular song of his time, Dickens in
his books takes us "up and down the City Road "
in company with Mr. Micawber and young David
Copperfield, with Polly Toodles, the Charitable
Grinder and little Florence Dombey ; also " in and
out the Eagle " with Miss Jemima Evans and her
friends. We will go in company with this glorious
The road from the Bank to Islington is a straight
one ; or as straight a one as can be expected to be
met with in London, and, although we shall make an
occasional diversion off the main road, we shall not
complete the journey by such a roundabout route
as that made by Tom Pinch when he first came to
London and was living in Islington :
Now Tom, in his guileless distrust of London,
thought himself very knowing in coming to the
determination that he would not ask to be directed*
to FurnivaTs Inn if he could help it ; unless,
indeed, he should happen to find himself near the
Mint, or the Bank of England ; in which case
he would step in, and ask a civil question or two,
confiding in the perfect respectability of the
concern. So on he went, looking up all the
streets he came near, and going up half of them ;
and thus, by dint of not being true to Goswell
Street, and filing off into Aldermanbury, and
bewildering himself in Barbican, and being con-
stant to the wrong point of the compass in London
Wall, and then getting himself crosswise into
Thames Street, by an instinct that would have
been marvellous if he had had the least desire
or reason to go there, he found himself at last
hard by the Monument.
From the Bank we proceed northward along
Princes Street, with the Bank of England on the
right. Lothbury mentioned below is on the right ;
on the left is that end of Gresham Street, formerly
known as Cateaton Street, and is thus referred
to in the original advertisement of Pickwick, un-
doubtedly drawn up by Dickens himself :
The Pickwick Club, so renowned in the annals
of Huggin Lane, so closely entwined with a
thousand interesting associations connected with
Lothbury and Cateaton Street, was founded in
the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-
two by Mr. Samuel Pickwick.
The third turning on the right of Gresham Street
leads to the Guildhall, whither the four Pickwickians
drove for the famous trial of Bardell v. Pickwick,
The Guildhall Court has been rebuilt since those
Of the Guildhall itself we read in Gone Astray :
I made up my little mind to seek my fortune.
. . . My plans . . . were first to go and see
the Giants in Guildhall. ... I found it a long
journey to the giants and a slow one. . . .
Being very tired I got into the corner under
Magog, to be out of the way of his eye, and fell
The following description of the City Giants, as
seen by John Toddyhigh, is taken from Master
Humphrey's Clock :
The statues of the two giants, Gog and Magog,
each above fourteen feet in height, those which
succeeded to still older and more barbarous
figures after the Great Fire of London, and which
stand in the Guildhall to this day, were endowed
with life and motion. These guardian genii of
the City had quitted their pedestals, and re-
clined in easy attitudes, in the great stained glass
window. Between them was an ancient cask,
which seemed to be full of wine ; for the younger
Giant, clapping his huge hand upon it, and throw-
ing up his mighty leg, burst into an exulting
laugh, which reverberated through the hall like
Lothbury leads into Throgmorton Street, on the
left of which is Austin Friars, which Tom Pinch
said sounded ghostly. Here was the office of Mr.
They got to Austin Friars, where, in a very
dark passage on the first floor, oddly situated
at the back of a house, across some leads, they
found a little blear-eyed glass door up in one
corner, with Mr. Fips painted on it in characters
which were meant to be transparent.
On the opposite side of Throgmorton Street is
the Stock Exchange, where, according to Dombey
and Son " a sporting taste (originating generally in
bets of new hats) is much in vogue."
In Pickwick we read :
They proceeded from the Bank to the gate
of the Stock Exchange, to which Wilkins Flasher,
Esquire, after a short absence, returned with a
cheque on Smith, Payne & Smith, for five
hundred and thirty pounds ; that being the sum
of money to which Mr. Weller, at the market
price of the day, was entitled, in consideration
of the balance of the second Mrs. Weller's
funded savings.
Returning to Lothbury, we turn to the right into
Moorgate Street. The second court on the left is
Great Bell Alley, formerly Bell Alley, which leads
into Coleman Street.
It is entirely rebuilt, but, in its continuation the
other side of Coleman Street, one can get a fair
idea of what the Alley was some eighty years ago.
" Namby, Bell Alley, Coleman Street/' was the
Sheriff's Officer, and to his house Mr. Pickwick was
taken prior to being put into the Fleet Prison.
Continuing along Moorgate Street we pass on the
left the street called London Wall marking the
course of the old wall of the city and enter into the
district of Finsbury. Arthur Clennam and Daniel
Doyce " shared a portion of a roomy house in one
of the grave old-fashioned city streets, lying not
far from the Bank of England, by London Wall."
To the right, between London Wall and as far
to the north as Old Street, were once Moorfields,
which was the scene of one of the exploits of the
rioters in Barnaby Rudge.
From about this point we can take a motor-bus
or tram-car to the Angel at Islington, and so save
what would be a rather tiring walk of nearly two
miles. Finsbury Square is passed on the right.
This square was built on part of Moorfields.
In the expedition of Oliver Twist and Bill Sikes
to Chertsey we read that, from the Bethnal Green
Road," turning down Sun Street and Crown Street
and crossing Finsbury Square, Mr. Sikes struck,
by the way of Chiswell Street, into Barbican, thence
into Long Lane and so into Smithfield."
Sun Street is a continuation of the south side of
Finsbury Square. Chiswell Street is directly on the
left and leads into Barbican, in which neighbourhood
was the meeting place of the Prentice Knights of
Barnaby Rudge, in an " ill-favoured pit . . . pro-
foundly dark and reeking with stagnant odours."
Long Lane is a continuation of Barbican, the fur-
ther side of Aldersgate Street.
For Smithfield, see Route Two.
Continuing past Finsbury Square, we arrive in
City Road. When writing The Old Curiosity Shop,
Dickens apparently got lost in this district, for he
wrote to Forster :
I intended calling on you this morning on my
way back from Bevis Marks, whither I went to
look at a house for Sampson Brass. But I got
mingled up in a kind of social paste with the Jews
of Houndsditch and roamed about among them
till I came out in Moorfields, quite unexpectedly.
So I got into a cab, and came home again, very
tired, by way of the City Road.
Little Paul Dombey, in charge of Polly Toodles
and Susan Nipper, wandered here from Camden
Town to meet the newly made " Charitable Grinder "
little Biler in his full charity dress ; and about
here Florence was stolen by " good Mrs. Brown."
The portion of Old Street on the right running
eastward was formerly known as Old Street Road.
Here Mrs. Guppy lived at No. 302. Said Mr.
Guppy to Esther in " Bleak House :
My mother has a little property, which takes
the form of a small life annuity ; upon which she
lives in an independent though unassuming
manner in the Old Street Road. She is emin-
ently calculated for a mother-in-law.
Further along City Road on the right, after passing
No. 221, is Shepherdess Walk, on the right of which,
almost at the corner stands a modern public-house,
the Eagle, on the site of the famous gardens of that
name. In Sketches by Boz is a story dealing with
the Eagle, entitled " Miss Evans and the Eagle."
On the opposite side formerly stood St. Luke's
When David came to live with the Micawbers in
Windsor Terrace, he tells us that the servant there
was " a dark-complexioned young woman, with a
habit of snorting ; and informed me, before half an
hour had expired, that she was ' a Orfling/ and
came from St. Luke's Workhouse, in the neigh-
The next street but one on the right is Windsor
" My address/ 1 said Mr. Micawber, " is Windsor
Terrace, City Road. I in short/' said Mr.
Micawber, with the same genteel air, and in
another burst of confidence " I live there/'
And sure enough here are houses, any one of which
might have been the house of Mr. Micawber, that
was " shabby like himself, but also, like himself,
making all the show it could."
" Under the impression," said Mr. Micawber,
" that your peregrinations in this metropolis
have not as yet been extensive, and that you
might have some difficulty in penetrating the
arcana of the Modern Babylon in the direction
of the City Road in short," said Mr. Micawber,
in another burst of confidence, " that you
might lose yourself I shall be happy to call
this evening, and instal you in the knowledge
of the nearest way."
Here David had a room " at the top of the house,
at the back . . . and very scantily furnished."
Here poor Mrs. Micawber, like the Mrs. Dickens in
real life, had tried to exert herself, and had covered
the centre of the street door with " a great brass-
plate, on which was engraved, ' Mrs. Micawber's
Boarding Establishment for Young Ladies': but,"
as David Copperfield continues to inform us, "I
never found that any young lady had ever been
to school there ; or that any young lady ever came,
or proposed to come ; or that the least preparation
was ever made to receive any young lady. The only
visitors I ever saw or heard of were creditors."
This was a sad household for the young boy of fiction,
a replica of the household Dickens had known at
Camden Town when a boy himself.
Mr. Micawber had a few books on a little
chiffonier, which he called the library ; and those
went first. I carried them, one after another,
to a bookstall in the City Road one part of
which, near our house, was almost all book-
stalls and bird-shops then and sold them for
whatever they would bring.
A row of shops similar to Dickens's description
stood in the City Road, opposite Windsor Terrace,
until a few years ago, when the present warehouses
were erected.
City Road now leads us straight to the Angel at
Islington. Those who are walking can turn to the
left at Sidney Street and then to the right along
Mr. Pickwick's portion of Goswell Road (Goswell
Street it was then called), and so up to the Angel,
where it joins City Road.
Mr. Samuel Pickwick . . . threw open his
chamber window, and looked out upon the world
beneath. Goswell Street was at his feet, Goswell
Street was on his right hand as far as the eye
could reach, Goswell Street extended on his
left ; and the opposite side of Goswell Street
was over the way. " Such/' thought Mr.
Pickwick, " are the narrow views of those philo-
sophers who, content with examining the things
that lie before them, look not to the truths
which are hidden beyond. As well might I
be content to gaze on Goswell Street for ever,
without one effort to penetrate to the hidden
countries which on every side surround it."
At the end of Goswell Road, just after its junction
with City Road, we arrive in Islington. The High
Street runs to the right, and St. John's Street to
the left. Straight ahead is Pentonville Road,
leading to King's Cross (Routes Four and Six).
Islington was a pleasant suburb in Dickens's
day, for we read in Sketches by Boz that " the early
clerk population of ... Islington and Pentonville
are fast directing their steps towards Chancery
Lane and the Inns of Court." It was the gate of
London for all the coaches coming from the north.
The coach conveying John Browdie and his bride in
their honeymoon trip to London is described as
traversing " with cheerful noise the yet silent streets
of Islington." And in Bleak House we read of
Inspector Bucket and Esther on their return from
their search for Lady Dedlock coming " at between
three and four o'clock in the morning into Islington.
. . . We stopped in a High Street where there was
a coach-stand."
When Joe Willet left London, " he went out by
Islington," and, in the same book, Barnaby and his
father, after escaping from Newgate, " made towards
Clerkenwell, and, passing thence to Islington as
the nearest point of egress, were quickly in the
fields." Bill Sikes, in his flight to Hatfield, also
" went through Islington."
Mr. Morfin, " a great musical amateur in his way
after business lived in Islington, and the first
lodgings let by Mrs. Lirriper were also in this
district ; which brings us to that delightful couple,
Tom Pinch and his sister Ruth, who were on the look-
out for lodgings.
" It ought to be a cheap neighbourhood,"
said Tom, " and not too far from London.
Let me see. Should you think Islington a good
place ? " "I should think it was an excellent
place, Tom." " It used to be called Merry
Islington once upon a time," said Tom. " Per-
haps it's merry now ; if so, it's all the better." . . .
After roaming up and down for hours, looking
at some scores of lodgings, they began to find it
rather fatiguing, especially as they saw none
which were at all adapted to their purpose.
At length, however, in a singular little old-
fashioned house, up a blind street, they dis-
covered two small bedrooms and a triangular
parlour, which promised to suit them well
What a regret it is that we have not yet been able
to discover that house with the triangular parlour
the hallowed spot where the famous pudding was
made !
The Peacock at Islington (a modern public-house
of that name is to be seen a few doors past the
Angel) was the first stopping place of the coach
that bore Nicholas away to the Yorkshire school,
and again we find it mentioned in The Holly Tree
as the inn from which the teller of the story started
off on his Christmas coach ride to the North. It
was a bitterly cold night, and, when he got to the
Peacock, he tells us, "I found everybody drinking
hot purl in self-preservation."
The modern building at the corner of Pentonville
Road and High Street replaces the older Angel
Tavern ; but the entrance of Oliver Twist into
London at this point loses nothing of its interest.
As Jack Dawkins objected to their entering
London before nightfall, it was nearly eleven
o'clock when they reached the turnpike at
Islington. They crossed from the Angel into
St. John's Road.
Mr. Brownlow lived in Pentonville, close by, and
when he rescued Oliver from the clutches of Fagin,
and likewise of Mr. Fang, the Hatton Garden
Magistrate, we read :
The coach rattled away . . . over nearly
the same ground as that which Oliver had
traversed when he first entered London . . .
turning a different way when it reached the
Angel at Islington,
Another set of Oliver Twist characters arrived at
the Angel at a still later date, Noah Claypole and
Charlotte, and their advent is described as follows :
Mr. Claypole went on, without halting, until
he arrived at the Angel, Islington, where he wisely
judged, from the crowd of passengers and num-
bers of vehicles, that London began in earnest.
... He crossed into St. John's Road, and was
soon deep in the obscurity of the intricate and
dirty ways which, lying between Gray's Inn
Lane and Smithfield, render that part of the town
one of the lowest and worst that improvement
has left in the midst of London.
The arrival of Oliver Twist in London, referred
to above, presents an interesting itinerary. He met
the Artful Dodger at Barnet, and the next we hear
of the pair is in Islington.
They crossed from the Angel into St. John's
Road, struck down the small street which
terminates at Sadler's Wells Theatre ; through
Exmouth Street and Coppice Row ; down the
little court by the side of the workhouse ;
across the classic ground which once bore the
name of Hockley-in-the-Hole ; thence into Little
Saffron Hill, and so into Saffron Hill the great.
As this is a link with the Saffron Hill district
referred to in Route One, it is interesting to trace
out here the above route, which, with the construc-
tion of Rosebery Avenue (running from St. John's
Street to the corner of Gray's Inn Road and Clerken-
well Road see Route One), has been greatly altered.
St. John's Street was formerly St. John's Street Road.
The first turning on the right is Arlington Street,
" the small street which terminates at Sadler's
Wells Theatre." This leads us to the back of
Sadler's Wells Theatre, an ancient building shorn
of all its former glory, and by turning round to the
left we get into Rosebery Avenue, by the side of the
reservoirs known as the New River Head, which has
an association with Uriah Keep.
" The 'ouse that I am stopping at a sort of
a private hotel and boarding-house, Master Cop-
perfield, near the New River 'Ed will have gone
to bed these two hours/'
From Sadler's Wells, the Artful Dodger's route
would lie across the road, down Garnault Place by
the side of the Town Hall, and then to the right
along Exmouth Street to Farringdon Road, formerly
Coppice Row. When Oliver was taken home to Mr.
Brownlow's at Pentonville, " the coach rattled away,
down Mount Pleasant and up Exmouth Street."
On the left of Exmouth Street is Spa Fields, of
which we read in The Old Curiosity Shop : "I
remember the time when old Maunders had in his
cottage in Spa Fields . . . eight male and female
dwarfs setting down to dinner every day, who was
waited on by eight old giants in green coats, red
smalls, blue cotton stockings and high-lows."
Reaching Farringdon Road, the Parcels Post
Office, on the right, at the corner of King's Cross
Road, is on the site of the old Clerkenwell Gaol.
Here runs off to the left Mount Pleasant, mentioned
above, and also in Bleak House, as the district in
which the Smallweed family resided.
In a rather ill-favoured and ill-savoured
neighbourhood, though one of its rising grounds
bears the name of Mount Pleasant, the elfin
Smallweed, christened Bartholomew, and known
on the domestic hearth as Bart, passes that
limited portion of his time on which the office
and its contingencies have no claim. He dwells
in a little narrow street, always solitary, shady,
and sad, closely bricked in on all sides like a
tomb, but where there yet lingers the stump of
an old forest tree, whose flavour is about as
fresh and natural as the Smallweed smack of
Coppice Row was cleared away in 1860 by the
making of Farringdon Road. " The little court by
the side of the workhouse " is Crawford Passage in
Farringdon Road on the right, opposite Bowling
Green Lane. Hockley-in-the-Hole has disappeared,
but Back Hill and Ray Street mark the site of this
once muddy bull-baiting ground.
Thence we could get straight into Little Saffron
Hill (Route One), but there is little of the Dickens
period left in these streets to-day.
Returning along Rosebery Avenue, and passing
the New River Head, and the front of Sadler's Wells
Theatre, we bear to the left and again reach the
Angel at Islington.
To the left is Pentonville Road, leading to King's
Cross (see Routes Four and Six).
Advt. to Pickwick
Gresham Street (formerly
Cateaton Street)
Alder manbury
Chuzzlewit, 37
Pickwick, 34
Gone Astray
King Street
Pickwick, 34
Austin Friars
Chuzzlewit, 39
Gone Astray
Broad Street
Curiosity, 58
Nickleby, 3 1
Stock Exchange
Pickwick, 55
Dpmbey, 13
Nickleby, 41
Bell Alley, Coleman Street
Pickwick, 40
London Wall
Chuzzlewit, 37
Dorrit, I, 26
Barnaby, 52, 66
Dorrit, I, 7
Nickleby, 16
Flnsbury Square
Twist, 21
Sun Street
Twist, 21
Chiswell Street
Twist, 21
Twist, 21
Dorrit, 13
Chuzzlewit, 37
Barnaby, 8
Long Lane
Twist, 21
Whltecross Street
Pickwick, 40
City Road
Copperfield, u
Dombey, 6
Sketches, Orator
Old Street (Road)
Bleak House, 9
Uncommercial, 4
The Eagle, City Road
Sketches, Miss Evans
St. Luke's Workhouse
Copperfield, n
Windsor Terrace
Copperfield, u
Goswell Road (Street)
Pickwick, 2, 12, 34
Chuzzlewit, 37
Sketches, Bloomsbury, Streets
Chuzzlewit, 36, 37
Bleak House, 54
Nickleby, 39
Barnaby, 68, 31
Dombey, 13
Twist, 8, 12, 42, 48
The Angel
Twist, 8, 12, 42
The Peacock
Nickleby, 5
Holly Tree
St. John's Street (Road)
Twist, 8
Arlington Street
Twist, 8
Sadler's Wells Theatre
Twist, 8
Sketches, Theatres
New River Head
Copperfield, 25
Barnaby, 67
Ex mouth Street
Twist, 12
Spa Fields
Curiosity, 19
Clerkenwell Gaol
Twist, 13
Mount Pleasant
Bleak House, 21
Twist, 12
Coppice Row
Crawford Passage
Saffron Hill
Twist, 8
THE Angel at Islington, no longer a tavern of the
old style, but an up-to-date tea shop, is one of the
best-known landmarks in London. We have already
described its Dickens associations in the last ramble.
To the north of the Angel runs Pentonville Road,
leading to King's Cross. Pentonville was quite a
fashionable suburb when Dickens wrote of it. Mr.
Brownlow lived in " a neat house in a quiet shady
street near Pentonville," and so did Mr. Panks,
" the fairy " of Little Dorrit. Mr. Micawber indited
at least two of his epistles from his " residence,
Pentonville, London/' and Mr. Nicodemus Dumps,
in The Bloomsbury Christening, " rented a first-
floor furnished at Pentonville," which " commanded
a dismal prospect of an adjacent churchyard/
Perhaps this was the churchyard on the right in
which Grimaldi the clown (whose memoirs Dickens
edited) lies buried. He lived at No. 37 Penton
Street, a turning on the right. In Penton Street
formerly stood White Conduit House, to which
Dickens makes one or two references.
In Penton Place, on the left of Pentonville Road,
at No. 87, lived Mr. Guppy. " It is lowly," he ex-
plained, in declaring his love to Esther, in Bleak
House, " but airy ; open at the back, and considered
one of the 'ealthiest outlets/'
In Amwell Street George Cruikshank lived at the
time he illustrated Sketches by Boz and Oliver Twist.
Returning to the Angel, a tram or bus should be
taken to Highgate. To the east of our road lies
Ball's Pond, the home of Mr. Perch in Dombey and Son.
In his youth, Dickens had some friends who lived
in this direction, which probably accounts for Ball's
Pond being mentioned also in the Sketches, whilst
Poplar Walk at Stamford Hill was the very first bit
of Dickensian topography.
In Holloway the Wilfers lived ; it must have been
to the left between the Holloway Road and the dust
mounds at Battle Bridge (King's Cross), referred to
in Route Six.
At the Archway Tavern, Highgate, we alight.
To the right Archway Road leads to Barnet. This
was the road by which Oliver Twist, accompanied
by the Dodger, arrived in London ; this was the road
Mr. Jarndyce used to and from Bleak House, which
was near St. Albans. Through Highgate Archway,
the one that was replaced by the present bridge,
Noah Claypole and Charlotte came, and in the
Holly Tree Inn we are told of the coach " rattling
for Highgate Archway over the hardest ground I
have ever heard the ring of iron shoes on." And
it was " at the Archway toll over at Highgate "
Bucket first picked up the trail of Lady Dedlock.
The road to Highgate runs to the left of the Arch-
way Tavern, and leads up Highgate Hill ; Bill
Sikes " went through Islington " when endeavouring
to escape after the murder of Nancy, and " strode
up the hill at Highgate, on which stands the stone
in honour of Whittington." The stone referred to
is to be seen on the left, incorporated in a lamp-post.
When Swiveller was taunted by Quilp, he threatened
to run away " towards Highgate, I suppose."
He said to himself, " Perhaps the bells might strike
up ' Turn again, Swiveller.' " Joe Willet came this
way when he ran away from home and Dolly :
" He went out by Islington and so on to Highgate,
and sat on many stones, and gates, but there were
no voices in the bells to bid him turn," says Dickens.
Highgate is mentioned in Pickwick as the scene
of some of " the unwearied researches " of that
Dickens knew Highgate fairly well, as in 1832 he
was lodging there at " Mrs. Goodman's, next door
to the Red Lion." The Red Lion was in North
Road, and was demolished in 1900, but the post on
which the sign used to swing is still to be seen in
the roadway opposite the modern house on its site.
In South' Grove, Highgate, is Church House, said
to be the house of Mrs. Steerforth ; "an old brick
house ... on the summit of the hill. ... A
genteel, old-fashioned house, very quiet and orderly.
From the windows of my room I saw all London
lying in the distance like a great vapour, with here
and there some lights twinkling through it."
The Steerforths were not alone of the David
Copperfield party at Highgate. Doctor Strong,
after leaving Canterbury, took a cottage here, and
David, on his way to visit his old schoolmaster,
went into a cottage that he saw was to let, and ex-
amined it narrowly :
It would do for me and Dora admirably ; with
a little front garden for Jip to run about in, and
bark at the tradespeople through the railings,
and a capital room upstairs for my aunt. I came
out again, hotter and faster than ever, and dashed
up to Highgate, at such a rate that I was there
an hour too early ; and, though I had not been,
should have been obliged to stroll about to cool
myself, before I was at all presentable. My
first care was to find the Doctor's house. It
was not in that part of Highgate where Mrs.
Steerforth lived, but quite on the opposite side
of the little town.
Of St. Nicholas' Church, in South Grove, Dickens
writes in the same book :
The church with the slender spire, that stands
on the top of the hill now, was not there then to
tell me the time. An old red-brick mansion,
used as a school, was in its place ; and a fine old
house it must, have been to go to school at, as
I recollect it.
Dickens's father and mother are both buried in
Highgate Cemetery, where also lies his little daughter,
Dora Annie ; two names very reminiscent of two
characters in David Copperfald.
Hampstead Lane leads past Caen Wood into
Spaniards Lane and Hampstead. Caen Wood or
Ken Wood now preserved as an open space was
Lord Mansfield's country house, which the Gordon
Rioters endeavoured to destroy.
They . . . marched away to Lord Mans-
field's country seat at Caen Wood, between
Hampstead and Highgate, bent upon destroying
that house likewise, and lighting up a great
fire there, which from that height should be seen
all over London. But in this they were dis-
appointed, for, a party of horse having arrived
before them, they retreated faster than they
went, and came straight back to town.
The Spaniards Inn, which we pass on the right,
is introduced into Pickwick, when Mrs. Bardell,
Mrs. Raddle and other friends spent an afternoon
They all arrived safely in the Spaniards
tea gardens, where the luckless Mr. Raddle's
very first act nearly occasioned his good lady a
relapse ; it being neither more nor less than to
order tea for seven, whereas (as the ladies one
and all remarked) what could have been easier
than for Tommy to have drunk out of anybody's
cup or everybody's, if that was all when the
waiter wasn't looking ; which would have saved
one head of tea, and the tea just as good !
To the Spaniards she was traced by Mr. Jackson,
clerk to Dodson & Fogg, and conveyed to the Fleet
Prison for the costs in the action which Mr. Pickwick
had so steadfastly refused to pay.
Hampstead Heath opens out just beyond the
Spaniards. Walter Gay " knew of no better fields
than those near Hampstead " for reflecting on the
unknown life before him when he was ordered by
the house of Dombey to sail for the Barbadoes.
Bill Sikes, in his flight from London,
skirted Caen Wood, and so came out on Hamp-
stead Heath. Traversing the hollow by the
Vale of Health, he mounted the opposite bank,
and, crossing the road which joins the villages of
Hampstead and Highgate, made along the
remaining portion of the heath to the fields at
North End, in one of which he laid himself down
under a hedge, and slept.
A walk to Hampstead and Highgate, after a dip
in the Roman Bath in the Strand, was often indulged
in by David Copperfield.
Dick Swiveller, in The Old Curiosity Shop, when he
married, lived in " a little cottage at Hampstead,
. . . which had in its garden a smoking-box, the
envy of the civilised world," and here he was
visited regularly every Sunday by Mr. Chuckster,
who became " the great purveyor of general news
and fashionable intelligence."
On the left may be seen the Hampstead Ponds
the speculations on the source of which formed one
of the papers communicated to the Club by Mr.
Pickwick, " the man who had traced to their source
the mighty ponds of Hampstead." Whether or
not the tittlebats on which Mr. Pickwick had
agitated the scientific world with his theory were
found in these selfsame ponds, that history is
Jack Straw's Castle was a very popular rendezvous
with Dickens. Forster quotes the following typical
letter from Dickens suggestive of a walk and dinner
at this hostelry : " You don't feel disposed, do you,
to muffle yourself up and start off with me for a good
brisk walk over Hampstead Heath ? . . . I knows
a good 'ous there where we can have a red-hot chop
for dinner, and a glass of good wine." This, Forster
adds, " led to our first experience of Jack Straw's
Castle, memorable for many happy meetings in
coming years."
During the writing of Pickwick, after the death of
his sister-in-law Mary, Dickens went for a few months
to live at Hampstead ; in later years, whilst writing
Bleak House, he spent a summer at Wylde's Farm,
near North End.
At Finchley, Barnaby Rudge and his father, after
escaping from Newgate, " found in a pasture . . .
a poor shed with walls of mud, and roof of grass and
brambles, built for some cowherd, but now deserted.
Here they lay down for the rest of the night."
Abel Cottage, the home of Mr. Garland, where
Kit and Barbara were employed, was at Finchley.
To be sure, it was a beautiful little cottage
with a thatched roof, and little spires at the gable
ends, and pieces of stained glass in some of the
windows, almost as large as pocket-books.
In Dombey and Son, Mr. Toots refers to going "as
far as Finchley to get some uncommonly fine chick-
weed that grows there," for Miss Dombey: and it
was no doubt at Finchley that Mr. Carker, the junior,
lived with his sister, " near to where the busy great
north road of bygone days is silent and almost
deserted, except by wayfarers, who toil along on
foot. ... It is neither of the town nor country."
At Cobley's Farm, Finchley, Dickens took lodgings
in 1843, whilst writing a part of Martin Chuzzlewit,
and to Finchley we owe Mrs. Gamp, as the follow-
ing extract from Forster's Life of Dickens will
show :
I soon after joined him at a cottage he rented
in Finchley, and here, walking and talking in
the green lanes as the midsummer months were
coming on, his introduction of Mrs. Gamp, and
the uses to which he should apply that remark-
able personage, first occurred to him.
In Hornsey Churchyard, Betsey Trotwood's hus-
band was laid to rest.
Hornsey, too, is noted as one of the places in
which Mr. Samuel Pickwick, G.C.M.P.C., had made
" unwearied researches."
Twist, 12
Sketches, Bloomsbury, Miss
Pickwick, 2
Dorrit, I, 13, 25
Copperfield, 17
Uncommercial, 14
Penton Street
White Conduit House (site)
Sketches : Dinners, 1st May
Penton Place
Bleak House, 9
Ball's Pond
Dombey, 31, 1 8
Sketches : Sentiment
Highbury Barn
Miscel. P. : Extraordinary
Stoke Newington
Uncommercial, 12
Stamford Hill
Sketches : Mr. Minns
Mutual, I, 4
Nickleby, 36
Highgate Arehway
Bleak House, 57
Twist, 42
Holly Tree
Highgate Hill
Twist, 48 r
Barnaby, 31
Curiosity, 50
Pickwick, I
Copperfield, 20, 35, 36, 51
Barnaby, 4
South Grove
Copperfield, 20, 35, 51
Highgate Church
Copperfield, 36
Highgate Cemetery
Caen Wood
Barnaby, 66
Twist, 48
Pickwick, 46
Dombey, 15
Copperfield, 35
Sketches : Tottle
Pickwick, i
Curiosity, 73
Haunted House
Barnaby, 16, 66
Twist, 48
Jack Straw's Castle
Barnaby, 68
Curiosity, 22
Dombey, 32, 33
Copperfield, 54
Pickwick, i
" To be taken out for a walk . . . especially
if it were anywhere about Covent Garden or the
Strand, perfectly entranced him with pleasure."
Forster's Life of Dickens.
COVENT Garden had a great fascination for Dickens.
Of his earliest researches into its deep mysteries
Forster tells us that while he lived at Bayham Street
he had borrowed a copy of George Colman's " Broad
Grins," which " seized his fancy very much ; and
he was so impressed by its description of Covent
Garden in the piece called the " Elder Brother "
that he stole down to the market by himself to com-
pare it with the book. He remembered, as he said
in telling me this, snuffing up the flavour of the faded
cabbage leaves, as if it were the very breath of
comic fiction. Nor was he far wrong, as comic
fiction then and for some time after was. It was
reserved for himself to give sweeter and fresher
breath to it."
As an Uncommercial Traveller in the fancy goods
line, as he described himself, he always started from
his rooms in Covent Garden (he actually did have
furnished rooms in Wellington Street, at the office of
All the Year Round see Route Thirteen).
Here is Little Dorrit's view of Covent Garden,
when she visited Arthur Clennam at his lodgings
there :
Little Dorrit looked into a dim room, which
seemed a spacious one to her, and grandly
81 F
furnished. Courtly ideas of Covent Garden, as
a place with famous coffee-houses, where gentle-
men wearing gold-laced coats and swords had
quarrelled and fought duels ; costly ideas of
Covent Garden, as a place where there were
flowers in winter at guineas apiece, pineapples
at guineas a pound, and peas at guineas a pint ;
picturesque ideas of Covent Garden, as a place
where there was a mighty theatre, showing
wonderful and beautiful sights to richly dressed
ladies and gentlemen, and which was for ever
far beyond the reach of poor Fanny or poor
Uncle ; desolate ideas of Covent Garden, as
having all those arches in it, where the miserable
children in rags among whom she had just now
passed, like young rats, slunk and hid, fed on
offal, huddled together for warmth, and were
hunted about ; teeming ideas of Covent Garden,
as a place of past and present mystery, romance,
abundance, want, beauty, ugliness, fair country
gardens, and foul street gutters, all confused
together, made the room dimmer than it was,
in Little Dorrit's eyes, as they timidly saw it
from the door.
South of St. Paul's Church is Henrietta Street,
where at No. n are the publishing offices of Chapman
& Hall, the firm so closely associated with Dickens's
Turning out of Southampton Street is Tavistock
Street :
Mr. Minns occupied a first floor in Tavistock
Street, Covent Garden, where he had resided for
twenty years, having been in the habit of quar-
relling with his landlord the whole time : regu-
larly giving notice of his intention to quit on
the first day of every quarter, and as regularly
countermanding it on the second.
The Tavistock Hotel occupies the site of the
Piazza Hotel (formerly known as Cuttris's), where
Dickens stayed in 1844 on coming to London from
Italy specially to read The Chimes to a select circle
of his friends. That he was familiar with the place
is shown from a letter he wrote to Forster at the
time saying, " I shall look for you at the further
table by the fire, where we generally go." In
David Copperfield, Steerforth announced to David
that he was " going to breakfast with one of those
fellows who is at the Piazza Hotel in Covent Garden."
In an article in Miscellaneous Papers, entitled
When we stopped Growing, we read :
There is a fine secrecy and mystery about the
Piazza how you get up to those rooms above
it, and what reckless deeds are done theie.
(We know some of those apartments very well,
but that does not signify in the least.)
The other hotel in the Market is the Hummums
Hotel at the corner of Russell Street. The present
hotel was built in 1892 on the site of the older hotel
of that name, at which " the Finches of the Grove "
used to meet in Great Expectations. When Pip
received at the Temple Gate Wemmick's warning,
" Don't go home," he " got a late hackney chariot
and drove to the Hummums in Covent Garden."
In those times a bed was always to be got
there at any hour of the night, and the chamber-
lain, letting me in at his ready wicket, lighted the
candle next in order on his shelf, and showed me
straight into the bedroom next in order on his
list. It was a sort of vault on the ground floor
at the back, with a despotic monster of a four-
post bedstead in it, straddling over the whole
place, putting one of his arbitrary legs into the
fire-place, and another into the doorway, and
squeezing the wretched little washing-stand in
quite a Divinely Righteous manner.
Being so much to the fore in his own mind, it is
hardly to be wondered at that Covent Garden Market
should appear, one way or another, in nearly all
his books. In Sketches by Boz there is an account
of it at early morning in the article entitled The
Streets ; in Pickwick we read of Job Trotter sleeping
here " in a vegetable basket/' In Oliver Twist,
Sikes refers to it as Common Garden, where fifty
boys could be found any night to pick from, so
why " take so much pains about one chalk-faced
kid I "
In The Old Curiosity Shop there is a description
of Covent Garden Market at sunrise " in the spring
or summer, when the fragrance of sweet flowers
is in the air." David Copperfield, when he had no
money, used to stroll as far as Covent Garden Market
and stare at the pineapples ; and, when he did come
into some money and gave his party, he bought his
dessert there ; and when making love, he tells us,
" at six in the morning I was in Covent Garden
Market buying a bouquet for Dora." Still later he
and his aunt " had a temporary lodging in Covent
Garden " after vacating the two cottages at High-
gate. Like David, Herbert Pocket, in Great Ex-
pectations, also went to Covent Garden Market for
" a little fruit for after dinner, so as to get it good,"
as he thought Pip might thereby be pleased, having
only just come up from the country.
In Our Mutual Friend, referring to the drunken
father of Jenny Wren, we read :
The degraded creature staggered into Covent
Garden Market and there bivouacked, to have an
attack of the trembles, succeeded by an attack
of the horrors, in a doorway.
This market of Covent Garden was quite out
of the creature's line of road, but it had the
attraction for him which it has for the worst of
the solitary members of the drunken tribe.
It may be the companionship of the nightly
stir, or it may be the companionship of the gin
and beer that slop about among carters and
hucksters, or it may be the companionship of
the trodden vegetable refuse, which is so like
their own dress that perhaps they take the
Market for a great wardrobe ; but, be. it what it
may, you shall see no such individual drunkards
on doorsteps anywhere as there.
Passing through Russell Street we reach on the
right Wellington Street, running down to the
Strand (Route Thirteen) and Bow Street on the left.
The Police Court of Dickens's day was on the left
side, between Russell Street and Covent Garden
The Artful Dodger was brought up at Bow Street
Police Station, and hither Noah Claypole was con-
ducted by Charley Bates, in order to hear the result
of the court proceedings.
Opposite the present Police Court is Covent
Garden Theatre, at which, in the days before
Pickwick, Dickens aspired for an engagement ; he
actually had an appointment with the stage manager
which perhaps fortunately for us was never kept.
In his own words he has told the story in a letter to
Forster :
A letter came, with an appointment to do
anything of Mathews's I pleased, before him
and Charles Kemble, on a certain day at the
theatre. My sister Fanny was in the secret, and
was to go with me to play the songs. I was laid
up when the day came with a terrible bad cold
and an inflammation of the face ; the beginning,
by the by, of that annoyance in one ear to which
I am subject to this day. I wrote to say so,
and added that I would resume my application
next season. I made a great splash in the Gallery
soon af terwards ; the Chronicle opened to me ;
I had a distinction in the little world of the
newspaper, which made one like it ; began to
write ; didn't want money ; had never thought
of the stage but as a means of getting it ; gradu-
ally left off turning my thoughts that way, and
never resumed the idea. I never told you this,
did I ? See how near I may have been to another
sort of life!
On two occasions in David Copperfield did the
hero go to the theatre ; on the first, it was Co vent
Garden Theatre that he chose, " and there from the
back of the centre box " he tells us he " saw Julius
Caesar and the new pantomime/' The second
occasion was after his bachelors' party ; he does
not name the theatre, not being in a condition to
know, we suppose, but we can give a guess at its
being Covent Garden :
We are very high up in a very hot theatre,
looking down into a large pit, that seemed to me
to smoke ; the people with whom it was crammed
were so indistinct. There was a great stage,
too, looking very clean and smooth after the
streets ; and there were people upon it, talking
about something or other, but not at all intelli-
gibly. There was an abundance of bright lights,
and there was music, and there were ladies down
in the boxes, and I don't know what more.
The whole building looked to me as if it were
learning to swim, it conducted itself in such
an unaccountable manner, when I tried to
steady it.
The present building dates from 1858, it having
been destroyed by fire two years previously.
Opposite the Theatre and by the side of the
Police Court is Broad Court. Said Mr. Snevellicci,
in Nicholas Nickleby, " I am not ashamed of myself.
Snevellicci is my name. I'm to be found in Broad
Court, Bow Street, when I'm in town. If I'm not
at home, let any man ask for me at the stage door."
At the end of Bow Street, Long Acre runs right
and left. Dick Swiveller was accustomed to get
his meals and articles of attire on credit. " I
enter in this little book/' he explained, " the names
of the streets that I can't go down while the shops
are open/'
This dinner to-day closes Long Acre. , I bought
a pair of boots in Great Queen Street last week,
and made that no thoroughfare too. There's
only one avenue to the Strand left open now, and
I shall have to stop up that to-night with a pair
of gloves. The roads are closing so fast in every
direction that, in about a month's time, unless
my aunt sends me a remittance, I shall have to
go three or four miles out of town to get over
the way
On the site now occupied by No. 92 Long Acre
formerly stood St. Martin's Hall, where Dickens
gave his first series of paid readings in 1858. It
was burnt down in 1860, rebuilt, and later recon-
structed as the Queen's Theatre. It was converted
into a warehouse in about 1880.
Returning along Bow Street to Russell Street,
we turn to the left and find Drury Lane Theatre on
the right at the corner of Catherine Street and
Russell Street.
Miss Petowker, of the Vincent Crummies Com-
pany, was described as " of the Theatre Royal,
Drury Lane," and in Pickwick we read Smangle's
description of Mr. Mivens as a man with " comic
powers that would do honour to Drury Lane
Dickens himself tells us that one of his companions
at the Blacking Warehouse had a connection with
the theatre, as follows :
Poll Green's father had the additional dis-
tinction of being a fireman, and was employed at
Drury Lane Theatre, where another relation of
Poll's, I think his little sister, did imps in the
To Drury Lane itself there are several references
in Sketches by Boz, " and in the neighbourhood of
Drury Lane," we read in the Old Curiosity Shop,
were the apartments of Dick Swiveller, which, " in
addition to this conveniency of situation/ had the
advantage of being over a tobacconist's shop, so
that he was enabled to procure a refreshing sneeze
at any time by merely stepping out on the staircase,
and was saved the trouble and expense of maintain-
ing a snuff-box."
Both David Copperfield and the young Dickens
knew this district intimately. In David Copperfield
we read :
Once, I remember, carrying my own bread
(which I had brought from home in the morning)
under my arm, wrapped in a piece of paper,
like a book, and going to a famous alamode
beef house near Drury Lane, and ordering a
" small plate " of that delicacy to eat with it.
What the waiter thought of such a strange little
apparition coming in all alone, I don't know ;
but I can see him now, staring at me as I ate
my dinner, and bringing up the other waiter to
look. I gave him a halfpenny for himself, and
I wish he hadn't taken it.
In the fragment of autobiography published in
Forster's Life of Dickens, which Dickens used almost
word for word in the early chapters of David Copper-
field, the exact site of the " alamode beef house " is
given as Clare Court. Clare Court was cleared
away in 1905 for the Aldwych improvement, but
its site was on the new street, called Kean Street,
Drury Lane.
It is thought probable that Dickens had in mind
the neighbourhood of Drury Lane when he described
Tom-all-alone in Bleak House, although Field Lane,
off Holborn (Route Two), may have stood for it, as
Phiz's drawing shows a church like St. Andrew's,
Holborn, in the background.
Jo lives that is to say, Jo has not yet died
in a ruinous place, known to the like of him by
the name of Tom-all-alone's. It is a black,
dilapidated street, avoided by all decent people ;
where the crazy houses were seized upon, when
their decay was far advanced, by some bold
vagrants, who, after establishing their own
possession, took to letting them out in lodgings.
York Street, behind the Theatre and running
between Drury Lane and Catherine Street, is approxi-
mately on the site of Russell Court, in which was the
burial ground of St. Mary-le-Strand, generally
accepted as the original of the churchyard where
Captain Hawdon was buried. It was described
a hemmed-in churchyard, pestiferous and obscene,
whence malignant diseases are communicated to
the bodies of our dear brothers and sisters who
have not departed ; while our dear brothers and
sisters who hang about official backstairs
would to Heaven they had departed ! are very
complacent and agreeable.
To the gate with the lamp over it came Lady
Dedlock to be shown by poor Jo the last resting-
place of " Nemo," and here, later, Esther found her
mother dead upon the step.
At last we stood under a dark and miserable
covered way, where one lamp was burning over
an iron gate, and where the morning faintly
struggled in. The gate was closed. Beyond it
was a burial-ground a dreadful spot in which
the night was very slowly stirring ; but where
I could dimly see heaps of dishonoured graves
and stones, hemmed in by filthy houses, with a
few dull lights in their windows, and on whose
walls a thick humidity broke out like a disease.
On the step at the gate, drenched in the fearful
wet of such a place, which oozed and splashed
down everywhere, I saw, with a cry of pity and
horror, a woman lying. ... It was my mother,
cold and dead.
The burial-ground was closed in 1853, when
Bleak House was completed, and thirty years later
was turned into a recreation ground, and later still
changed out of all recognition by the alterations
made in Catherine Street and Drury Lane.
There was a great outcry at the time the book was
written concerning the state of these churchyards
in the heart of the city, and many were then closed.
Russell Street leads past the theatre into Drury
Lane, where we turn to the left, passing the end of
Long Acre, and then reach Great Queen Street on
the right. On the right of Great Queen Street is
the Freemasons' Tavern, referred to in Sketches by
Boz, and later the scene of the farewell dinner given
to Dickens in 1867, on the eve of his departure to
America, when Lord Lytton was in the chair.
A little way further along Drury Lane, Short's
Gardens on the left takes us across Endell Street
and Neal Street to the spot known as Seven Dials,
where seven roads converge. The place is entirely
altered since the days of Dickens, when even as a
boy he was so much attracted to it. Forster tells
us "he had a profound attraction of repulsion to
St. Giles's. If he could only induce whosoever
took him out to take him through Seven Dials, he
was supremely happy. ' Good Heaven ! ' he would
exclaim, ' what wild visions of prodigies of wicked-
ness, want and beggary, arose in my mind out of
that place ! ' "
A whole chapter in Sketches by Boz is devoted to
this district : " Where is there such another maze
of streets, courts, lanes and alleys ? " he asks ; and,
although Shaftesbury Avenue demolished many of
these courts and lanes, the district is still an un-
savoury one. In Nicholas Nickleby, too, we are in-
troduced to " that labyrinth of streets which lies
between Seven Dials and Soho," and to the cellar
of a house where Nicholas and Kate discovered Mr,
Mantalini goaded by his nagging companion to turn
the mangle. " I am perpetually turning like a
demn'd old horse in a demnition mill. My life is
one demn'd horrid grind ! "
Through St. Andrew's Street on the right we reach
the top end of Shaftesbury Avenue, which demolished
Monmouth Street, "the only true and real emporium
of second-hand wearing apparel/ 1 which formed
another subject in Sketches by Boz. High Street
goes off to the left and takes us past St. Giles'
Church, and into New Oxford Street, where we turn
to the right ; and at the fork we leave the main
road running to Holborn (Route Two) and keep to
the left along Hart Street, passing St. George's
Church, where The Bloomsbury Christening took
place (Sketches by Boz). Bury Street to the left
leads into Great Russell Street and the British
Museum, where Dickens as a young man was an
assiduous attendant at its reading-room. At No.
14 Great Russell Street, Mr. Charles Kitterbell
lived, as described in the above-mentioned story.
We turn to the right along Great Russell Street,
and then left into Southampton Row. The first
on the right leads into Great Ormond Street, where
is situated the Hospital for Sick Children, where
Little Johnny died with a kiss for the " boofer
Lady/' " At the Children's Hospital, the Gallant
Steed, The Noah's Ark, the Yellow Bird and the
Officer in the Guards, were made as welcome as their
child owner."
Before writing Our Mutual Friend, Dickens had
taken a personal interest in this hospital, and in
1858 took the chair at a dinner held on its behalf,
at which he made an eloquent appeal for funds.
Forster in his Life of Dickens has recorded the
following :
An enterprise had been set on foot for estab-
lishment of a hospital for sick children ; a large
old-fashioned mansion in Great Ormond Street,
with spacious garden, had been fitted up with
more than thirty beds; during the four or five
years of its existence, outdoor and indoor relief
had been afforded by it to nearly fifty thousand
children, of whom thirty thousand were under
five years of age; but, want of funds having
threatened to arrest the merciful work, it was
resolved to try a public dinner by way of chari-
table appeal, and for president the happy choice
was made of one who had enchanted everybody
with the joys and sorrows of little children.
Dickens threw himself into the service heart and
soul. There was a simple pathos in his address
from the chair quite startling in its effect at such
a meeting, and he probably never moved any
audience so much as by the strong personal
feeling with which he referred to the sacrifices
made for the Hospital by the very poor them-
selves : from whom a subscription of fifty pounds,
contributed in single pennies, had come to the
treasurer during almost every year it had been
The sum of three thousand pounds was raised
that night as a result, and a short time afterwards
Dickens gave a reading of the Carol on its behalf,
the great success of which led him to commence the
series of Public Readings he gave so successfully
both in this country and in America until his death.
The next turning on the right in Southampton
Row is Guilford Street, in which is situated the
Foundling Hospital, to which we are first introduced
in the story The Boarding House in Sketches by Boz,
where we are informed, " The clock of new St.
Pancras' Church struck twelve ; and the Foundling
with laudable politeness did the same ten minutes
afterwards/' To the slowness of this clock Dickens
makes another reference in No Thoroughfare :
What is this clock slower than most of the rest,
and nearer to the ear, that lags so far behind
to-night as to strike into the vibration alone ?
This is the clock of the Hospital for Foundling
Children. Time was when the Foundlings were
received without question in a cradle at the gate.
Time is, when enquiries are made respecting them,
and they are taken as by favour from the mothers
who relinquish all natural knowledge of them
and claim to them for evermore.
The story of No Thoroughfare opens in the
Foundling Hospital and a very dramatic scene is
pictured where the mother prevails upon one of the
servants to point out her son.
Tattycoram in Little Dorrit came from the Found-
ling Hospital, to which Mr. Meagles refers as follows :
" You have heard of the Foundling Hospital
in London ? . . . Well, one day when we
took Pet to church there to hear the music . . .
mother began to cry so that it was necessary
to take her out. ... 4 Oh dear, dear/ cried
mother . . . ' when I saw all those children
... I thought, does any wretched mother
ever come here . . . and look among those
young faces, wondering which is the poor child
she brought into this forlorn world/ "
Returning to Southampton Row, we turn to the
right at the Hotel Russell to Woburn Place, referred
to in Sketches of Young Gentlemen : " We were to
make for Chigwell . . . and to start from the
residence of the projectors, Woburn Place, Russell
Keeping along Woburn Place, we reach on the
right Coram Street, down which we shall turn, but
on the left, a little further on, it may be noted, is
Tavistock Square, in which was once situated
Tavistock House, where Dickens lived for nearly
ten years, from 1851, leaving it for Gad's Hill
Coram Street was formerly Great Coram Street, and
is described in The Boarding House as " somewhere
in that partially explored tract of country which
lies between the British Museum and a remote
village called Somers Town/ 7
We are further informed :
The house of Mrs. Tibbs was, decidedly, the
neatest in all Great Coram Street. The area and
the area-steps, and the street-door and the street-
door steps, and the brass handle, and the door-
plate, and the knocker, and the fan-light, were
all as clean and bright as indefatigable white-
washing, and hearth-stoning, and scrubbing and
rubbing, could make them. The wonder was,
that the brass door-plate, with the interesting
inscription " MRS. TIBBS," had never caught
fire from constant friction, so perseveringly was
it polished. There were meat-safe-looking blinds,
in the parlour-windows, blue and gold curtains
in the drawing-room, and spring-roller blinds,
as Mrs. Tibbs was wont in the pride ol her heart
to boast, " all the way up."
From Coram Street we turn left along Hunter
Street, which continues into Judd Street, and at
No. 78 on the right is Cromer Street, where at
No. 116 we find the Boot Tavern on the site of the
old " Boot " of Barnaby Rudge.
As they were thirsty by this time, Dennis
proposed that they should repair together to
the Boot, where there was good company and
strong liquor. Hugh yielding a ready assent,
they bent their steps that way with no loss of
time. This Boot was a lone house of public
entertainment, situated in the fields at the back
of the Foundling Hospital ; a very solitary spot
at that period, and quite deserted after dark.
The tavern stood at some distance .from any
high road, and was approachable only by a dark
and narrow lane.
Returning to Judd Street we keep to the right
and emerge in the Euston Road, where we turn
left. At the corner of Woburn Place, on the left,
stands New St. Pancras' Church, whose clock is
referred to in the extract quoted in reference to the
Foundling Hospital
Euston Station is almost opposite, and Route Six
to Camden Town can be continued from this point.
Covent Garden
Uncommercial, i, 3, 21
Dornt, I, 13, 14
Barnaby, 28
Tavistock Street
Sketches : Minns
Tavistock Hotel (on site of Piazza
Copperfield, 24
Miscell. P. . Stopped Growing
Hummums Hotel (rebuilt)
Expectations, 34, 45
Sketches : Streets
King Street
Miscell. P. : Stopped Growing
Covent Garden Market
Expectations, 21
Chuzzlewit, 40
Twist, 43, 19
Copperfield, n, 24, 33, 55
Curiosity, i
Pickwick, 47
Mutual, IV, 9
Uncommercial, 13, 16
Sketches : Streets
Bow Street Police Court
Twist, 43
Barnaby, 58
Uncommercial, 4
Copperfield, 48
Expectations, 16
Sketches : Prisoners' Van
Covent Garden Theatre
Copperfield, 19, 24
Broad Court
Nickleby, 30
Long Acre
Uncommercial, 10
Sketches : Brokers
Curiosity, 8
St. Martin's Hall.
Drury Lane Theatre
Nickleby, 14, 25
Pickwick, 44
Sketches : Dounce
Uncommercial, 4
Sketches : Private Theatres
Drury Lane
Copperfield, n
Curiosity, 7, 8
Sketches, Pawnbrokers ;
Brokers ; Gin Shops
Shabby Genteel
Catherine Street
Uncommercial, 4
Sketches : Theatres
Russell Court (site)
Bleak House, n, 16, 39
Great Queen Street
Sketches : Dinners
Curiosity, 8
Freemasons' Tavern
Sketches : Dinners
Seven Dials
Sketches : Seven Dials
Nickleby, 64
Mo n mouth Street (site)
St. Giles's Church.
Reprinted, Field
Gone Astray
Uncommercial, 10
Barnaby, 44
Hart Street
Sketches : Bloomsbury
St. George's Church
British Museum
Sketches, Shabby Genteel
,, Boarding House
Great Russell Street
Sketches : Bloomsbury
Children's Hospital
Mutual, II, 9
Foundling Hospital
Sketches : Boarding
Barnaby, 38
No Thoroughfare
Dorr it, I, 2
Woburn Place
Young Gentlemen
Tavistock Square
Pickwick, 31
Tavistock House (site)
Dickens lived here 1851-60
Coram Street
Sketches : Boarding
Cromer Street (site of Boot
Barnaby, 38
New St. Pan eras' Church
Sketches : Boarding
EXCEPT to those who already know its personal
Dickens interest, a route attaching to Euston and
Camden Town may strike the reader as savouring
too much of the railway and not enough of the coach,
with which Dickens is usually associated. And the
reader is right ; yet Dickens was of the railway
era, and wrote of the iron horse, though never with
the same charm as when writing of the horse of flesh
and blood. Euston, King's Cross and Camden Town
were the great termini that Dickens saw under
construction, and in this ramble we shall briefly
review some of his remarks on railways from Dombey
and Son (in which Carker is killed on the railway)
and Miscellaneous Papers, whilst traversing a dis-
trict that was also very intimately associated with
his boyhood.
Passing in front of Euston Station in a westerly
direction we soon reach, on the left, Gower Street,
where on the site of Maple's premises formerly stood
No. 4 Gower Street North, where the Dickens family
lived for a short time in 1824. They had been in
the Bayham Street house just a year, and no school
had been found for Charles ; the family were in
difficulties and removed to Gower Street, where the
mother tried to start a young ladies' school, just as
Mrs. Micawber did years after. Forster describes
the position for us very clearly ;
A house was soon found at number four,
Gower Street North' ; a large brass plate on the
door announced Mrs. Dickens's establishment ;
and the result I can give in the exact words of
the then small actor in the comedy whose hopes
it had raised so high : "I left, at a great many
other doors, a great many circulars calling atten-
tion to the merits of the establishment. Yet
nobody ever came to the school, nor do I recollect
that anybody ever proposed to come, or that the
least preparation was made to receive anybody.
But I know that we got on very badly with the
butcher and baker ; that very often we had not
too much for dinner ; and that at last my
father ws arrested."
The interval between the sponging-house and
the prison was passed by the sorrowful lad in
running errands and carrying messages for the
prisoner, delivered with swollen eyes and through
shining tears ; and the last words said to him
by his father before he was finally carried to the
Marshalsea were to the effect that the sun was
set upon him for ever.
On the right of Euston Road, opposite Gower
Street, is George Street, on the right of which and
leading to Euston Station is Drummond Street,
where, at No. 47, " the mistaken milliner/' Miss
Martin, lived. Keeping straight ahead along George
Street we arrive in Hampstead Road ; opposite
is the Sol's Arms, reminiscent of a house of that name
in Chancery Lane, mentioned in Bleak House
(see Route One). As this is the only Sol's Arms in
London, Dickens, no doubt, transferred the name
from the Hampstead Road to Chancery Lane.
Turning to the right in Hampstead Road we pass
on the left at the corner of Granby Street the house
at which Dickens went to school after his father had
come out of the Marshalsea Prison and brighter
days shone on the family. It was called Wellington
House Academy, and, except that the railway has
cut off a portion of the building, it is the same as it
was a century ago. Dickens himself has left this
record :
I went as day scholar to Mr. Jones's establish-
ment, which was in Mornington Place, and had
its schoolroom sliced away by the Birmingham
Railway, when that change came about. The
schoolroom, however, was not threatened by
directors or civil engineers then, and there was a
board over the door graced with the words,
Wellington House Academy.
Writing later in Reprinted Pieces, he further tells
us :
We went to look at the place only this last
midsummer, and found that the railway had cut
it up, root and branch. A great trunk line had
swallowed the playground, sliced away the school-
room, and pared off the corner of the house,
which, thus curtailed of its proportions, presented
itself in a green stage of stucco, profile-wise
towards the road, like a forlorn flat-iron without
a handle, standing on end.
A little past Granby Street we take the turning
on the right, which leads into Harrington Square,
and keeping straight on reach Seymour Street on
the right. Turning along here we find on the left
Johnson Street. At No. 29, now 13, and marked
with a tablet of the London County Council, Dickens
lived in 1825, while at Wellington House Academy.
It is now a Children's Library dedicated to David
The family left Johnson Street for the Polygon
(see Clarendon Square, page 101).
Johnson Street is in the district of Somers Town,
where Snawley, the accomplice of Squeers, lived in
" a little house one storey high, with green shutters."
Mr, Squeers took lodgings here because the Saracen's
Head at Snow Hill, where he usually stopped,
" having experience of Master Wackford's appetite/'
had declined to receive him on any other terms than
as a full-grown customer. At Seymour Street
Chapel Dickens used to attend service, and in
connection with Drummond Street, a turning out of
Seymour Street, we have the following personal
recollection of Dr. Dawson, one of his schoolfellows :
I quite remember Dickens on one occasion
heading us in Drummond Street in pretending
to be poor boys, and asking the passers-by for
charity especially old ladies ; one of whom
told us she " had no money for beggar boys." On
these adventures, when the old ladies were quite
staggered by the impudence of the demand,
Dickens would explode with laughter and take
to his heels.
Before reaching Drummond Street, we turn left
along Charles Street to Clarendon Square, where
formerly stood a little group of houses called the
Polygon. Here the Dickens family lived in 1827-8,
probably as lodgers. In the Polygon also lived
Harold Skimpole, in Bleak House.
He lived in a place called the Polygon, in
Somers Town, where there were at that time a
number of poor Spanish refugees, walking about
in cloaks, smoking little paper cigars. ... It
was in a state of dilapidation quite equal to our
expectation. Two or three of the area railings
were gone ; the water-butt was broken ; the
knocker was loose ; the bell-handle had been
pulled off a long time, to judge from the rusty
state of the wire*; and dirty footprints on the
steps were the only signs of its being inhabited.
If we continue along the side of the Square to
Phoenix Street we reach Pancras Road, cross into
Battle Bridge Road, and so come into York Road.
The railway cut up this district in Dickens's
day, and even lately further changes have been
What we now know as King's Cross was prior to
1830 called Battle Bridge, and it is indelibly associ-
ated in our minds with the Harmon mounds, which
are so prominent a feature of Our Mutual Friend.
ft I live over Maiden Lane way/' Mr. Boffin explained
to Silas Wegg, " out Holloway direction."
" Where I live," said Mr. Boffin, " is called
the Bower. Boffin's Bower is the name Mrs.
Boffin christened it when we come into it as a
property. If you should meet with anybody
that don't know it by that name (which hardly
anybody does), when you've got nigh upon about
a odd mile, or say and a quarter, if you like,
up Maiden Lane, Battle Bridge, ask for Harmony
Jail, and you'll be put right."
Maiden Lane is now known as York Road. The
dust-heaps were a reality and many such did exist
to the south of King's Cross Station, where the
Gray s Inn Road begins.
R. Wilfer, in the same book, also lived in this
His home was in the Holloway region north
of London, and then divided from it by fields
and trees. Between Battle Bridge and that part
of the Holloway district in which he dwelt was a
tract of suburban Sahara, where tiles and bricks
were burnt, bones were boiled, carpets were
beat, rubbish was shot, dogs were fought, and
dust was heaped by contractors. . . .
Mrs. Wilfer, like Mrs. Dickens and Mrs. Micawber,
had essayed fortune in a Ladies' School, and Mrs.
Wilfer's was no more successful ; for the man who
had supplied the brass plate, seeing he had no ex-
pectation of ever being paid for it, " came himself
with a pair of pincers, took it off and took it away."
The Cattle Market partly covers the tea gardens
of Copenhagen House, mentioned in the Sketches.
Turning to the right at the end of York Road we
pass in front of King's Cross Station and bear round
along Pancras Road. On the right is Old St. Pan-
eras' Church, where Roger Cly was buried, as de-
scribed in A Tale of Two Cities, and where Jerry
Cruncher and his son came later " fishing/' as Jerry
called it but with a spade : in other words " body
Further along Pancras Road is Great College
Street, where we find the Veterinary Hospital.
This corner is a Pickwick landmark, being mentioned
in the Tale of the Queer Client.
They met on the appointed night, and, hiring
a hackney coach, directed the driver to stop at
that corner of the Old Pancras Road at which
stands the parish workhouse. By the time they
alighted there it was quite dark ; and, proceeding
by the dead wall in front of the Veterinary
Hospital, they entered a small by-street, which
is, or was at that time, called Little College
Street, and which, whatever it may be now,
was in those days a desolate place enough, sur-
rounded by little else than fields and ditches.
Little College Street, mentioned above, is now
College Place. To reach it we take the second
turning on the left in Great College Street, Pratt
Street, and College Place is the first on the left.
Here Dickens lodged for a while after the family
left the Gower Street house and the father and
mother were in the Marshalsea for debt. In his
own words Dickens tells the story :
I was handed over as a lodger to a reduced
old lady, long known to our family, in Little
College Street, Camden Town, who took children
in to board, and had once done so at Brighton ;
and who, with a few alterations and embellish-
ments, unconsciously began to sit for Mrs.
Pipchin in Dombey when she took in me.
She had a little brother and sister under her
care then ; somebody's natural children, who
were very irregularly paid for ; and a widow's
little son. The two boys and I slept in the same
room. My own exclusive breakfast, of a penny
cottage loaf and a pennyworth of milk, I pro-
vided for myself. I kept another small loaf,
and a quarter of a pound of cheese on a particular
shelf of a particular cupboard, to make my
supper on when I came back at night. They
made a hole in the six or seven shillings, I know
well ; and I was out at the blacking-warehouse
all day, and had to support myself upon that
money all the week. I suppose my lodging was
paid for by my father. I certainly did not pay
it myself ; and I certainly had no other assistance
whatever (the making of my clothes, I think,
excepted) from Monday morning until Saturday
night. No advice, no counsel, no encourage-
ment, no consolation, no support, from anyone
that I can call to mind, so help me God.
Continuing along Pratt Street we reach Bayham
Street and turn to the right, passing the almshouses
mentioned below. The Dickens family lived for a
year (1823) in Bayham Street on first coming to
London, at No. 16 (renumbered 141) and demolished
in 1910. The Bayham Street days had sad memories
for Dickens, for he had left a kindly schoolmaster
at Chatham ; and so far no school had been found
for him in London. Forster thus writes of this time :
Nevertheless, as time went on, his own educa-
tion still unconsciously went on as well, under the
sternest and most potent of teachers ; and,
neglected and miserable as he was, he managed
gradually to transfer to London all the dreaminess
and all the romance with which he had invested
Chatham. There were then at the top of Bay-
ham Street some almshouses, and were still there
when he revisited it with me nearly twenty-
seven years ago ; and to go to this spot, he
told me, and look from it over the dust-heaps
and dock-leaves and fields (no longer there when
we saw it together) at the cupola of St. Paul's
looming through the smoke, was a treat that
served him for hours of vague reflection after-
Bob Cratchit lived in Camden Town, and it is
thought probable that Dickens had in his mind his
Bayham Street home when he wrote of the Cratchits'
home in the Carol. It was undoubtedly in Bayham
Street that Traddles lodged with Micawber, at a
house that was " only a storey high above the ground
Traddles . . . lived in a little street near the
Veterinary College at Camden Town, which was
principally tenanted, as one of our clerks who
lived in that direction informed me, by gentle-
men students, who bought live donkeys, and made
experiments on those quadrupeds in their private
apartments. Having obtained from this clerk
a direction to the academic grove in question,
I set out, the same afternoon, to visit my old
I found that the street was not as desirable
a one as I could have wished it to be for the
sake of Traddles. The inhabitants appeared
to have a propensity to throw any little trifles
they were not in want of into the road ; which
not only made it rank and sloppy, but untidy,
too, on account of the cabbage-leaves. The
refuse was not wholly vegetable either, for I
myself saw a shoe, a doubled-up saucepan, a
black bonnet, and an umbrella, in various
stages of decomposition, as I was looking out
for the number I wanted.
Here the Micawbers, like the Dickens's, had an
execution put into their house for rent.
It is only natural that Camden Town should often
find mention in the novels and writings of Dickens,
and there are many scattered references mostly
The building of the L. & N.W. Railway, Euston
Station, and the goods yard at Camden, prompted
Dickens to go into detail on the matter in Dombey
and Son, where he introduces us to the Toodles
family at Staggs's Gardens. " This euphonious
locality was situated in a suburb known by the
inhabitants of Staggs's Gardens by the name of
Camberling Town ; a designation which the stranger's
map of London . . . condenses, with some show
of reason, into Camden Town. . . . The first shock
of a great earthquake had, just at that period,
rent the whole neighbourhood to its centre. . . .
Houses were knocked down ; streets broken through
and stopped ; deep pits and trenches dug in the
ground ... in short, the yet unfinished and
unopened railroad was in progress. . . . But as
yet the neighbourhood was shy to own the railroad."
At a later date, when Walter Gay went to find
Polly Toodles in Staggs's Gardens, to bring some
consolation to the dying Paul, he found a great
change in the place :
There was no such place as Staggs's Gardens.
It had vanished from the earth. Where the
old rotten summer-houses once had stood,
palaces now reared their heads, and granite
columns of gigantic girth opened a vista to the
railway world beyond. The miserable waste
ground, where the refuse matter had been heaped
of yore, was swallowed up and gone ; and in
its frowsy stead were tiers of warehouses, crammed
with rich goods and costly merchandise. The
old by-streets now swarmed with passengers
and vehicles of every kind ; the new streets
that had stopped disheartened in the mud and
waggon-ruts formed towns within themselves,
originating wholesome comforts and conveni-
ences belonging to themselves, and never tried
nor thought of until they sprang into existence.
Bridges that had led to nothing led 'to villas,
gardens, churches, healthy public walks. The
carcases of houses, and beginnings of new thor-
oughfares had started off upon the line at steam's
own speed, and shot away into the country in
a monster train.
A few years after the publication of Dombey,
Dickens wrote an article entitled An Unsettled
Neighbourhood (reprinted in Miscellaneous Papers)
showing how " the railroad has done it all/'
and that since the railroad came " it has ever
since been unable to settle down to any one thing,
and will never settle down again." His reason
for all the unrest in the district which is plainly
the Euston-Camden Town district is the one
word Luggage. " I have come to the conclusion/'
he says, " that the moment Luggage begins to
be always shooting about a neighbourhood . . .
everybody wants to be off somewhere . . . every-
body has the strongest ideas of its being vaguely
his or her business to ' go down the line/ "
Euston Square
Nickleby, 37
Sketches : " Milliner
Gower Street
At No. 4 Dickens lived 1824
(site only)
Pickwick, 31
Sketches : Characters
Drummond Street
Sketches : Milliner
Hampstead Road
Sol's Arms
Wellington House Academy
Dickens's school 1825-6
Johnson Street
No. 13, Dickens lived 1825-7
Somers Town
Pickwick, 22, 20
Nickleby, 38
Bleak, 43
Uncommercial, 10
Sketches : Streets
Miscell. P. : Gaslight
Seymour Street Cbapel
Pancras Road
Sketches : Evans Eagle
Pickwick, 21
Battle Bridge (now King's Gross)
Dombey, 31
Mutual, I, 4
Twist, 31
Sketches : ist May
Maiden Lane (now York Road)
New York Road
Mutual Friend, I, 4, 5
Sketches : First May
Copenhagen House
Sketches : First May
Old St. Pancras' Church
Two Cities, II, 14
St. Pancras Workhouse
Pickwick, 21
Veterinary Hospital
Pickwick, 21
Copperfield, 27
Little College Street (now College
Here Dickens lodged 1824
Pickwick, 21
Clarendon Square Bayham Street
Site of the Polygon where Site of No. 141 where Dickens
Dickens lived in 1827 lived
Bleak House; 43 Copperfield, 27, 34
Camden Town Pickwick, 21
Copperfield, 28 Dombey, 6
Sketches : MssEvans st>ggs , s Oardens
6 : Unsettled
Miscell, P. : Unsettled Neigh- Kentish Town
bourhood Copperfield, 44
Carol Barnaby, 16
IN t^iie autobiographical fragment which Forster
has/ preserved for us in the second chapter of his
Lhf e of Dickens we read :
My usual way home was over Blackfriars
Bridge, and down that turning in the Blackfriars
Road which has Rowland Hill's Chapel on one
side and the likeness of a golden dog licking a
golden pot over a shop-door on the other. . . .
My old way home by the Borough made me
cry, after my eldest child could speak. In my
walks at night I have walked there often since
At the time of which Dickens writes, he described
himself as " such a little fellow with my poor white
hat, little jacket and corduroy trousers/' working
at Warren's Blacking Factory, by Hungerford
Bridge ; his father was in the Marshalsea Prison
for debt, and a back attic was found for the boy
Charles "at the house of an Insolvent Court agent,
who lived in Lant Street in the Borough, where
Bob Sawyer lodged many years afterwards."
And so we have this most interesting account of
his daily walks to guide us in a pilgrimage replete
with interest, not only with Dickens's fife itself,
but with the places mentioned in his books.
We start from the Embankment, at the foot of
Blackfriars Bridge.
Although Murdstone & Grinby's warehouse,
where David Copperfield washed the bottles in
company with the same lads who had been young
Charles's companions, is one and the same as War-
ren's Blacking Factory, yet Dickens made one great
alteration he described it as being " down in Black-
friars," and in so doing uses almost the same words
as in the autobiographical fragment. (See Route
Arthur Clennam drove with Daniel Doyce over
Blackfriars Bridge to the Marshalsea. Hugh broke
open the Toll House here during the Gordon Riots ;
but the greatest of all the memories of Blackfriars
Bridge is that of Poor Jo at Long Vacation time
finding there " a baking stony corner wherein to
settle to his repast. And there he sits munching
and gnawing, and looking up to the great cross on
the summit of St. Paul's Cathedral until ... he is
stirred up and told to ' move on/ "
Unfortunately, the railway bridge across the
river now blocks out the view of St. Paul's.
Crossing the bridge we find Union Street on our
left, graced with the " golden dog licking a golden
pot over a shop-door " on the right-hand corner.
On the opposite corner of the road is Rowland Hill's
Chapel, sadly fallen from its former high position ;
in turns it has been a metal warehouse, Cinema,
and Boxing Ring !
" There are a great many little low-browed old
shops in that street and some are unchanged now,"
Dickens tells us. Even after a further lapse of close
on seventy years, some a few are still "un-
changed now."
Dickens goes on to say, " I looked into one a few
weeks ago, where I used to buy boot-laces on Saturday
nights, and saw the corner where I once sat down on
a stool to have a pair of ready-made half-boots
fitted on."
What an interesting mean street it is although
the Show Van at a corner is no longer a visitor ;
but we can conjure up a vision of young Dickens
going in " with a very motley assemblage to see the
Fat Pig, the Wild Indian, and the Little Lady."
The far end of Union Street leads into Southwark
Bridge Road, and we bear to the right. To the left
takes us to the bridge itself, but gone is the old iron
bridge upon which Little Dorrit loved to walk in
solitude, because, as she explained, " if you go by the
Iron Bridge . . . there is an escape from the noise
of the street " ; gone is the toll gate, but not the
memories of Young John Chivery laying down
" his penny on the toll plate of the Iron Bridge
and . . . looking about him for the well-known
and well-beloved figure "... of Little Dorrit.
He met her here " towards the Middlesex side . .
standing still and looking at the water," and here
declared his hopeless passion.
It was on the river here that Our Mutual Friend
opens, with Gaffer Hexam plying his nefarious
trade " between Southwark Bridge, which is of
iron, and London Bridge, which is of stone."
This portion of the road reminds us of another
personal touch. One day young Charles was taken
ill at the Blacking Factory, so ill indeed that it was
decided he must go home. Thus he records the
incident :
Bob (who was much bigger and older than I)
did not like the idea of my going home alone,
and took me under his protection. I was too
proud to let him know about the prison ; and
after making several efforts to get rid of him,
to all of which Bob Fagin in his goodness was
deaf, shook hands with him on the steps of a house
near Southwark Bridge, on the Surrey side,
making believe that I lived there. As a finishing
piece of reality in case of him looking back, I
knocked at the door, I recollect, and asked,
when the woman opened it, if that was Mr.
Robert Fagin's house.
A short way further on, on the left, we turn into
Marshalsea Road. Here, streets on the right and
left are named Quilp Street, Dorrit Street, and Clen-
ham Street. In Harrow Street, on the left, is all
that remains of the Farm House a notorious lodging-
house visited by Dickens and Inspector Field, and
close by is a children's playground named Little
Dorrit's Playground, after the heroine of the book.
Harrow Street on the right of Marshalsea Road
leads into Lant Street.
" There's my lodgings," said Mr. Bob Sawyer,
" Lant Street, Borough ! It's near Guy's and
handy for me, you know. Little distance after
you've passed Saint George's Church turns out
of the High Street on the right-hand side of the way."
There is a repose about Lant Street, in the
Borough, which sheds a gentle melancholy upon
the soul. There are always a good many houses
to let in the street : it is a by-street, too, and
its dullness is soothing. . . . If a man wished to
abstract himself from the world to remove
himself from within the reach of temptation
to place himself beyond the possibility of any
inducement to look out of the window he
should by all means go to Lant Street. . . .
The majority of the inhabitants either direct
their energies to the letting of furnished apart-
ments, or devote themselves to the healthful
and invigorating pursuit of mangling. The
chief features in the still life of the street are
green shutters, lodging-bills, brass door-plates,
and bell-handles ; the principal specimens of
animated nature, the pot-boy, the muffin youth,
and the baked-potato man. The population is
migratory, usually disappearing on the verge
of quarter-day, and generally by night. His
Majesty's revenues are seldom collected in this
happy valley ; the rents are dubious ; and the
water communication is very frequently cut off.
To Dickens's personal connection with Lant
Street we have already referred. He further tells
us :
A bed and bedding were sent over for me,
and made up on the floor. The little window
had a pleasant prospect of a timber yard, and,
when I took possession of my new abode, I
thought it was Paradise.
Almost the same description is given of David
Copperfield's lodging when the Micawbers were in
the King's Bench, so there is no doubt about its
also being in Lant Street.
It was doubtless in Lant Street that Frederick
Dorrit lodged at Mr. Cripples's Academy, a house
not far from the Marshalsea, where there were so
many lodgers " that the door-post seemed to be
as full of bell-handles as a cathedral organ is of stops."
On reaching the main road we see St. George's
Church on the left ; we shall return to the church
presently ; meanwhile our way lies to the right.
At the corner of the Borough Road, its site now occu-
pied by dwellings called Queen's Buildings, stood
the King's Bench Prison, where Micawber was in-
carcerated. " The outside of the south wall of that
place of incarceration on civil process," at which
Mr. Micawber fixed an appointment with David
and Traddles on a later occasion, is now only a
memory. All the incidents Dickens records in his
autobiographical fragment as occurring to his own
father in the Marshalsea are transferred by him to
Mr. Micawber and the King's Bench Prison.
" The Rules " of King's Bench Prison, referred
to in Nicholas Nickleby, was a district about three
miles in circumference, which came as far south
as the Borough High Street. Here some of the
more favoured debtors lived. Here came Nicholas
in search of Madeleine Bray's father in " a row of
mean and not over-cleanly houses . . . not many
hundred yards from the Obelisk in Saint George's
Fields." The obelisk now outside Bethlehem Hos-
pital was replaced by an ornate clock tower some
years ago ; here, it will be remembered, little
David Copperfield lost his luggage and his half-
guinea in starting out for his walk to Dover in
search of his aunt. (See Route Eight.)
Opposite Borough Road is Union Road, where
young John Chivery " assisted his mother in the
conduct of a snug tobacco business, round the corner
of Horsemonger Lane/ 1 Since the notorious gaol
has given place to a recreation ground the name
of the lane has been altered to Union Road, but
the little shop, the " rural establishment, one storey
high, which had the benefit of the air from the
yards of Horsemonger Lane Gaol and the advantage
of a retired walk under the wall of that pleasant
establishment/' is still to be seen at No. 5, although
it is a shop no longer, and no life-size Highlander
or even a little one is to be seen " on a bracket
on the door-post," looking " like a fallen cherub
that had found it necessary to take to a kilt."
Dickens witnessed the last public hanging from
the terrace opposite the prison, and wrote that
impressive letter to the Times on the I3th Novem-
ber, 1849, concluding :
I do not believe that any community can pros-
per where such a scene of horror and demoraliza-
tion, as was enacted this morning outside
Horsemonger Lane Gaol, is presented at the very
doors of good citizens, and is passed by unknown
or forgotten.
" The Church of Saint George in the Borough of
Southwark " is a well-known Dickens landmark ;
chiefly is it endeared to us through its connection
with Little Dorrit, who was born in the adjacent
Marshalsea Prison, and " christened one Sunday
afternoon, when the turnkey being relieved was off
the lock ... at the font of Saint George's
Church," the said turnkey acting as sponsor. On
the night of " Little Dorrit's Party " she and Maggie
were locked out of the Marshalsea, and the sexton
made up a bed for her in the vestry, where there was
a fire " on account of the painters." Here, too, she
was married ; and walking out of the church with her
husband, Arthur Clennam
They paused for a moment on the steps of the
portico looking at the fresh perspective of the
street in the autumn morning sun's bright rays,
and then went down. Went down into a modest
life of usefulness and happiness . . . into the
roaring streets, inseparable and blessed.
It was the sexton who said, at the signing of the
register in the vestry :
This young lady is one of our curiosities.
. . . Her birth is in what I call the first volume ;
she lay asleep on this very floor, with her pretty
head on what I call the second volume ; and she's
now a-writing her little name as a bride in what
I call the third volume.
There is another memory associated with St.
George's Church ; it is also with " Little Dorrit,"
for we read that her lover, John Chivery, after
drawing tears from his eyes in silent thoughts
of a lifelong union with Little Dorrit, was accus-
tomed to " finish the picture with a tombstone in
the adjoining churchyard, close against the prison
wall," on which, following his own name, would be
inscribed, " Also of his truly beloved and truly
loving wife Amy . . . who breathed her last in
the Marshalsea. . . . There she was born, there
she lived, there she died,"
After his momentous interview and declaration
on Southwark Bridge, when he was delicately turned
aside and asked never to refer to the matter again,
we read of him " creeping along by the worst back-
streets and composing as he went a new inscription
for a tombstone in St. George's Churchyard, declaring
how he died " of a broken heart, requesting with his
last breath that the word Amy might be inscribed
over his ashes."
On the wall of the churchyard are two interesting
tablets connecting Dickens with the spot, inscribed :
This Site was originally the
Marshalsea Prison,
made famous by the late
Charles Dickens,
in his well-known work,
" Little Dorrit "
Appropriately enough, these tablets are on the
outer wall of the old Debtors' Prison, and the old
buildings to the left are a portion of the quarters
of the debtors, and associated in our minds with the
room in which "The Child of the Marshalsea" was
Thirty years ago there stood, a few doors
short of the church of Saint George, in the borough
of Southwark, on the left-hand side of the way
going southward, the Marshalsea Prison. It
had stood there many years before, and it
remained there some years afterwards ; but it is
gone now, and the world is none the worse
without it.
It was an oblong pile of barrack building,
partitioned into squalid houses standing back
to back, so that there were no back rooms ;
environed by a narrow paved yard, hemmed in
by high walls duly spiked on top.
Turning into Borough High Street, we can find
the other side of the wall by passing through Angel
Court, to which Dickens thus refers in the preface
to Little Dorrit :
Wandering . . . down . . . Angel Court
... I came to Marshalsea Place, the houses in
which I recognised, not only as the great block
of the former prison, but as preserving the
rooms that arose in my mind's eye when I
became Little Dorrit's biographer. . . .
Whosoever goes into Marshalsea Place, turning
out of Angel Court leading to Bermondsey, will
find his feet on the very paving stones of the
extinct Marshalsea Gaol ; will see its narrow yard
to the right and to the left, very little altered,
if at all, except that the walls were lowered
when the place got free ; will look upon the rooms
in which the debtors lived ; will stand among
the crowding ghosts of many miserable years.
So it was in 1857 there is very little change in
the place to-day : the printing works on the right
are actually in the rooms occupied by the debtors
of old ; except that the partitions have been re-
moved, to make the place more suitable for business
The Marshalsea also formed the subject of one of
the stories told in Pickwick, " The Old Man's Tale
about the Queer Client."
In the Borough High Street, near St. George's
Church, and on the same side of the way, stands,
as most people know, the smallest of our debtors'
prisons the Marshalsea.
And then follows what is really a personal note,
one of the first uttered by Dickens on his connection
with the place :
It may be my fancy, or it may be that I
cannot separate the place from the old recollec-
tions associated with it, but this part of London
I cannot bear.
Forster tells us that, when Charles had his "little
paradise " in Lant Street, " he used to breakfast
' at home/ in other words, in the Marshalsea, going
to it as early as the gates were open, and for the most
part much earlier/ 1 The family were waited on by
the same little waiting-maid as they had had at
Camden Town ; she was the original of the
Marchioness. " She, too, had a lodging in the neigh-
bourhood/' continues Forster, " that she might be
early on the scene of her duties ; and when Charles
met her, as he would do occasionally, in his lodging-
place by London Bridge, he would occupy the time
before the gates opened by telling her quite aston-
ishing fictions about the wharves and the Tower.
' But I hope I believed them myself/ he would say.
Besides breakfast, he had supper also in the Prison ;
and got to his lodging generally by nine o'clock.
The gates closed always at ten/'
Returning to the Borough and walking towards
London Bridge, we are reminded how that :
Mr. F.'s aunt, publicly seated on the steps of
the Marshal's official residence, had been for two
or three hours a great boon to the younger
inhabitants of the Borough, whose sallies of
humour she had considerably flushed herself by
resenting, at the point of her umbrella, from
time to time.
We can picture, too, the pie-shop to which Flora
took Little Dorrit and Mr. F/s Aunt, as an excuse
for conversation, as being one of these old shops
on the left-hand side. Flora proposed to Little
an adjournment to any place . . . even if
not a pie-shop . . . and a back parlour,
though a civil man . . . your good nature
might excuse under pretence of three kidney
ones, the humble place of conversation. . . .
Flora accordingly led the way across the road
to the pie-shop in question . . when the three
kidney ones were set before them on three little
tin platters, each kidney one ornamented with
a hole at the top into which the civil man poured
hot gravy out of a spouted can.
In the account of Bob Sawyer's party at his lodg-
ings in Lant Street, we are informed that the ham
" was from the German-sausage shop round the
corner/' (May it not have been the very same pie-
shop associated with Little Dorrit ?) And that
" Mr. Bob Sawyer had himself purchased the
spirits at a wine vaults in High Street, and had
returned home preceding the bearer thereof to
preclude the possibility of their delivery to the
wrong house."
We can picture, too, Mr. Ben Allen, returning
after seeing Mr. Pickwick on his way home after the
party at Lant Street :
Mr. Ben Allen . . . made the best of his way
back, knocked double knocks at the door of the
Borough Market Office, and took short naps on
the steps alternately until daybreak, under the
firm impression that he lived there and had
forgotten the key.
Another link with the Borough is in the last
chapter of Bamaby Rudge, where we are told that
Gashford was found dead in his bed at an obscure
inn in the Borough, where he was quite unknown.
But the glory of the Borough to-day is the quaint
old George Inn, mentioned only once in Dickens
(in Little Dorrit), but bringing back to us most vividly
all the romance that is woven around the coaching
inns of old ; the gallery, the court-yard, the tap-
room, the bar, the coffee-room, all so delightfully
reminiscent of so many descriptions Dickens has
left us of a phase of life that is no more and con-
sequently invested with a halo.
The introduction of Sam Weller in Pickwick is
thus heralded :
In the Borough especially, there still remain
some half-dozen old inns, which have preserved
their external features unchanged. . . . Great,
rambling, queer, old places they are, with
galleries, and passages, and staircases, wide
enough and antiquated enough to furnish material
for a hundred ghost stories, supposing we should
ever be reduced to the lamentable necessity of
inventing any, and that the world should
exist long enough to exhaust the innumerable
veracious legends connected with old London
Bridge, and its adjacent neighbourhood on the
Surrey side.
It was in the yard of one of these inns of no
less celebrated a one than the White Hart
that a man was busily employed in brushing
the dirt off a pair of boots.
The " White Hart " exists in name only, a few
doors beyond the George, whilst remains of the other
old inns Dickens referred to in the above quotation
are still to be seen in the Borough High Street,
mostly in the shape of the inn yard and the old
St. Thomas's Street close by leads to Guy's Hos-
pital, where Bob Sawyer was a medical student,
" a carver and cutter of live people's bodies," as
Mrs. Raddle called him.
Passing under the railway arch, we arrive on
London Bridge.
The River Thames about London Bridge is often
described by Dickens. Our Mutual Friend opens
on it " as an autumn evening was closing in."
In Barnaby Rudge we read that Mr. Haredale,
when in hiding at his lodging in Vauxhall, " usually
came to London Bridge from Westminster by water,
in order that he might avoid the busy streets."
Betsey Trotwood " was quite gracious on the sub-
ject of the Thames," which, we are told, " really
did look very well with the sun upon it, though not
like the sea before the cottage." And in Great
Expectations it figures in the exploit of Pip .to get his
benefactor safely aboard the Continental-bound
steamer in the reaches below Gravesend.
" Choose your bridge, Mr. Pip/ 1 said Wemmick
on one occasion, " and take a walk upon your
bridge, and pitch your money into the Thames
over the centre arch of your bridge and you
know the end of it."
In Martin Chmzlewit we read in the disclosures of
Nadgett that Jonas Chuzzlewit, after the murder,
changed his clothes and came out of his house " with
a bundle . . . and went down the steps at London
Bridge and sank it in the river."
This no doubt occurred on the opposite side
(the Middlesex side) to the well-remembered steps
where Nancy made her disclosures to Rose Maylie
and Mr. Brownlow.
The steps . . . were those which, on the
Surrey bank, and on the same side of the bridge
as Saint Saviour's Church, form a landing-
stairs from the river. . . . These stairs are a
part of the bridge ; they consist of three flights.
Just below the end of the second, going down,
the stone wall on the left terminates in an
ornamental pilaster facing towards the Thames.
At this point the lower steps widen so that a
person turning that angle of the wall is necessarily
unseen by any others on the stairs who chance
to be above him, if only a step.
Here it was that Noah Claypole hid, heard Nancy's
story, and disclosed it to Fagin, resulting in Nancy's
murder at the brutal hands of Sikes.
London Bridge itself, a youthful haunt of young
Charles Dickens, as we have shown, often figures in
the adventures of his later heroes ; and a crowd of
characters cross this historic thoroughfare.
The elder Rudge crossed London Bridge for the
City and Smithfield, after leaving the widow's house,
which was " in a by-street in Southwark, not far
from London Bridge."
Riah, the kind Jew, in Our Mutual Friend,
" passed over London Bridge, and returned to the
Middlesex shore by that of Westminster," recrossing
it later the same evening with Jenny Wren. Pip
crossed London Bridge in an agony after hearing
that Estella was to be married to Bently Drummle,
to receive at Whitefriars Gate in the Temple Wem-
mick's laconic message, " Don't go home."
It was while accompanying the Pickwickians to
London Bridge on their way home from Bob Saw-
yer's party that Mr. Ben Allen confided to Mr.
Winkle that " he was resolved to cut the throat of
any gentleman, except Mr. Bob Sawyer, who should
aspire to the affections of his sister Arabella."
David Copperfield made his first acquaintance with
London Bridge in the company of Mr. Mell, who met
him at the inn in Whitechapel where the Yarmouth
coach stopped, and conveyed him to Salem House
on Blackheath.
We went on through a great noise and uproar
. . . and over a bridge which, no doubt, was
London Bridge. (Indeed I think he told me so,
but I was half asleep.)
The almshouses they visited, when Mr. Mell
played his flute to his old mother and Mrs. Fibbitson,
were probably in the neighbourhood of the Borough,
where several almshouses once existed. We are
told that "by an inscription on a stone over the
gate . . . they were established for twenty-five
poor women."
A year or two later, when Mr. and Mrs. Micawber
were in the Marshalsea, and David was working at
the Bottle Factory, we read :
My favourite lounging place was old London
Bridge, where I was wont to sit in one of the
stone recesses, watching the people going by,
or to look over the balustrades at the sun shining
in the water and lighting up the golden flame
on the top of the Monument.
... as I walked to and fro daily between
Southwark and Blackfriars, and lounged about
at meal-times in obscure streets, the stones of
which may, for anything I know, be worn at
this moment by my childish feet. I wonder how
many of these people were wanting in the crowd
that used to come filing before me in review
again. . . . When my thoughts go back now
... I wonder how much of the histories I
invented for such people hangs like a mist of
fancy over well-remembered facts. When I
tread the old ground, I do not wonder that I
seem to see and pity going on before me an in-
nocent, romantic boy, making his imaginative
world out of such strange experience and
sordid things.
Looking down the river, one of the many wharves
beyond Tower Bridge may well be associated with
Quilp's Wharf, which, we are told, was opposite
his house on Tower Hill, " on the Surrey side of the
river . , . a small, rat-infested, dreary yard . .
in which were a little wooden counting-house
burrowing all awry in the dust/'
This must have been quite adjacent to Jacob's
Island, where Bill Sikes met his terrible end. Here
is Dickens's description from Oliver Twist :
" Near to that part of the Thames on which
the church at Rotherhithe abuts . . . beyond
Dockhead, in the Borough of Southwark, stands
Jacob's Island, surrounded by a muddy ditch,
six or eight feet deep and fifteen or twenty wide
when the tide is in, once called Mill Pond, but
known in these days as Folly Ditch. It is a
creek or inlet from the Thames, and can always
be filled at high water by opening the sluices
at the lead mills, from which it took its old name.
At such times, a stranger, looking from one of
the wooden bridges thrown across it at Mill
Lane, will see the inhabitants of the houses on
either side lowering from their back doors and
windows buckets, pails, domestic utensils of
all kinds, in which to haul the water up."
The house was situated at the back of what is
now No. 18 Eckell Street, off Mill Street, in a court
called Metcalf Court, now the stables and yard of a
firm of carmen.
On the City side of London Bridge we find, on the
right, Fresh Wharf, undoubtedly the place where
Mrs. Gamp was enquiring for " The Ankworks
package," wishing it " was in Jonadge's belly."
The first turning on the right after the end of the
bridge leads to Fish Street Hill, where David
Copperfield on his return from abroad noticed an old
house had been pulled down ; he had " walked from
the Custom House to the Monument before finding
a coach."
Here is the Monument, which, as Mr. F/s aunt
sagely remarks, " was put up arter the great Fire
of London . . . not the fire in which your Uncle
George's workshops was burned down ! " This
was the place of " no temptation " recommended by
the elder Willet to his son, when he gave him
" sixpence ... to spend in the diversions of
London " the diversions he recommended being
"to go to the top of the Monument and sitting
Tom Pinch came up from Salisbury, it will be
remembered, lost his way and " found himself at
last hard by the Monument," and found " the man
in the Monument quite as mysterious a being as the
man in the moon." That he was a cynic was evi-
denced by his remark after a customer had paid his
humble ' tanner " for admission :
" They don't know what a many steps there is,
. . . It's worth twice the money to stop here.
Oh my eye ! "
It has always been a regret that the " kind of
paved yard near the Monument," which sheltered
the commercial boarding-house of Mrs. Todgers in
Martin Chuzzlewit, has never been identified, so that
its site could be pointed out to the pilgrim !
Surely there never was, in any other borough,
city or hamlet in the world, such a singular sort
of a place as Todgers's. And surely London,
to judge from that part of it which hemmed
Todgers's round, and hustled it, and crushed it,
and stuck its brick-and-mortar elbows into it,
and kept the air from it, and stood perpetually
between it and the light, was worthy 01 Todgers's,
and qualified to be on terms of close relationship
and alliance with hundreds and thousands of
the odd family to which Todgers's belonged.
You couldn't walk about Todgers's neighbour-
hood as you could in any other neighbourhood.
You groped your way for an hour through lanes,
and by-ways, and court-yards, and passages ;
and you never once emerged upon anything
that might be reasonably called a street.
A kind of resigned distraction came over the
stranger as he trod those devious mazes, and, giving
himself up for lost, went in and out and round
about and quietly turned back again when he
came to a dead wall or was stopped by an iron
railing, and felt that the means of escape might
possibly present themselves in their own good time,
but that to anticipate them was hopeless.
Instances were known of people who, being asked
to dine at Todgers's, had travelled round and
round for a weary time, with its very chimney-
pots in view, and finding it, at last, impossible
of attainment, had gone home again with a
gentle melancholy on their spirits, tranquil
and uncomplaining. Nobody had ever found
Todgers's on a verbal direction, though given
within a few minutes' walk of it. ... To tell
of half the queer old taverns that had a drowsy
and secret existence near Todgers's would fill
a goodly book ; while a second volume no less
capacious might be devoted to an account of the
quaint old guests who frequented their dimly
lighted parlours. These were, in general, ancient
inhabitants of that region ; born, and bred there
from boyhood ; who had long since become
wheezy and asthmatical. . . . These gentry were
much opposed to steam and all newfangled ways,
and held ballooning to be sinful, and deplored
the degeneracy of the times, which that parti-
cular member of each little club who kept the
keys of the nearest church professionally
always attributed to the prevalence of Dis-
sent and irreligion.
In Monument Yard, Mark Tapley met his old
neighbours from Eden in America and embraced
them affectionately, and here Mr. Dorrit's solicitors,
Peddle & Pool, are described as having their office.
Copperfield, n, 46
Barnaby, 49
Reprinted, Down-tide
Blackfriars Bridge
Copperfield, 46
Barnaby, 49, 67
Bleak House, 19, 27
Dornt, I, 12
Expectations, 46
Sketches Tottle
Scenes, 15
Blackfriars Road
Copperfield, 12
Bleak House, 27
(See also Route 8)
Union Street
Rowland Hill's Chapel
Golden Dog in Pot
Southwark Bridge Road
Southwark Bridge
Dorrit, I, 9, 18, 22
Mutual Friend, I, I
Reprinted, Down-tide
Caleb Street (site of the Old
Reprinted, Field
Marsh alsea Road
Builp Street
Clennam ,,
Farm House (site of)
Reprinted, Inspector Field
Little Dorrit's Playground
Lant Street
Here Dickens lodged 1824
Pickwick, 30, 32
Copperfield, n
Dorrit, 1, 9
Horsemonger Lane (now Union
Dorrit, I, 18, 22
King's Bench Prison (site of)
Copperfield, n, 12, 49
Nickleby, 46
Uncommercial, 13
Sketches : Brokers' Shops
The Rules (site)
Nickleby, 46, 51
Pickwick, 43
Sketches : Brokers
St. George's Church
Pickwick, 30, 21
Dorrit, I, 6, 7, 9, 14, 18 ; II, 34
Sketches : Inspector Field
Tabard Street (late Kent Street)
Uncommercial, 13
The Marshalsea
Pickwick, 21
Dorrit, Pref., I, 6, 8, 36, etc.
Angel Place (or Court)
Dorrit, Pref.
The Borough
Pickwick, 10, 21, 30, 32
Barnaby, 82, 49
Copperfield, 6, n
Dorrit, Pref., I, 6, 9, 36 ; II, 34
Uncommercial, 13
Reprinted, Inspector Field
The George Inn
Dornt, I, 22, 36
The White Hart Inn
Pickwick, 10
Guy's Hospital
Pickwick, 30, 32
Borough Market
Pickwick, 10, 32
Borough Clink
Barnaby, 67
St. Saviour's Church
Twist, 46
Uncommercial, 9
St. Magnus' Church
Twist, 46
Pickwick, 32, 33
Twist, 50
Barnaby, 5
Copperfield, n
Dorrit, I, 6
Uncommercial, 9
Reprinted, Down-tide
Miscell. P.
London Bridge Steps
Twist, 46
Chuzzlewit, 51
London Bridge Station
Reprinted : Flight
Borough Compter (site)
Barnaby, 67
Uncommercial, 10
Twist, 50
Jacob's Island (site)
Twist, 50
Uncommercial, 10
Quilp's Wharf
Curiosity, 2, 4
Dornt, Preface
Reprinted: Flight
Twist, 50
London Bridge
Pickwick, 32
Twist, 40, 46
Copperfield, 5, n
Barnaby, 5, 8, 16, 43, 49
Expectations, 44, 54
Mutual, I, i ; III, 2
Chuzzlewit, 46, 51
Dorrit, I, 7, 14, 31 ; II, 18
Uncommercial, 10, n, 13
Sketches : Scenes, 10 ; Tales. 4
Miscell. P.
Reprinted : Down-tide
Fresh Whart
Sketches : River
Chuzzlewit, 40
Fish Street Hill
Sketches : Couples
Copperfield, 59
Mutual I, 3
Copperfield, 11, 59
Barnaby, 13
Dornt, II, 13
Mutual, I, 3
Nickleby, i
Chuzzlewit, 37, 8
Uncommercial, 9
Poor Relation
Monument Yard
Dorrit, I, 36
Chuzzlewit, 8, 9, 10, 13, 37, 54
Uncommercial, o
THE Dover Road had at all times a great attraction
to Dickens : " There's milestones on the Dover
Road/' said Mr. F's Aunt and he must have known
most of them intimately, for Rochester is on the
Dover Road, and near by is Gad's Hill, his home for
so many years ; and he often tramped the twenty-
eight odd miles between London and Gad's Hill.
Although properly speaking the Dover Road
commences at the Surrey side of London Bridge and
traverses the Borough (Route Seven) it is not in-
correct to measure it over Westminster Bridge, the
way some of the very earliest stage-coaches made
the journey, according to an advertisement of 1751.
That was the way the Pickwickians went to Rochester
from the Golden Cross at Charing Cross in 1827.
Mr. Peggotty on his first return to London after his
search for Little Em'ly found " a traveller's lodging
on the Dover Road/' and David accompanied him
over Westminster Bridge and parted from him on
the Surrey side ; and, in the various ruses employed
by Pip in Great Expectations to hide the tracks of
his Uncle Provis, it was given out on one occasion
that he had gone to Dover, for which purpose
" he was taken down the Dover Road and cornered
out of it." Barnaby Rudge, after being enlisted
by Lord George Gordon on the Bridge, crossed it
with him and went down Bridge Road to join the
throng at St. George's Fields. But perhaps the
greatest memory of the Dover Road is its association
with little David's walk to his Aunt's at Dover,
when he was robbed at the Obelisk, and faint-hearted
and weary turned about for Greenwich, which he
" understood was on the Dover Road."
Crossing Westminster Bridge (see Route Eleven)
we reach Westminster Bridge Road. Numbers 225 /33
mark the site of Astley's, and with it go memories
of the visit paid by Kit and his mother, and Barbara
and her mother, to say nothing of little Jacob, so
humorously described in The Old Curiosity Shop.
Dear, dear, what a place it looked, that
Astley's ; with all the paint, gilding, and look-
ing-glass ; the vague smell of horses suggestive
of coming wonders ; the curtain that hid such
gorgeous mysteries ; the clean white sawdust
down in the circus ; the company coming in and
taking their places ; the fiddlers looking carelessly
up at i'hem while they tuned their instruments,
as if they didn't want the play to begin and knew
it all beforehand !
Hard by must have been the oyster shop into
which, after the performance, Kit walked " as bold
as if he lived there, and, not so much as looking at
the counter or the man behind it, led his party into
a box a private box, fitted up with red curtains,
white table-cloth, and cruet-stand complete and
ordered a fierce gentleman with whiskers, who acted
as waiter and called him, him Christopher Nubbles,
4 sir ' to bring three dozen of his largest-sized oysters,
and to look sharp about it ! "
In Bleak House we read of Trooper George paying
a visit to Astley's, and, " being there, is much de-
lighted with the horses and the feats of strength ;
looks at the weapons with a critical eye ; disapproves
of the combats, as giving evidences of unskilful
swordsmanship ; but is touched home by the senti-
Turning along York Road on the left, we reach
Waterloo Road. At the corner on the right is Water-
loo Station mentioned more than once in Our Mutual
Friend one of the few books in which Dickens
even mentions railways ! Passing urlder the Rail-
way Arch we reach New Cut and Lambeth Marsh
with the " Old Vic " on the left. This district is
referred to more than once in Sketches by Boz and
The Amusements of the People in Miscellaneous
It was in " a mean house situated in an obscure
street, or rather court, near Lambeth " that Squeers
rented a garret in the same house as Peg Sliderskew,
and here his plans were thwarted by Nicholas and
Newman Noggs.
Waterloo Road ends at St. George's Circus ; to
the right runs Lambeth Road, in which a short way
down on the left is Bethlehem Hospital, in front of
which is the " Obelisk." This previously stood in the
centre of St. George's Circus, formerly St. George's
Fields, the scene of the massing of the Gordon
Rioters as described in Barnaby Rudge. The
" Obelisk " was and still is one of London's land-
marks. In Somebody's Luggage Dickens thus
humorously refers to it :
Those that are acquainted with London are
aware of a locality on the Surrey side of the River
Thames, called the Obelisk, or, more generally,
the Obstacle. Those that are not acquainted
with London will also be aware of it, now that
I have named it."
But its chief claim to remembrance is the connec-
tion it has with little David's walk to Dover. Look-
ing about him for somebody who could carry his
box from his lodgings in Lant Street to the coach
office, he found " a long-legged young man with a
very little empty donkey-cart standing near the
Obelisk in the Blackfriars Road," and bargained with
him to do the job " for a tanner." How the long-
legged young man not only ran off with the box,
but with David's half-guinea too, is graphically
described in chapter twelve : David ran after him
as fast as he could, and had no breath to call out,
or continue the chase, so he tells us, " I left the young
man to go where he would with my box and money ;
and panting and crying, but never stopping, faced
about for Greenwich, which I had understood was
on the Dover Road : taking very little more out of
the world, towards the retreat of my aunt, Miss
Betsey, than I had brought into it, on the night when
my arrival gave her so much umbrage."
There is a personal association with a house near
the Obelisk, to which young Dickens had to go for
an examination at the time his father was put
in the Marshalsea. It was a condition that the
wearing apparel and personal matters retained were
not to exceed twenty pounds sterling in value,
and he tells us in his Autobiographical fragment :
" It was necessary, as a matter of form that
the clothes I wore should be seen by the official
appraiser. I had a half-holiday to enable me
to call upon him, at his own time, at a house
somewhere beyond the Obelisk. I recollect
his coming out to look at me with his mouth
full, and a strong smell of beer upon him, and
saying good-naturedly fhat ' that would do/
and ' it was all right/ Certainly the hardest
creditor would not have been disposed (even if
he had been legally entitled) to avail himself
of my poor white hat, little jacket, or corduroy
trousers. But I had a fat old silver watch
in my pocket, which had been given me by my
grandmother before the blacking days, and I had
entertained my doubts as I went along whether
that valuable possession might not bring me
over the twenty pounds. So I was greatly
relieved, and made him a bow of acknowledgment
as I went out/'
A little past the Bethlehem Hospital is Kennington
Road, in which is Walcot Square. Mr. Guppy, in
proposing to Esther in Bleak House, informed her he
had taken " a 'ouse ... a hollow bargain (taxes
ridiculous and use of fixtures included in the rent)."
He added " I beg to lay the 'ouse in Walcot Square,
the business and myself, before Miss Summerson
for her acceptance."
At this end of the Blackfriars Road on the left is
the Surrey Theatre, where " Frederick Dorrit played
... a clarionet as dirty as himself/' and in the
same theatre Fanny Dorrit used to dance.
Here it was that on November igth, 1838, an
unauthorised version of Oliver Twist was staged.
Dickens attended it, and was so annoyed that
"in the middle of the first scene he laid himself
down upon the floor in a corner of the box, and never
rose from it until the drop-scene fell."
From St. George's Circus, London Road leads
to the cross roads known as the Elephant & Castle,
described in Bleak House as " that ganglion of roads
from Kent and Surrey, and of streets from the
bridges of London, centring in the far-famed
Elephant." To one of the little shops in " a street
of little shops " near here, came Trooper George
to visit Mrs. Bagnet, whom he saw, " with her outer
skirts tucked up, come forth with a small wooden
tub, and in that tub commence a whisking and
splashing on the margin of the pavement. Mr.
George says to himself " She's as usual, washing
greens. I never saw her, except upon a baggage
waggon, when she wasn't washing greens."
Our way lies straight ahead down the New Kent
Road. On the left is Webb's County Terrace where
David rested after being robbed of his money and
his box.
For anything I know, I may have had some
wild idea of running all the way to Dover when
I gave up the pursuit of the young man with the
donkey-cart and started for Greenwich. My
scattered senses were soon collected as to that
point, if I had ; for I came to a stop in the Kent
Road, at a terrace with a piece of water before
it, and a great foolish image in the middle blow-
ing a dry shell. Here I sat down on a door-step,
quite spent and exhausted with the efforts I had
already made, and with hardly breath enough
to cry for the loss of my box and half-guinea.
The water and the " image " have disappeared
from the gardens some thirty years.
We bear to the right into the Old Kent Road.
On the right a new building has replaced the old
Deaf and Dumb Establishment to which Dr. Mari-
gold took his Sophy for tuition. Somewhere in the
Old Kent Road was the shop where David sold
the first portion of his wardrobe.
The master of this shop was sitting at the door
in his shirt-sleeves, smoking ; and as there
were a great many coats and pairs of trousers
dangling from the low ceiling, and only two
feeble candles burning inside to show what they
were, I fancied that he looked like a man of a
revengeful disposition, who had hung all his
enemies, and was enjoying himself.
In this neighbourhood too was no doubt situ-
ated Bradley Headstone's School in Our Mutual
Down in that district of the flat country tend-
ing to the Thames, where Kent and Surrey meet,
and where the railways still bestride the market-
gardens that will soon die under them. The
schools were newly built, and there were so many
like them all over the country that one might
have thought the whole were but one restless
edifice with the locomotive gift of Aladdin's
It is some three or four miles to Greenwich, and
we can take a conveyance the whole length of the
Old Kent Road to New Cross, and then through
Deptford to Greenwich.
We alight at Greenwich Church, where Bella was
married to John Rokesmith ; or, as Dickens puts it,
"the church porch, having swallowed up Bella Wilfer
for ever and ever, had it not in its power to relinquish
that young woman but slid into the happy sunlight
Mrs. John Rokesmith instead."
Church Street continued leads to the River, where
on the left is the Ship Hotel so full of memories of
two delightful chapters in Our Mutual Friend, the first
prior to the marriage, when Bella commanded Pa to
" take this lovely woman out to dinner."
" Where shall we go, dear ? "
" Greenwich."
The little room overlooking the river into
which they were shown for dinner was delightful.
Everything was delightful. The park was de-
lightful, the punch was delightful, the dishes of
fish were delightful, the wine was delightful.
And then, as they sat looking at the ships
and steamboats making their way to the sea
with the tide that was running down, the lovely
woman imagined all sorts of voyages for herself
and Pa.
Later on we read :
The marriage dinner was the crowning success,
for what had bride and bridegroom plotted to do,
but to have and to hold that dinner in the very
room of the very hotel where Pa and the lovely
woman had once dined together ! . . . What a
dinner ! Specimens of all the fishes that swim
in the sea surely had swum their way to it. . .
And the dishes, being seasoned with Bliss an
article which they are sometimes out of at
Greenwich were of perfect flavour. . . . Never-
to-be-forgotten Greenwich !
Returning to the Church, we turn left along Nelson
Street, and then first to the right takes us to Green-
wich Park, to which a chapter in the Sketches is
devoted :
The chief place of resort in the day-time . . .
is the Park, in which the principal amusement is
to drag young ladies up the steep hill which leads
to the Observatory, and then drag them down
again, at the very top of their speed, greatly to
the derangement of their curls and bonnet-caps,
and much to the edification of the lookers-on
from below.
The road straight ahead, and bearing to the left
takes us to the Observatory. The road to the right
from the Observatory takes us out of the Park, across
a small portion of the Heath into the Shooter's Hill
Road, where we turn left.
Blackheath was very well known to Dickens, and,
as the railway from London to Greenwich was the
first one built in London it afforded him the oppor-
tunity of taking train for part of the journey, such
as he describes in the concluding portion of the
Seven Poor Travellers in his walk from Rochester
to London.
Thus Christmas begirt me, far and near, until
I had come to Blackheath, and had walked down
the long vista of gnarled old trees in Greenwich
Park, and was being steam-rattled through the
mists now closing in once more, towards the
lights of London.
When little David Copperfield was sent to school
it was to Salem House " down by Blackheath . . .
a square brick building with wings, of a bare and
unfurnished appearance." The identity of the
school has never been discovered. After his mother
died, David was taken from the school and put to
work in the bottle warehouse ; from this he ran
away and walked to Dover. After a hard day's
work, he tells us how he " came climbing out at
last upon the level of Blackheath. It cctet me some
trouble to find out Salem House, but I found it, and
I found a haystack in the corner and I lay down
under it."
John Rokesmith and his wife, in Our Mutual
Friend, had " a modest little cottage, but a bright
and a fresh/' on Blackheath.
The main road now ascends Shooter's Hill and
we have thoughts of " that Friday night in Nov-
ember, one thousand seven hundred and seventy-
five," when the Dover Mail "lumbered up Shooter's
Hill . . . and the guard suspected the passengers,
the passengers suspected one another and the
guard, they all suspected everybody else, and the
coachman was sure of nothing but the horses."
For a full account of that spirited ride, the reader
is referred to the second chapter of A Tale of Two
In the Holly Tree Cobbs informs us that " Master
Harry Walmers's father lived at the Elmses, down
away by Shooter's Hill there, six or seven miles
from Lunnon," and in Pickwick we remember that
the elder Weller retired on a handsome independence
to " an excellent public-house near Shooter's Hill,
where he is quite reverenced as an oracle."
A reference is made in Sunday under Three Heads
to the ruined Severndroog Castle built by Lady
James in 1784 on the summit of the hill.
Away they go ... to catch a glimpse of the
rich cornfields and beautiful orchards of Kent ;
or to stroll among the fine old trees of Greenwich
Park, and survey the wonders of Shooter's Hill
and Lady James's Folly.
Our return from Greenwich can be made to follow
our outward route until New Cross Gate is reached.
Here a bus or tram to Camberwell Green takes us
through Peckham, where Walter Gay went to a
weekly boarding school. In the same book, Dombey
and Son, we read :
Mr. Feeder spoke of the dark mysteries of
London and told Mr. Toots that he was going . . .
to board with two maiden ladies at Peckham.
Beyond Peckham is Camberwell, in which Mr.
Pickwick had made " unwearied researches/' Oak
Lodge, Camberwell, was the home of the Maldertons
in that delightfully humorous story in Sketches by
Boz, entitled Horatio Sparkins.
Years have elapsed since the occurrence of
this dreadful morning. The daisies have thrice
bloomed on Camberwell Green ; the sparrows
have thrice repeated their vernal chirps in
Camberwell Grove ; but the Miss Maldertons are
still unmated.
The tragedy of George Barnwell, who lived in
Camberwell, was a favourite one with Dickens as
a boy, for recitations, and several references to it are
made in the novels. A more direct reference appears
in Martin Chuzzlewit, when, in speaking of Bailey
Junior, the boy at Todgers's, we read :
Benjamin was supposed to be the real name of
this young retainer, but he was known by a great
variety of names. Benjamin, for instance, had
been converted into Uncle Ben, and that again
had been corrupted into Uncle ; which, by an
easy transition, had again passed into Barnwell,
in memory of the celebrated relative in that
degree who was shot by his nephew George while
meditating in his garden at Camberwell.
In Great Expectations, dealing with Mr. Wopsle's
histrionic abilities, we are told :
Mr. Wopsle, as the ill-requited uncle of the
evening's tragedy, fell to meditating aloud in
his garden at Camberwell. ... I kept myself
to myself and my thoughts. Mr. Wopsle died
amiably at Camberwell, and exceedingly game
on Bosworth Field, and in the greatest agonies
at Glastonbury.
In the same book Camberwell figures in the
amusing account of Wemmick's wedding.
We went towards Camberwell Green, and, when
we were thereabouts, Wemmick said suddenly :
" Hallo ! Here's a church ! "
There was nothing very surprising in that ;
but, again, I was rather surprised when he said,
as if he were animated by a brilliant idea :
" Let's go in ! "...
" Hallo ! " said Wemmick. " Here's Miss
Skiffins ! Let's have a wedding ! "
St George's Church, Camberwell, on the left of
Camberwell Road, is pointed out as the church in
Tom Pinch, and Mr. Pecksniff too, both visited
the former's sister at a house in Camberwell, where
she was a governess in a family.
They lived at Camberwell ; in a house so big
and fierce that its mere outside, like the outside
of a giant's castle, struck terror into vulgar minds
and made bold persons quail. There was a
great front gate ; with a great bell, whose handle
was in itself a note of admiration ; and a great
lodge, which, being close to the house, rather
spoilt the look-out certainly, but made the
look-in tremendous.
In half a mile from Camberwell Green, we are in
Walworth, but all trace is lost of the delightful cottage
in which Wemmick lived as described in Great
It appeared to be a collection of black lanes,
ditches, and little gardens, and to present the
aspect of a rather dull retirement. Wemmick's
house was a little wooden cottage in the midst
of plots of garden, and the top of it was cut out
and painted like a battery mounted with guns.
" My own doing/' said Wemmick. " Looks
pretty, don't it ? "
I highly commended it. I think it was the
smallest house I ever saw ; with the queerest
gothic windows (by far the greater part of them
sham), and a gothic door, almost too small to
get in at.
" That's a real flagstaff, you see," said Wem-
mick, " and on Sundays I run up a real flag.
Then look here. After I have crossed this bridge,
I hoist it up so and cut off the communica-
The bridge was a plank, and it crossed a chasm
about four feet wide and two deep. But it wa&
very pleasant to see the pride with which h6
hoisted it up and made it fast, smiling as he'
did so.
The " Walworth Sentiments " of Mr. Wemmick
are often quoted :
" My Walworth sentiments must be taken at
Walworth ; none but my official sentiments
can be taken in this office."
Camberwell New Road takes us through Kenning-
ton to Clapham, which, in conjunction with Brixton
adjacent, was another of the places in which Mr.
Pickwick had made his " unwearied researches."
In the Clapham Road lived the Poor Relation who
loved to build his castles in the air, in " a very clean
back room, in a very respectable house, where I am
expected not to be at home in the day-time unless
Clapham Rise is mentioned in The Haunted House,
but No. 2 Tuppintock's Gardens, Liggs's Walk, has
never been discovered. Also in Clapham Rise, at
Rose Villa, lived Mr. Gattleton, and here the amateur
theatricals took place, as described in Mrs. Joseph
Porter in the Sketches ; this is often thought to be
a slice of Dickens's own life at the age of about
Clapham Common was formerly known as Clapham
Green. It will be recalled that Mr. Cyrus Bantam
at Bath thought he recognised in Mr. Pickwick
" the gentleman residing on Clapham Green who
lost the use of his limbs from imprudently taking
cold after port wine/'
The road continued becomes Balham High Road
and leads to Tooting. We read in Bleak House
that the Snagsby's maid
Guster . . . was farmed, or contracted for,
during her growing time, by an amiable
benefactor of his species resident at Tooting.
Guster was evidently an inmate of the Children's
Farm conducted by a certain Mr. Drouet at the
Paradise at Tooting which Dickens exposed at about
this time ; a full account of which is to be found in
the Miscellaneous Papers.
Of all similar establishments on earth, that at
Tooting was the most admirable. . . . Mr.
Drouet's farm was the best of all possible farms.
. . . Mr. Drouet's Paradise at Tooting 1 ...
The cholera . . . broke out in Mr. Drouet's
farm for children, because it was brutally con-
ducted, vilely kept, preposterously inspected,
dishonestly defended, a disgrace to a Christian
community, and a stain upon a civilised land.
From Tooting through Streatham, Norwood is
reached. Dickens used to visit Hall, his publisher,
here. " In the green and wooded country near
Norwood " he located the home of Carker ; and in
the same locality David Copperfield spent many
an anxious and delightful hour at the house of Mr.
Spenlow, in the garden of which he courted Dora.
I suppose that when I saw Dora in the garden
and pretended not to see her, and rode past the
house pretending to be anxiously looking for it,
I committed two small fooleries which other
young gentlemen in my circumstances might
have committed because they came so very
natural to me. But oh ! when I did find the
house, and did dismount at the garden gate, and
drag those stony-hearted boots across the lawn
to Dora sitting on a garden seat under a lilac
tree, what a spectacle she was.
From Norwood through Denmark Hill we reach
Dulwich associated with Pickwick on his retire-
The house I have taken," said Mr. Pickwick,
" is at Dulwich. It has a large garden, and is
situated in one of the most pleasant spots near
London. It has been fitted up with every*
attention to substantial comfort ; perhaps to a
little elegance besides ; but of that you shall
judge for yourselves. Sam accompanies me
At Dulwich Church Mr. Winkle was married to
Emily, and in conclusion we read :
Mr. Pickwick is somewhat infirm now ; but
he retains all his former juvenility of spirit, and
may still be frequently seen contemplating the
pictures in the Dulwich Gallery, or enjoying a
walk about the pleasant neighbourhood on a fine
day. He is known by all the poor people about,
who never fail to take their hats off as he passes,
with great respect. The children idolise him,
and so indeed does the whole neighbourhood.
Dover Road
Copperfield, 12
Dorrit, I, 23
Two Cities, 1,2
Astley's (site of)
Gunosity, 39
Bleak House, 21
Sketches : Astley's
Miscell. P. : Booley
Waterloo Station
Mutual, IV, ii
Bleak House, 64
Nickleby, 57, 59
Marsh Gate
Sketches : Streets
New Cut
Sketches : Shops
Miscell. P. : Amusements
Victoria Theatre
Sketches : Streets
Miscell. P. : Amusements
Waterloo Road
Uncommercial, 36
Somebody's Luggage
Bethlehem Hospital
Barnaby, 67
Uncommercial, 13
Walcot Square
Bleak House, 64
St. George's Circus, late Fields
(The Obelisk)
Copperfield, 12
Barnaby, 48
Pickwick, 43
Uncommercial, 10
Sketches : ist May
Somebody's Luggage
Surrey Theatre
Dorrit, I, 7
Elephant and Castle
Bleak House, 27
New Kent Road
Copperfield, 13
Old Kent Road
Copperfield, 13
Mutual, II, i
Uncommercial, 7, 13
Dr. Mangold
Bleak House, 20
Dombey, 4
Uncommercial 6
Going into Society
Mutual II, 8 ; IV, 4
Expectations, 45
Copperfield, 44
Poor Travellers
Sketches : Greenwich
Copperfield, 5, 13, 19
Mutual, IV, 4
Poor Travellers
Uncommercial, 7
Shooter's Hill
Pickwick, 57
Two Cities, I, 2
Holly Tree
Uncommercial, 7
Severndroog Castle
Curiosity, 56
Dombey, 4, 14
Haunted Man
Uncommercial, 6, 35
Sketches : Sparkins
Pickwick, i, 20, 22
Expectations, 15, 55
Chuzzlewit, 9
Nickleby, 37
Dorrit, I, 8
Expectations, 24, 25
Uncommercial, 6
Sketches : Tales 6
Bleak House, 39
Miscell. P. : Extra. Story
Chuzzlewit, 27
Pickwick, i
Uncommercial, 6
Sketches : Tales 5
Pickwick, i
Clapham Road
Poor Relation
Clapham Rise
Sketches : Joseph Porter
Haunted House
Clapham Common
Pickwick, 35
Bleak House, 10
Miscell. P. : Paradise at
Dombey, 33
Copperfield, 26, 33
Uncommercial 14
Beulah Spa (site of)
Sketches : Tottle
Seven Dials
Pickwick, 57
THE squares of London had not quite the same
fascination for Dickens as the ordinary streets
possessed ; the people who dwelt in them were for
the most part not those who interested him, although,
when he came to deal with the meaner square of the
type of Golden Square or Soho Square, we find him
quite in his usual element.
Between Holborn and Hyde Park, to the north
and south of Oxford Street, are two lines of squares,
and it is the purpose of this and the next ramble to
traverse the streets leading to them.
Making Dickens's house in Doughty Street our
starting point once again, we are reminded that the
correct postal address included the mention of
Mecklenburg Square, though Dickens himself seldom
used it. We turn right from the house and left
into Guilford Street, past the Foundling Hospital
(see Route Five) on the right, and then skirt Queen
Square on the left. It was Richard Carstone in
Bleak House who had " a neat little furnished lodging
in a quiet old house near Queen Square."
A little further on we reach Russell Square, across
which young Dickens used to walk from Somers
Town in the morning on the way to the Blacking
Warehouse " with some cold hotch-potch in a small
basin tied up in a handkerchief." Russell Square is
also referred to twice in Nicholas Nickleby.
Turning to the left along Southampton Row, and
to the right where it joins Theobald's Road, we reach
Bloomsbury Square, which figures largely in Barnaby
Rudge in the account of the sacking of Lord Mans-
field's house on the site of No. 29, and finally as
the scene of the execution of several of the rioters,
including Barnaby himself, who was happily rescued
at the eleventh hour. In Master Humphrey's Clock
we hear of the recommendation of "a charming
fellow who had performed the feat six times of
carrying away every bell-handle in Bloomsbury
On the far side of the Square is Great Russell
Street and by turning to the left and passing the
front of the British Museum, and then to the right
along Bloomsbury Street we reach Bedford Square,
mentioned in two delightful stories in the Sketches
(Horatio Sparkins and The Bloomsbury Christening)
a once aristocratic neighbourhood, for Mr. Kitterbell
who lived at No. 14 Great Russell Street delighted to
have Bedford Square added to his address : his Uncle
Dumps however, would insist in his replies address-
ing " in lieu thereof the dreadful words, Tottenham
Court Road."
Montague Place is to the right ; here Mr. Perker
lived and here came Lowten with the news of the
arrest of Mrs. Bardell for the costs which Mr. Pick-
wick would not pay.
Summoning the cab of most promising appear-
ance, he directed the driver to repair to Montague
Place, Russell Square.
Mr. Perker had had a dinner-party that day,
as was testified by the appearance of lights in the
drawing-room windows, the sound of an improved
grand piano, and an improvable cabinet voice
issuing therefrom, and a rather overpowering
smell of meat which pervaded the steps and
Turning to the left along the north side of Bedford
Square we reach the Tottenham Court Road, where
at the cheap linen drapers, Messrs. Jones, Spruggins
& Smith, the true identity of Horatio Sparkins was
revealed. Turning to the right we remember that
it was at the broker's shop " up at the top of Totten-
ham Court Road " that " the little round table with
the marble top " and " the precious flower-pot/ 1 be-
longing to Traddles and seized by the broker when
the Micawber household in Camden Town was sold
up, were recovered by the aid of Clara Peggotty.
In Nicholas Nickleby we are introduced to
Miss Knag's brother, who was an ornamental
stationer and small circulating library keeper,
in a by-street off Tottenham Court Road ; and
who let out by the day, week, month or year
the newest old novels, whereof the titles were
displayed in pen-and-ink characters on a sheet
of pasteboard, swinging at his door-post.
Dickens himself used to come this way as a boy
from his home in Gower Street, to the blacking
factory at Charing Cross. (Route Thirteen.)
In going to Hungerford Stairs of a morning, I
could not resist the stale pastry put out at half-
price on trays at the confectioners' doors in
Tottenham Court Road ; and I often spent in
that the money I should have kept for my
dinner. Then I went without my dinner, or
bought a roll, or a slice of pudding.
Grafton Street on the left leads into Fitzroy
Square, whereof in Nicholas Nickleby we are informed
of its " dowager barrenness and frigidity."
In Fitzroy Street Dickens lodged as a youth in
Keeping straight on, with the Square to the right,
we reach Cleveland Street, formerly Norfolk Street.
Here Dickens lived in 1816. The house is said to
be No. 10. Forster writes in his Life of Dickens :
When his father was again brought up by his
duties to London from Portsmouth, they went
into lodgings in Norfolk-street, Middlesex
Hospital ; and it lived also in the child's memory
that they had come away from Portsea in the
In Norfolk Street we again find him lodging as a
young man in 1831, probably in the same house as
that in which as a baby boy he made his first
acquaintance with London.
Cleveland Street was formerly Green Lanes, where
the rioters in Barnaby Rudge had a meeting place.
Turning to the right on reaching Cleveland Street,
we soon arrive in Euston Road. Almost opposite,
a little to the left, is Osnaburgh Terrace, where, at
No. 9, Dickens lived temporarily in 1844.
Continuing along the Marylebone Road, with
Regent's Park to the right, we reach High Street on
the left. Here at the corner is No. i Devonshire
Terrace, where Dickens lived from 1839 to 1851.
The house has been considerably altered since that
time. It saw the output of many of the most
important novels, The Old Curiosity Shop, Barnaby
Rudge, Martin Chuzzlewit, Dombey and Son, and David
Copperfield ; also three of the famous Christmas
A little beyond Devonshire Terrace, on the same
side is Marylebone Church which may possibly have
witnessed the christening of little Paul Dombey, and
the second marriage of Mr. Dombey, but no direct
reference is made to it in the novel.
Continuing, the Marylebone Road ends in the
Edgware Road, and we turn left to Hyde Park.
It was in this region that Nicholas, accompanied by
Newman Noggs, came to see his lady love but only
found " Bobster " ! " They traversed the streets
in profound silence ; and, after walking at a round
pace for some distance, arrived in one of a gloomy
appearance and very little frequented, near the
Edgeware Road/'
At the end of Edgware Road we come to Hyde
Park and Marble Arch, with Oxford Street to the left
and Bayswater Road on the right. On the railings
of Hyde Park, opposite Edgware Road, is a tablet
to show where Tyburn once stood. In A Tale of
Two Cities we read :
They hanged at Tyburn in those days, so the
streets outside Newgate had not obtained the
infamous notoriety that has since attached to it.
From the Edgware Road we turn right, and in
the second block on the right facing the Park is
5 Hyde Park Place, the last London home of Dickens.
This he rented in January, 1870, for his readings.
" We live here " opposite the Marble Arch
he wrote to J. T. Fields, " in a charming house, until
the ist of June, and then return to Gad's. ... I
have a large room here, with three fine windows
overlooking the Park/'
Other houses in the neighbourhood in which
Dickens lived for a time were 16 Somers Place,
Hyde Park, in 1865, 6 South wick Place, Hyde Park
Square, in 1866.
It may have been the house in Hyde Park Place
that Dickens had in view when he caused Mr.
Micawber to have aspirations for greatness in that
He mentioned a terrace at the western end
of Oxford Street, fronting Hyde Park, on which
he had always had his eye, but which he did not
expect to attain immediately, as it would require
a large establishment. There would probably
be an interval, he explained, in which he should
content himself with the upper part of a house,
over some respectable place of business say in
Piccadilly which would be a cheerful situation
for Mrs. Micawber.
When Magwitch announced himself to Pip as his
benefactor :
He considered the chamber and his own lodg-
ing as temporary residences, and advised me to
look out at once for a " fashionable crib " near
Hyde Park, in which he could have " a shake-
Rose Maylie was staying at " a family hotel in a
quiet but handsome street near Hyde Park " when
Nancy visited her and informed her of Oliver and
Returning to Marble Arch we have, on the right,
Park Lane (see Route Ten) and straight ahead is
Oxford Street. In the search for Miss Wade, Mr.
Meagles and Arthur Clennam " rode to the top of
Oxford Street and, there alighting, dived in among
the great streets of melancholy stateliness."
Our direction lies on the opposite side of Oxford
Street to Park Lane, among the squares of Maryle-
bone. Opposite Marble Arch is Great Cumberland
Place, which leads us across Upper Berkeley Street
into Upper George Street. Opposite is Bryanston
Square. We turn to the right along Upper George
Street. We now traverse the district between
Bryanston Square and Portland Place, in which
Mr. Dombey's house was situated.
Mr. Dombey's house was a large one, on the
shady side of a tall, dark, dreadfully genteel
street in the region between Portland Place and
Bryanston Square. It was a corner house,
with great wide areas containing cellars frowned
upon by barred windows, and leered at by
crooked-eyed doors leading to dust-bins. It was
a house 01 dismal state, with a circular back to it,
containing a whole suit of drawing-rooms looking
upon a gravelled yard, where two gaunt trees,
with blackened trunks and branches, rattled
rather than rustled, their leaves were so smoke-
The next square which we pass on the left is
Montague Square. " Mr. Jorkins . . . lived by him-
self in a house near Montague Square, which was
fearfully in want of painting/'
The next turning on the right is Gloucester Place ;
here we turn right and arrive in Portman Square.
The Podsnaps lived in a shady angle adjoining
Portman Square. They were a kind of people
certain to dwell in the shade, wherever they
Turning to the left along the top of the square
we reach Baker Street, crossing which into Lower
Berkeley Street we are in Manchester Square, and
by crossing same and continuing straight on along
Hinde Street reach Bentinck Street. At No. 18
(now rebuilt) the Dickens family lived in 1833.
Bentinck Street leads into Welbeck Street, whither
rode Lord George Gordon " along the Strand, up
Swallow Street into the Oxford Road, and thence
to his house in Welbeck Street, near Cavendish
Square, whither he was attended by a few dozen
idlers." Lord George Gordon's house was No. 64
close to Wigmore Street (since rebuilt).
Turning right along Welbeck Street and then left
into Wigmore Street we soon reach Harley Street,
where at " the handsomest house " the Merdles
Upon that establishment of state, the Merdle
establishment in Harley Street, Cavendish Square,
there was the shadow of no more common wall
than the fronts of other establishments of state
on the opposite side of the street. Like un-
exceptionable Society, the opposing rows of
houses in Harley Street were very grim with one
another. Indeed, the mansions and their in-
habitants were so much alike in that respect
that the people were often to be found drawn up
on opposite sides of dinner-tables, in the shade
of their own loftiness, staring at the other side
of the way with the dullness of the houses.
At the junction of Harley Street with Wigmore
Street is Cavendish Square.
"The lady's name," said Ralph, "is Mantalini,
Madame Mantalini. I know her. She lives near
Cavendish Square. If your daughter is disposed
to try after the situation, I'll take her there,
directly/' . . . They arrived without any further
conversation at the dressmaker's door, which
displayed a very large plate, with Madame
MantsJini's name and occupation, and was
approached by a handsome flight of steps.
There was a shop to the house, but it was let
off to an importer of otto of roses. Madame
Mantalini's show-rooms were on the first floor ;
a fact which was notified to the nobility and
gentry by the casual exhibition, near the hand-
somely curtained windows, of two or three
elegant bonnets of the newest fashion, and some
costly garments in the most approved taste.
Near here was the Boffin mansion outside which
the evil genius Silas Wegg presided :
Over against a London house, a corner house
not far from Cavendish Square, a man with a
wooden leg had sat for some years, with his
remaining foot in a basket in cold weather.
Cavendish Place leads into Regent Street, where
to the left we see All Souls' Church, referred to in the
description of Sam Weller's valentine. " A repre-
sentation of the spire of the church in Langham Place,
London, appeared in the distance."
Turning to the right we reach Oxford Circus ;
Oxford Street runs right to Marble Arch and left
to Tottenham Court Road.
It was in the neighbourhood of Oxford Street
that Nicholas Nickleby first saw Madeleine Bray at
the General Agency Office, and here later on he made
his first acquaintance with Mr. Charles Cheeryble,
who " dragged him back into Oxford Street, and,
hailing an omnibus on its way to the City, pushed
Nicholas in before him, and followed himself."
Esther Summerson and her guardian had lodgings
near Oxford Street.
We took up our abode at a cheerful lodging
near Oxford Street, over an upholsterer's shop.
London was a great wonder to us, and we were
out for hours and hours at a time, seeing the
sights, which appeared to be less capable of
exhaustion than we were. We made the round
of the principal theatres, too, with great delight,
and saw all the plays that were worth seeing.
In dealing with a certain Government Department
in Little Dorrit the statement of one of the Barnacle
family is thus recorded :
That the sheets of foolscap paper it had devoted
to the public service would pave the footways on
both sides of Oxford Street from end to end, and
leave nearly a quarter of a mile to spare for the
Park, while of tape red tape it had used enough
to stretch in graceful festoons from Hyde Park
Corner to the General Post Office.
Close to Oxford Circus and near Great Portland
Street is Oxford Market, where Towlinson, Dombey's
butler, " had visions of leading an altered and
blameless existence as a serious greengrocer in
Oxford Market."
48 Doughty Street
(See Route i)
Russell Square
Nickleby, 16, 37
Pickwick, 47
Sketches : Milliner
Queen Square
Bleak House, 18
Bloomsbury Square
Barnaby, 66, 77
Clock, i
Drood, 22
Great Russell Street
Sketches : Christening
Uncommercial, 4
Bedford Square
Sketches : Sparkins, Christen-
Montague Place
Pickwick, 47
Tottenham Court Road
Sketches: Gm Shop
Last Cab
Hackney C.
Barnaby, 44
Copperfield, 34
Nickieby, 18
Fitzroy Square
Nickleby, 37
Sketches : Hackney C.
Cleveland Street (late Norfolk
Street and Green Lanes)
Dickens lodged here 1816 and
Barnaby Rudge, 44
9 Osnaburgh Terrace
Dickens lived here temporarily
Regent's Park
Pickwick, 45
Uncommercial, 36
Regent's Canal
Sketches : Tottle
Uncommercial, 6
1 Devonshire Terrace
Dickens lived here 1839-51
Marylebone Church
Dombey, 30
Queen Charlotte's Hospital
Dombey, 2
Edgware Road
Nickleby, 40
Tyburn (site of)
Two Cities, II, 2
Pickwick, 43
Barnaby, Preface
Hyde Park
Nickleby, 32
Twist, 39
Copperfield, 28
Mutual, I, ii
Twist, 39
Expectations, 41
Dorrit, II, 8
Kensington Gardens
Sketches: Tottle
Nickleby, 28
Dombey, 14
Pickwick, 35, 44
Barnaby, 16
Twist, 21
5 Hyde Park Place
Dickens lived here 1870
Park Lane
(See Route 10)
Oxford Street
(See below)
Bryanston Square
Dombey, 3
Portland Place
Dombey, 3
Mutual, III, 1 6
Montague Square
Copperfield, 35
Portman Square
Mutual, I, ii
Bentinck Street
Dickens lodged here 1833
-Welbeck Street
Barnaby, 37, 53, 52
Wimpole Street
Uncommercial, 16
Barley Street
Dorrit, I, 20, 21
Uncommercial, 16
Cavendish Square
Nickleby, 10
Mutual, I, 5 ; IV, 12
Dorrit, I, 20, 21
Barnaby, 37
Langham Place
Pickwick, 33
Regent Street
(See Route 10)
Great Portland Street
Sketches . Steam Ex.
Oxford Street
Nickleby, 16, 35
Bleak! House, 13
Sketches : Early Coaches
Dorrit, I, 27 ; II, 8
Uncommercial, 10
Copperfield, 28
Barnaby, 37
Two Cities, II, 6
Oxford Market
Dombey, 18
6 Southwick Place
Dickens lived here in 1866
16 Somers Place
Dickens lived here in 1 865
windows of the Doctor's lodgings commanded a
pleasant little vista of street that had a congenial
air of retirement on it. There were few buildings
then, north of the Oxford Road, and forest-trees
flourished, and wild flowers grew, and the haw-
thorn blossomed, in the now vanished fields. As
a consequence, country airs circulated in Soho
with vigorous freedom, instead of languishing
into the parish like stray paupers without a
settlement ; and there was many a good south
wall, not far off, on which the peaches ripened
in their season. . . .
It was a cool spot, staid but cheerful, a wonder-
ful place for echoes, and a very harbour from the
raging streets.
There ought to have been a tranquil barque in
such an anchorage, and there was.
The Doctor occupied two floors of a large, still
house, where several callings purported to be
pursued by day, but whereof little was audible
any day, and which was shunned by all of them
at night. In a building at the back, attainable
by a court-yard where a plane tree rustled its
green leaves, church-organs claimed to be made,
and silver to be chased, and likewise gold to be
beaten by some mysterious giant who had a
golden arm starting out of the wall of the front
hall as if he had beaten himself precious, and
menaced .a similar conversion of all visitors.
Around these silent streets we can picture in our
fancy Sidney Carton wandering at night-time.
And yet he did care something for the streets
that environed that house, and for the senseless
stones that made their pavements. Many a
night he vaguely and unhappily wandered there,
when wine had brought no transitory gladness to
him ; many a dreary daybreak revealed his
solitary figure lingering there, and still lingering
there when the first beams of the sun brought
into strong relief removed beauties of architec-
ture in spires of churches and lofty buildings,
as perhaps the quiet time brought some sense of
better things, else forgotten and unattainable,
into his mind.
Dean Street takes us into Oxford Street (Route
Nine). Crossing that thoroughfare we find, almost
opposite, Newman Street, where at No. 26 is the house
of Mr. Turveydrop.
Bending our steps towards Newman Street
... I found the Academy established in a
sufficiently dingy house at the corner of an
archway, with busts in all the staircase windows
In the same house there were also established
as I gathered from the plates on the door, a
drawing-master, a coal-merchant (there was
certainly, no room for his coals), and a litho-
graphic artist. On the plate which, in size and
situation, took precedence of all the rest, I read
MR. TURVEYDROP. . . . Mr. Turveydrop's great
room . . . was built out into a mews at the back,
was lighted by a skylight. It was a bare re-
sounding room smelling of stables.
Returning to Oxford Street we turn to the right
and take the second on the left, Poland Street.
On the right is Great Marlborough Street ; the
famous police court here is the one to which In-
spector Bucket conducted Esther before commencing
his search for Lady Dedlock.
In the Steam Excursion (Sketches by Boz) we
learn that " Mrs. Taunton's domicile [is] in Great
Marlborough Street."
The other end of this street leads into Regent
Street where we turn to the left. In Regent Street,
in " a handsome suite of private apartments " lived
Lord Frederick Verisopht, in Nicholas Nickleby.
We now turn left into Beak Street, and then right
into Warwick Street, where at No. 12 is a Roman
Catholic church, no doubt the one in "Warwick
Street, Golden Square " referred to in Barnaby
Rudge. " The men who are loitering in the streets
to-night are half-disposed to pull down a Romish
Chapel or two . . . they only want leaders/' Later
in the same book Sim Tappertit denies to the Vardens
that he was " at Warwick Street " but he proudly
asserts that " he was at Westminster " !
Returning to Beak Street, we keep to the right to
the corner of Upper James Street, where the Crown
public-house is a successor of the one mentioned by
Newman Noggs in Nicholas Nickleby, Beak Street
having been formerly called Silver Street.
If ever you want a shelter in London (don't
be angry at this, / once thought I never should)
they know where I live, at the sign of the
Crown, in Silver Street, Golden Square. It is at
the corner of Silver Street and James Street,
with a bar-door both ways. You can come at
The home of the Kenwigs family where Noggs
lodged, and Nickleby too, later on, was either in
Silver Street, Carnaby Street, or in Broad Street ;
at any rate, it was close at hand. The description
given is as follows :
In that quarter of London in which Golden
Square is situated there is a bygone, faded,
tumble-down street, with two irregular rows of
tall meagre houses, which seem to have stared
each other out of countenance years ago. The
very chimneys appear to have grown dismal and
melancholy from having had nothing better to
look at than the chimneys over the way. Their
tops are battered, and broken, and blackened
with smoke ; and, here and there, some taller
stack than the rest, inclining heavily to one side
and toppling over the roof, seems to meditate
taking revenge for half a century's neglect by
crushing the inhabitants of the garrets beneath.
It is quite easy to imagine that in a house in one
of these streets David Copperfield, assisted by
Martha, found Little Em'ly and restored her to her
I stopped an empty coach that was coming by,
and we got into it. When I asked her where the
coachman was to drive, she answered " Any-
where near Golden Square ! And quick ! " . . .
We alighted at one of the entrances to the square
she had mentioned, where I directed the coach to
wait, not knowing but that we might have some
occasion for it. She laid her hand on my arm,
and hurried me on to one of the sombre streets, of
which there are several in that part, where the
houses were once fair dwellings in the occupation
of single families, but have, and had, long
degenerated into poor lodgings let off in rooms
Entering at the open door of one of these, and
releasing my arm, she beckoned me to follow
her up the common staircase, which was like a
tributary channel to the street.
Upper James Street leads into Golden Square,
where Ralph Nickleby had his office and dwelling-
Ralph Nickleby . . . lived in a spacious house
in Golden Square, which, in addition to a brass
plate upon the street door, had another brass
plate two sizes and a half smaller upon the left-
hand door-post, surmounting a brass model of an
infant's fist grasping a fragment of a skewer, and
displaying the word " Office"; it was clear that
Mr. Ralph Nickleby did, or pretended to do,
business of some kind.
No. 7, recently demolished, is pointed out as the
most likely house. It was once the house of William
a Beckett, with whom Dickens was acquainted.
Of the square itself the following is an extract
from the long and interesting description of it in
Nicholas Nickleby :
Although a few members of the graver pro-
fessions live about Golden Square, it is not exactly
in anybody's way to or from anywhere. It is
one of the squares that have been ; a quarter of
the town that has gone down in the world, and
taken to letting lodgings. . . . Its boarding-
houses are musical, and the notes of pianos and
harps float in the evening time round the head
of the mournful statue, the guardian genius of
a little wilderness of shrubs, in the centre of the
Crossing Golden Square by Lower James Street
we turn to the right along Brewer Street which leads
us past Warwick Street into Regent Street again.
Opposite is Vigo Street ; a little to the left is Swallow
When Lord George Gordon rode to London from
the " Maypole/' we read, he went " along the Strand,
up Swallow Street, into the Oxford Road and thence
to his house in Welbeck Street/' (See Route
We pass into Vigo Street. The first on the left
is Sackville Street, which figures in Our Mutual
Mr. and Mrs. Lammle's house in Sackville
Street, Piccadilly, was but a temporary residence.
It had done well enough, they informed their
friends, for Mr. Lammle when a bachelor, but it
would not do now. So they were always looking
at palatial residences in the best situations, and
always very nearly taking or buying one, but
never quite concluding the bargain.
A little further along, opposite Savile Row, is
the Albany. It is also in Our Mutual Friend that
we read, " He lived in chambers in the Albany, did
Fledgeby, and maintained a spruce appearance/'
Of the district between Savile Row, Burlington
Gardens and Old Bond Street, Dickens wrote a
charming paper entitled Arcadian London in the
Uncommercial Traveller. It is too full of references
to these streets to quote here ; suffice it to say he
writes of the West End of London as it is in the
autumn when most of the people are absent.
Being in a humour for complete solitude and
uninterrupted meditation this autumn, I have
taken a lodging for six weeks in the most un-
frequented part of England in a word, in
The retreat into which I have withdrawn my-
self is Bond Street. From this lonely spot I
make pilgrimages into the surrounding wilder-
ness, and traverse extensive tracts of the Great
Proceeding to the right along Bond Street we are
reminded that it was in " one of the thoroughfares
which lie between Park Lane and Bond Street "
that Nicholas Nickleby stopped at a handsome hotel
for " a pint of wine and a biscuit/' and in the coffee-
room heard the disparaging conversation between
Sir Mulberry Hawk and Lord Frederick Verisopht
concerning " little Kate Nickleby " which resulted
in the fight between Nicholas and Mulberry Hawk.
Long's Hotel in Bond Street, at which Cousin
Feenix, in Dombey and Son, used to stay, was at No. 15
New Bond Street.
George Street, out of Conduit Street, leads us to
what Dickens called " the aristocratic gravity of
Hanover Square/' St. George's Church, which we
pass, is the place for fashionable marriages, and
thoughts of Sir Mulberry Hawk caused Mrs. Nickleby
to think of Kate's marriage " with great splendour
at St. George's, Hanover Square/'
It was at the Hanover Square Rooms (on the site
of No. 4) that Dickens and his friends gave several
representations of Not So Bad as We Seem, and where
he gave his public readings later on.
In Tenterden Street is the Royal Academy of
Music, which has a personal association with Dickens.
As a boy of 12 he was living in Camden Town, parted
from his parents who were in the Marshalsea Prison
for debt. His sister Fanny was a student at the
Academy, and he tells us :
Sundays, Fanny and I passed in the prison.
I was at the academy in Tenterden Street,
Hanover Square, at nine o'clock in the morning,
to fetch her ; and we walked back there together,
at night.
Brook Street at the south-west of the square, leads
to Grosvenor Square. It was Mrs. Skewton, in
Dombey and Son, who had "borrowed a house in Brook
Street, Grosvenor Square, from a stately relative
(Lord Feenix), who was out of town " and who did not
mind letting her have the house for Edith's wedding
to Mr. Dombey, " as the loan implied his final
release and acquittance from all further loans and
gifts to Mrs. Skewton and her daughter/'
In an hotel in Brook Street Mr. Dorrit resided in
the days of his affluence, and here the advent of the
great Merdle to visit Mr. Dorrit caused great com-
motion in the office.
" The aristocratic gravity of Grosvenor Square,"
as it is called in Nicholas Nickleby, was exemplified
in a later book, Little Dorrit, when it was made the
place of residence of Mr. Tite Barnacle " or very
near it," as Dickens adds to emphasize the differ-
ence ; for the house was on the verge of " aristo-
cratic gravity," being at No. 24 Mews Street,
Grosvenor Square.
A hideous little street of dead wall, stables and
dunghills, with lofts over coach-houses inhabited
by coachmen's families, who had a passion for
drying clothes and decorating their window sills
with miniature turnpike gates.
The two or three airless houses at the entrance of
Mews Street (one of which was occupied by the
Barnacles) were let " at enormous rents on account
of their being abject hangers-on to a fashionable
When Arthur Clennam visited No. 24 he found it
" a squeezed house, with a ramshackle bowed front,
little dingy windows and a little dark area like a
damp waistcoat pocket."
Upper Brook Street leads out from Grosvenor
Square into Park Lane, where we turn left to Hyde
Park Corner. It was in this region to one of the
streets at the back of Park Lane, between Grosvenor
Square and Piccadilly that Mr. Meagles and Arthur
Clennam came in search of Miss Wade and Tatty-
Mr. Meagles handed him a slip of paper, on
which was written the name of one of the dull
by-streets in the Grosvenor region, near Park
Lane. . . .
They rode to the top of Oxford Street, and,
there alighting, dived in among the great streets
of melancholy stateliness, and the little streets
that try to be as stately and succeed in being
more melancholy, of which there is a labyrinth
near Park Lane. Wildernesses of corner-houses,
with barbarous old porticoes and appurtenances ;
horrors that came into existence under some
wrong-headed person in some wrong-headed
time, still demanding the blind admiration of all
ensuing generations and determined to do so
until they tumbled down, frowned upon the
twilight. Parasite little tenements with the
cramp in their whole frame, from the dwarf
hall-door on the giant model of His Grace's in
the Square to the squeezed window of the
boudoir commanding the dunghills in the Mews,
made the evening doleful.
By turning to the left into Park Lane, Hyde Park
Corner is reached.
Bill Sikes and Oliver Twist are made to pass this
way en route for Chertsey, and in Our Mutual
Friend we read of Bradley Headstone walking to-
wards Hyde Park Corner, meditating, with Rogue
Riderhood walking at his side, muttering.
Leicester Square (formerly Fields)
Barnaby, 56
Miscell. : Traveller
Bleak House, 21, 24
Leicester Place
Gerrard Street
Expectations, 26
Expectations, 26
Nickleby, 64
No Thoroughfare
Two Cities, II, 6, 13
Manette Street
Soho Square
No Thoroughfare
Bleak House, 23
Two Cities, II, 6, 13
Miscell. P. : New Year
Carlisle Street
Barnaby, 5, 4
Two Cities, II, 6, 13
Newman Street
Bleak House, 14, 23
Sketches : Char., 9
Berners Street
Misceil. P. : Stopped Growing
Sketches: Char., 9
Great Maryborough Street
Bleak House, 57
Sketches : Steam Ex.
Regent Street
Sketches : Boarding, Bounce
Uncommercial, 16
Nickleby, 26, 10
Sketches : Dounce
Clifford Street
Uncommercial, 16
Warwick Street
Barnaby, 50, 51
Beak Street (late Silver Street)
Nickleby, 7
Golden Square
Nickleby, 2, 7, 14
Barnaby, 50
Copperfield, 50
Swallow Street
Barnaby, 37
Sackville Street
Mutual, I, 10
Albany, The
Mutual, II, 5 ; III, i ; IV, 8
Uncommercial, 10
Savile Row
Uncommercial, 16, 10
Burlington Gardens
Uncommercial, 10, 16
Burlington Street
Uncommercial, 16
Burlington Arcade Dorrit, II, 16
Uncommercial, 16 Uncommercial, 16
Bond Street Grosvenor Square
Nickleby, 32 Nickleby, 37
Uncommercial, 16 Dorrit, I, 9, 10, 27
Dombey, 31, 61 Dombey, 30
Mutual, IV, 8 Nickleby, 36
Sketches ; Tales, 5 Barnaby, 67
. ^ * , , **. ^ Sketches : Scenes, 20
Long's Hotel (site of) Twist I6
Dombey, 31
Read at Dusk Park Lane
__ _ Dornt, I, 27
Hanover Square Chuzzlewit, 13
3?> " I Nickleby, 32
Tenen Street "ffi5f i
1-116 Twist, 21
Brook Street Expectations, 30
Dombey, 30 Dorrit, II, 8
THE western end of Piccadilly is at Hyde Park
Corner. " The long rows of lamps in Piccadilly
after dark are beautiful " said Henrietta in Some-
body's Luggage i and the same remark holds good
to-day. The pavement-artist in that story did
not wish his loved one to go by Piccadilly, so shy
was he of his work which was to be found on the
" fine broad eligible piece of pavement " by the
railings of the Green Park.
Piccadilly was once chosen by Mr. Micawber in
one of his flights of fancy as " a very suitable place
of residence a cheerful situation for Mrs. Micawber " !
Near the corner of Dover Street on the left is
the White Horse Cellar. The present building dates
from 1884 only, but the old coaching inn of that
name stood here before then, after it had been re-
moved from the opposite side of the way, where it
stood in Pickwick's day at the corner of Arlington
Street on the site now occupied by the Ritz Hotel.
Mr. Pickwick arrived too early at the White Horse
Cellar and had to take shelter in the travellers' room
which Dickens informs us is " the last resort of
human dejection."
The travellers' room at the White Horse Cellar
is of course uncomfortable ; it would be no
travellers' room if it were not. It is the right-
hand parlour, into which an aspiring kitchen
fire-place appears to have walked, accompanied
by a rebellious poker, tongs, and shovel. It is
divided into boxes, for the solitary confinement
of travellers, and is furnished with a clock, a
looking-glass, and a live waiter : which latter
article is kept in a small kennel for washing
glasses, in a corner of the apartment.
Here Mr. Pickwick and Sam Weller took a coach
for Bath, at which time Sam made the discovery
that the coach was owned by a Moses Pickwick,
which was a fact, Moses Pickwick being a well-
known coach proprietor of Bath.
When Esther Summerson arrived in London, the
coach had the White Horse Cellar as its destination.
Here she was met by Mr. Guppy," a young gentleman
who had inked himself by accident," and conducted
to Kenge & Carboy's in Lincoln's Inn. Later,
Mr. Guppy in his declaration before Esther, said,
" Cruel Miss, hear but another word. I think you
must have seen that I was struck with those charms
on the day when I waited at the Whytorseller. I
think you must have remarked that I could not for-
bear a tribute to those charms when I put up the
steps of the 'ackney coach."
Further along is Devonshire House, where Dickens
acted before Queen Victoria in 1851 in Lytton's
comedy " Not So Bad as We Seem " the prelude to
some " splendid strolling " by Dickens and his
friends for the noble cause of charity.
Bond Street and the neighbourhood on our left
is dealt with in Route Ten.
The Piccadilly Hotel stands on the site of the
St. James's Hall where Dickens gave his last read-
ing in March, 1870.
We cross Piccadilly here and turn back towards
Hyde Park. At St. James's Church, Alfred Lammle
was married to Sophronia, as so delightfully described
in Our Mutual Friend.
A little further on, at No. 193, is the site of the
publishing office once occupied by Chapman & Hall,
which saw the issuing of all Dickens's books from
1859. The next turning but one is St. James's
Street ; some chambers at the corner here were the
scene of one of the Two Ghost Stories ; ' at No. 50
St. James's Street was the famous club Crockford's,
mentioned in Nicholas Nickleby.
Ryder Street on the left leads into Duke Street,
the abode of Twemlow, in Our Mutual Friend.
There was an innocent piece of dinner-furniture
that went upon easy castors and was kept over a
livery stable yard in Duke Street, Saint James's,
when not in use, to whom the Veneerings were a
source of blind confusion. The name of this
article was Twemlow. Being first cousin to
Lord Snigsworth, he was in frequent requisition,
and at many houses might be said to represent
the dining-table in its normal state.
Near Pall Mall "in a first floor over a tailor's"
were the West End offices of The Anglo-Bengalee
Disinterested Loan and Life Assurance Company,"
and, in Pall Mall itself, Tigg Montague lived in a
house the lower storey of which " was occupied
by a wealthy tradesman, but Mr. Montague had
all the upper portion, and a splendid lodging it was."
In Chapter 28 of Martin Chuzzlewit there is an
interesting account of how Mr. Bailey Junior drove
Tigg Montague's cab,
tempting boys, with friendly words, to get
up behind, and immediately afterwards cutting
them down ; and the like flashes of a cheerful
humour, which he would occasionally relieve by
going round St. James's Square at a hard gallop,
and coming slowly into Pall Mall by another
entry, as if, in the interval, his pace had been a
perfect crawl.
It was not until these amusements had been
very often repeated, and the apple-stall at the
corner had sustained so many miraculous escapes
as to appear impregnable, that Mr. Bailey was
summoned to the door of a certain house in Pall
Mall, and, turning short, obeyed the call and
jumped out.
In Pall Mall, too, Chops the dwarf, when " going
into Society/' had his lodgings, and "blazed aw T ay"
the lottery fortune.
At the corner of Waterloo Place is the Athenaeum
Club, to which Dickens was elected in 1838. The
lobby is memorable as the scene of the reconciliation
between Dickens and Thackeray a few days before
the latter's death. Meeting by accident after a
period of strained relationship in the lobby, " the
unrestrained impulse of both was to hold out the
hand of forgiveness and fellowship/'
Down the steps at Waterloo Place leads us to St.
James's Park, where Mark Tapley arranged for an
interview between young Martin Chuzzlewit and
Mary Graham ; the Park was also the scene of a
long conversation between Clennam, Meagles and
Daniel Doyce, the latter having been lately met at
the Circumlocution Office in Whitehall.
In dealing with the ultimate fate of Sally Brass
in The Old Curiosity Shop, Dickens says it was
" darkly whispered that she had enlisted as a
private . . . and had been seen in uniform, and on
duty, to wit, leaning on her musket and looking out
of a sentry box in St. James's Park/'
Keeping to the left we leave the Park by the Horse
Guards, viewing as we pass, like Mr. Dick and
Peggotty, the soldiers there. In the conclusion of
Barnaby Rudge we are told that Sim Tappertit, "on
two wooden legs, shorn of his graceful limbs," was
by the locksmith's aid " established in business as a
shoeblack and opened a shop under an archway near
the Horse Guards/'
We now turn right along Whitehall, passing on
the left the old Palace of Whitehall itself, which
caused Mr. Jingle to remark, " Looking at Whitehall,
sir fine place little window somebody else's head
off there eh, sir?" referring of course to the execu-
tion of King Charles.
At Whitehall, John Rokesmith read the placard
posted there as to himself having been " found dead
and mutilated in the river under circumstances of
strong suspicion/' Whitehall is so full of Govern-
ment Offices that we may take any one of them as
being the Circumlocution Office to which Arthur
Clennam went so often to interview the various
members of the Tite Barnacle family.
The Circumlocution Office was (as everybody
knows without being told) the most important
Department under Government. No public busi-
ness of any kind could possibly be done at any
time without the acquiescence of the Circum-
locution Office. Its finger was in the largest
public pie and in the smallest public tart. . . .
Whatever was required to be done, the Circum-
locution Office was beforehand with all the public
departments in the art of perceiving HOW NOT
Scotland Yard on the left is altogether changed
from the time when Dickens described it in Sketches
by Boz.
Scotland Yard is a small a very small tract
of land, bounded on one side by the River Thames,
on the other by the gardens of Northumberland
House : * abutting at one end on the bottom of
Northumberland Street, at the other on the back
of Whitehall Place. When this territory was
first accidentally discovered by a country gentle-
man who lost his way in the Strand, some years
ago, the original settlers were found to be a tailor,
a publican, two eating-house keepers, and a
fruit-pie maker ; and it was also found to con-
tain a race of strong and bulky men, who repaired
to the wharfs in Scotland Yard regularly every
morning, about five or six o'clock, to fill heavy
waggons with coal, with which they proceeded to
distant places up the country, and supplied the
inhabitants with fuel. When they had emptied
their waggons, they again returned for a fresh
supply ; and this trade was continued through-
out the year.
At the corner of Derby Street is the Red Lion
rebuilt in 1899 associated with Dickens as a boy.
He tells us how one evening in walking to the
Borough via Westminster Bridge he " went into a
public-house in Parliament Street, which is still
there, though altered, at the corner of the short
street leading to Cannon Row and ordered a glass
of ale, " the very best . . . with a good head to it."
They asked me a good many questions, as to
what my name was, how old I was, where I
lived, how I was employed, etc., etc. To all of
which, that I might commit nobody, I invented
appropriate answers. They served me with the
ale, though I suspect it was not the strongest
on the premises ; and the landlord's wife . . .
bending down, gave me a kiss.
This story has its counterpart in David Copper field,
when he asked for the glass of the " Genuine Stun-
At the end of Parliament Street we reach the
Houses of Parliament, to the right of which is
Westminster Hall.
In the preface to the Pickwick Papers, Dickens
tells us how, when his first literary effusion " ap-
peared in all the glory of print "...
I walked down to Westminster Hall and turned
into it for half an hour because my eyes were so
dimmed with joy and pride that they could not
bear the street and were not fit to be seen
It was here that a dramatic scene in Barnaby
Rudge was enacted, when Mr. Haredale, after an
angry meeting there with Sir John Chester and
Gashford, chided Lord George Gordon for " address-
ing an ignorant and exciting throng ... in such
injurious language/ 1 inciting them to riot and
rebellion. Later, Lord George Gordon was tried
here for high treason and found not guilty ; but
his fate was to die in a Newgate cell some years later
at the early age of forty-three.
In a building to the north of the old Hall the
Law Courts were held until 1883, when the new
buildings in Fleet Street were opened (Route
Thirteen), and here the final scenes of the cause
celebre Jarndyce v. Jarndyce were enacted. The
opening scenes in Bleak House dealing with this
case were, of course, at Lincoln's Inn Hall (Route
One) , where the Lord Chancellor sat out of term time.
In the same book we read that during the long
vacation, when " the public offices lie in a hot
sleep, Westminster Hall itself is a shady solitude
where nightingales might sing, and a tenderer class
of suitors than is usually found there walk/'
Behind Westminster Hall rise the Houses of
Parliament but not the buildings of Barnaby Rudge
time, where Lord George Gordon presented his
famous No-Popery Petition. The present buildings
were erected 1840-1857 after the old Parliament
House was burnt down in 1834. Dickens entered
the House as a reporter in 1831 and left it in 1836.
Frequent references to the House of Commons and
its Members are made in Dickens's books, particularly
in the Miscellaneous Papers.
Westminster Abbey enshrines the body of Charles
Dickens, and we cannot do better than to quote here
a part of the concluding portion of John Forster's
Life of Dickens. M
The Times took the lead in suggesting that the
only fit resting-place for the remains of a man so
dear to England was the Abbey in which the
most illustrious Englishmen are laid.
The public homage of a burial in the Abbey
had to be reconciled with his own instructions
to be privately buried without previous announce-
ment of time or place, and without monument or
memorial. He would himself have preferred to
lie in the small graveyard under Rochester Castle
wall, or in the little churches of Cobham or
Shorne ; but all these were found to be closed ;
and the desire of the Dean and Chapter of
Rochester to lay him in their Cathedral had been
entertained, when the Dean of Westminsters
request, and the considerate kindness of his
generous assurance that there should be only
such ceremonial as would strictly obey all in-
junctions of privacy, made it a grateful duty to
accept that offer. The spot already had been
chosen by the Dean ; and before midday on
the following morning, Tuesday, the I4th of June,
with knowledge of those only who took part in
the burial, all was done. The solemnity had not
lost by the simplicity. Nothing so grand or so
touching could have accompanied it as the still-
ness and the silence of the vast cathedral. Then,
later in the day and all the following day, came
unbidden mourners in such crowds that the
Dean had to request permission to keep open the
grave until Thursday ; but after it was closed
they did not cease to come, and " all day long,"
Doctor Stanley wrote on the I7th, " there was a
constant pressure to the spot, and many flowers
were strewn upon it by unknown hands, many
tears shed from unknown eyes/' He alluded to
this in the impressive funeral discourse delivered
byjiim in the Abbey on the morning of Sunday,
the igth, pointing to the fresh flowers that then
had been newly thrown (as they still are thrown,
in this fourth year after his death), and saying
that " the spot would thenceforward be a sacred
one with both the New World and the Old, as
that of the representative of the literature, not
of this island only, but of all who speak our
English tongue." The stone placed upon it is
inscribed :
Facing the grave, on its left and right, are the
monuments of CHAUCER, SHAKESPEARE, and
DRYDEN, the three immortals who did most to
create and settle the language to which CHARLES
DICKENS has given another undying name.
It is only natural that a great national monument
like Westminster Abbey should find more than one
mention in Dickens's works. A somewhat prophetic
reference is made in Little Dorrit :
Time shall show us. The post of honour and
the post of shame ... a peer's statue in West-
minster Abbey, and a seaman's hammock in
the bosom of the deep . . . only Time shall show
us whither each traveller is bound.
In Our Mutual Friend we read that in reference
to Miss Abbey Potterson who kept the Six Jolly
Fellowship Porters at Limehouse :
Some waterside heads . . . harboured mud-
dled notions that, because of her dignity and
firmness, she was named after, or in some way
related to, the Abbey at Westminster.
In Great Expectations, Pip and Herbert went to
church at Westminster Abbey, and in the afternoon
walked in the Parks, when Pip wondered who shod
all the horses, and wished Joe did !
When David Copperfield and Peggotty followed
Martha from Blackfriars to Millbank in the hope of
getting news of Little Em'ly we read :
We were now down in Westminster. We had
turned back to follow her, having encountered
her coming towards us ; and Westminster Abbey
was the point at which she passed from the
lights and noise of the leading streets.
They passed Old Palace Yard but the Exchequer
Coffee House there, at which Mr. Julius Handford
was staying, according to the information he gave
Mr. Inspector in Our Mutual Friend, was a myth
like his own name for there is no trace of any such
place. They continued along " the narrow water-
side street by Millbank " ; Grosvenor Road is
entirely different to-day from what it was then,
and the Tate Gallery now occupies the site of the
old Millbank Prison.
There was, and is when I write, at the end of
that low-lying street, a dilapidated little wooden
building, probably an obsolete old ferry-house.
Its position is just at that point where the street
ceases and the road begins to lie between a row
of houses and the river. As soon as she came
here, and saw the water, sfye stopped as if she
had come to her destination ; and presently
went slowly along by the brink of the river,
looking intently at it.
. . . The neighbourhood was a dreary one at
that time ; as oppressive, sad, and solitary by
night as any about London. There were neither
wharves nor houses on the melancholy waste of
road near the great blank prison. A sluggish
ditch deposited its mud at the prison walls.
Co^ se grass and rank weeds straggled over all
f marshy land in the vicinity. In one part,
carcases of houses, inauspiciously begun and
never finished, rotted away.
At Vauxhall, reached by crossing the bridge just
beyond the Tate Gallery, Mr. Haredale took lodgings
" in which to pass the day and rest himself ; and
from this place, when the tide served, he usually
came to London Bridge from Westminster by water,
in order that he might avoid the busy streets/'
Henrietta and the Pavement Artist, already
referred to in the commencement of this Route, used
to walk on Vauxhall Bridge (the old one not the
present structure) and enjoy the cool breezes. On
one occasion :
After several slow turns, Henrietta gaped
frequently (so inseparable from woman is the
love of excitement), and said, " Let's go home by
Grosvenor Place, Piccadilly, and Waterloo "
localities, I may state for the information of the
stranger and the foreigner, well known in London,
and the last a bridge.
Bradley Headstone after meeting Lizzie Hexam
at the house of the Dolls' Dressmaker to which we
refer later crossed Vauxhall Bridge for South
London, he " giving her his hand at parting and
she thanking him for his care of her brother."
Vauxhall Station across the Bridge is opposite the
site of Vauxhall Gardens ; one of the Sketches
by Boz is an account of these Gardens by day " a
thing hardly to be thought of ! " Vauxhall by day-
light he likens to " a porter pot without porter, the
House of Commons without the Speaker, a gas lamp
without the gas " ! Yet what an amusing account
Dickens makes of it !
Retracing our steps past the Tate Gallery and
past Lambeth Bridge, we reach on the left at No. 48
Millbank, Dean Stanley Street, formerly known as
Church Street, Smith Square. Here the Dolls'
Dressmaker lived with her drunken father, her
" bad boy."
Bradley Headstone and Charley Hexam duly
got to the Surrey side of Westminster Bridge,
and crossed the bridge, and made along the
Middlesex shore towards Millbank. In this
region are a certain little street, called Church
Street, and a certain little blind square, called
Smith Square, in the centre of which last retreat
is a very hideous church, with four towers at the
four corners, generally resembling some petrified
monster, frightful and gigantic, on its back with
its legs in the air. They found a tree near by
in a corner, and a blacksmith's forge, and a
timber yard, and a dealer's in old iron.
After making the round of this place, and
noting that there was a deadly kind of repose on
it, more as though it had taken laudanum than
fallen into a natural rest, they stopped at the
point where the street and the square joined, and
where there were some little quiet houses in a
row. To these Charley Hexam finally led the
way, and at one of these stopped.
Of the " hideous church," Jenny Wren told her
visitors, " There's doors under the church in the
square black doors, leading into black vaults.
Well, I'd open one of these doors and I'd cram
'em all in, and then I'd lock the door, and through
the keyhole I'd blow in pepper."
Reaching Westminster Abbey once again, we turn
to the right to cross Westminster Bridge. On the
Embankment opposite is Westminster Station on the
Underground, occupying the site of Manchester
Buildings fully described in Nicholas Nickleby where
Mr. Gregsbury, M.P., lived, to whom Nicholas applied
for a situation.
The present Westminster Bridge was built in
1862. It replaced the older bridge which had existed
for over a century, from which Barnaby and his
mother saw the first rising of the Gordon Riots
as " they sat down in one of the recesses of the
bridge .to rest "
Here Barnaby was spoken to by Lord George
Gordon and enlisted in the cause, passing over the
bridge, along the Bridge Road and so to St. George's
Fields. (Route Eight.)
Later, when Barnaby and Hugh were rowing down
the river under the bridge :
They plainly heard the people cheering ; and,
supposing they might have forced the soldiers
to retreat, lay upon their oars for a few minutes,
uncertain whether to return or not. But the
crowd passing along Westminster Bridge soon
assured them that the populace were dispersing.
Grosvenor Place
Somebody's Luggage
Nickleby, 21
Buckingham Palace
Somebody's Luggage
Green Park
Somebody's Luggage
Sketches : Dancing
Nickleby, 64
Mutual, I, 10
Dr. Marigold
Copperneld, 28
Barnaby, 67
Somebody's Luggage
White Horse Cellar (site)
Bleak House, o
Pickwick, 35
Devonshire House
St. James's Hall (site)
St. James's Church
Mutual, I, 10
St. James's Streei
Ghost Stones
Hard Times, III, 3
Crockford's (site at No. 50)
Nickleby, 2
Duke Street
Mutual, I, 2
King Street
Bleak House, 56
Almack's (Willis's Rooms)
Bleak House, 56
Pall Mall
Going into Society
Golden Mary
Dombey, 58
Mutual, II, 3
Bleak House, 15
Uncommercial, 16
Mutual, III, 10
Chuzzlewit, 27, 28
St. James's Square
Chuzzlewit, 27
Mutual, I, 2
Barnaby, 70
Athenaeum Club
Nickleby, 50
Waterloo Place
Sketches : Early Coaches
Bleak House, 14, 21
Sketches : Scenes, 17
Uncommercial, 10, 13
Opera Colonnade (site of)
Nickleby, 2
Bleak House, 14
Duke of York's Column
Sketches: ist May
St. James's Park
Domt, I, 10
Chuzzlewit, 14
Sketches : Dancing
Nickleby, 41
Curiosity, 73
Serpentine, The
Sketches : Dancing
Horse Guards
Chuzzlewit, 14
Copperfield, 35
Rudge, 82
Nickleby, 37, 41
Pickwick, 2
Mutual, II, 13
Reprinted, Patent
Circumlocution Office
Dornt, I, 10
Uncommercial, 8
Whitehall Place
Sketches : Scotland Yard
Scotland Yard
Sketches : Scotland Yard
Red Lion, Parliament Street
Copperfield, II
Parliament Street
Barnaby, 44
Westminster Hall
Pickwick, Pref.
Reprinted, Ghost Stories
Barnaby, 43
Mutual II, 4
Bleak House, 65, 19
Houses of Parliament
Barnaby, 43, 49, 51
Chuzzlewit, I
Pickwick, 55
Uncommercial, 13, 26
Miscell. P. : various
Westminster Abbey
Copperfield, 35, 47
Expectations, 22
Uncommercial, 13
Mutual, I, 6
Dorrit, I, 15
Palace Yard
Barnaby, 43
Mutual, I, 3
Uncommercial, 13
Sketches : Scenes, 18
Barnaby, 82
Sketches : Scenes, 17
Copperfield, 46
Mutual, II, i
Barnaby, 41
Vauxhall Bridge
Mutual, II, i
Sketches : Scenes, 10
Vauxhall Gardens (site)
Two Cities, II, 12
Sketches: Vauxhall
Church Street, Smith Square
Mutual, II, i
St. John's Church
Mutual II, i
Manchester Buildings (site)
Nickleby, 16
Sketches : Parliament
Westminster Bridge
Uncommercial, 13, 36
Barnaby, 47, 48, 49
Copperfield, 40
Nickleby, 52
Dorrit, II, 5
Mutual, II, i
DICKENS'S London is not confined to any one
particular quarter of the metropolis ; it is, however
a pity that the Western outskirts have not the same
interest attaching to them as the Eastern, Northern
or Southern. His Uncommercial Traveller papers
rarely dealt with the West beyond Bond Street,
and there were no boyhood memories here such as
drew him North and South.
This route deals with all the remaining Western
London links with Dickens. They are by no means
unimportant although scattered, and most of them
can easily be visited by a ride on one of the motor
omnibuses going in the direction of the river at
One or two personal associations exist in the
district ; Dickens lived in Selwood Terrace, Chelsea,
Erior to his marriage, and was married at St.
uke's Church, Chelsea. In later years he spent a
few months at Twickenham and also at Petersham
and wrote of this portion of the river in Little Dorrit.
The western road through Hammersmith was
known to Oliver Twist, to David Copperfield and to
Arthur Clennam, all of whom came this way with
varying purposes ; but the associations of the districts
are, generally speaking, not so important as those in
other parts of London.
Our starting place is Hyde Park Corner, which is
dealt with in Route Ten. Our way lies down
Grosvenor Place, then to the right along Halkin
Street into what Dickens describes in Nicholas
Nickleby as " the aristocratic pavements of Belgrave
Square/' In an article in Reprinted Pieces, entitled
Out of Town, Dickens tells how in Belgrave Square
he met " the last man an ostler sitting on a post
in a ragged red waistcoat, eating straw and mildewing
Lady Tippins, " that charmer," in Our Mutual
dwells over a staymaker's in the Belgravian
Borders, with a life-size model in the window on
the ground floor of a distinguished beauty in
a blue petticoat, stay-lace in hand, looking over
her shoulder at the town in innocent surprise
As well she may, to find herself dressing under
the circumstances.
Crossing the square and leaving it by West Halkin
Street we arrive in Cadogan Place, where " Miss
Nickleby and her mama went off in quest of Mrs.
Wititterly, of Cadogan Place, Sloane Street."
Cadogan Place is the one slight bond that joins
two great extremes ; it is the connecting link
between the aristocratic pavements of Belgrave
Square and the barbarism of Chelsea. It is in
Sloane Street, but not of it. The people in
Cadogan Place look down upon Sloane Street,
and think Brompton low. They affect fashion
too, and wonder where the New Road is. Not
that they claim to be on precisely the same
footing as the high folks of Belgrave Square and
Grosvenor Place, but that they stand, with refer-
ence to them, rather in the light of those illegiti-
mate children of the great who are content to
boast of their connections, although their con-
nections disavow them. Wearing as much as
they can of the aks and semblances of loftiest
rank, the people of Cadogan Place have the
realities of middle station.
Turning to the left along Cadogan Place and to
the right at the bottom we reach Sloane Street,
referred to above. Turning to the left we cross
Sloane Square, pass down Lower Sloane Street and
so into the Chelsea Bridge Road. Pimlico Road
runs off to the left, and it was here, opposite the
Barracks, that the Chelsea Bun House stood. In
Barnaby Rudge we read that the Royal East London
Volunteers, of which Gabriel Varden was a sergeant,
having displayed their military prowess to the
utmost in these warlike shows, they marched in
glittering order to the Chelsea Bun House, and
regaled in the adjacent taverns until dark.
In Bleak House Mr. Bucket informs us of his
intended visit to an aunt " that lives at Chelsea
next door but two to the old original Bun House/'
The Chelsea Bun House was demolished in 1839.
Between the Barracks and Chelsea Hospital, now
incorporated with the Hospital grounds, were
Ranelagh Gardens. In A Tale of Two Cities " Mr.
Stryver inaugurated the Long Vacation with a formal
proposal to take Miss Manette to Vauxhall Gardens ;
that failing, to Ranelagh."
Passing along Chelsea Bridge Road with the
Hospital on our right we soon reach the river at
Chelsea Reach, to the right of Chelsea Bridge.
We keep to the right along the Embankment.
Quite a number of characters in Dickens lived at
Chelsea. Mr. Vincent Crummies was actually born
there, and consequently was " not a Prussian."
Mr. Bayham Badger in Bleak House " had a good
practice at Chelsea " ; Miss Sophia Wackles, beloved
of Dick Swiveller, resided at Chelsea, and maintained
there " a very small day-school for young ladies of
proportionate dimensions."
In Reprinted Pieces, Chelsea is mentioned more
than once as the home of some of the characters,
and in Our Mutual Friend Silas Wegg drops into
poetry :
Then farewell, my trim-built wherry.
Oars and coat and badge farewell !
Nevermore at Chelsea Ferry
Shall your Thomas take a spell.
In Pickwick we find Sam Weller likening Job
Trotter to a Chelsea Water Works.
Just before reaching Albert Bridge, Flood Street
turns to the right and leads us into King's Road,
where we turn to the left and take the second on
the right, Sydney Street, where on the right is
situated St. Luke's Church, Chelsea ; here Charles
Dickens married Catharine Hogarth on April 2nd,
By turning to the left at the end of Sydney
Street we reach the Fulham Road. Here the
fourth turning on the right is Selwood Terrace.
At No. n, Dickens stayed for a time prior to his
marriage, to be near the home of his future wife.
We continue along the Fulham Road through
Walham Green and so to the river again at Putney
Bridge. This way came Arthur Clennam to visit Mr.
Meagles who " had a cottage residence of his
own " at Twickenham :
He went by Fulham and Putney, for the plea-
sure of strolling over the Heath. It was bright
and shining there ; and, when he found himself
so far on his road to Twickenham, he found him-
self a long way on his road to a number of airier
and less substantial destinations. They had
risen before him fast in the healthful exercise
and the pleasant road. It is not easy to walk
along in the country without musing upon some-
In Dombey and Son we are introduced to
Sir Barnet and Lady Skettles, very good
people, who resided in a pretty villa at Fulham,
on the banks of the Thames ; which was one
of the most desirable residences in the world when
a rowing-match happened to be going past, but
had its little inconveniences at other times,
among which may be enumerated the occasional
appearance of the river in the drawing-room,
and the contemporaneous disappearance of the
lawn and shubbery.
Crossing the Bridge we are in Putney, where Dora
went to live after the death of her father, and of
which David Copperfield writes :
How I found time to haunt Putney I am sure
I don't know ; but I contrived, by some means or
other, to prowl about the neighbourhood pretty
When Traddles accompanied him to the house
where Dora was living with her aunts, he tells us :
On our approaching the house where the Misses
Spenlow lived, I was at such a discount in respect
of my personal looks and presence of mind that
Traddles proposed a gentle stimulant in the form
of a glass of ale. This having been administered
at a neighbouring public-house, he conducted me,
with tottering steps, to the Misses Spenlow's
At Hammersmith lived the Pocket family, in
Great Expectations : the family that Dickens des-
cribes as " not growing up or being brought up, but
tumbling up/'
Whether or not Hammersmith was noted for
schools in Dickens's day, we do not know, but his
view of life encountered many there. Mrs. Nickleby
tells Kate how " your dear papa's cousin's sister-in-
law, a Miss Browndock, was taken into partnership
by a lady that kept a school at Hammersmith and
made her fortune in no time at all."
Clara Barley, in Great Expectations, was met by
Herbert Pocket " when she was completing her
education at an establishment at Hammersmith ;
in Miscellaneous Papers (Gone to the Dogs), we read
of a " Miss Maggigg's boarding establishment at
Hammersmith/' and in Sketches by Boz, under the
title Sentiment, is a long account of Minerva House,
Hammersmith, a " finishing establishment for young
ladies, where some twenty girls of the ages of from
thirteen to nineteen acquired a smattering of every-
thing and a knowledge of nothing/'
At Turnham Green we are told in A Tale of Two
Cities the Lord Mayor of London had been made to
" stand and deliver ... by one highwayman who
despoiled the illustrious creature in sight of all his
Through Chiswick came Oliver Twist and Bill
Sikes on the way to the burglary at Chertsey.
" Kensington, Hammersmith, Chiswick, Kew Bridge
and Brentford were all passed/' we are told, " and
yet they went on as steadily as if they had only
just begun their journey."
Crossing Kew Bridge we reach Kew, and so to
Richmond. The river makes a big sweep here to
our right, through Brentford. In Great Expectations
we read that " Arthur lived at the top of Compey-
son's house (over nigh Brentford it was), and Compey-
son kept a careful account agin him for board and
Also, in Our Mutual Friend, we are told that
The abode of Mrs. Betty Higden was not easy
to find, lying in such complicated back settle-
ments of muddy Brentford that they left their
equipage at the sign of the Three Magpies and
went in search of it on foot.
The Three Magpies is identified with the Three
Pigeons at Brentford.
We follow the road to Richmond, with Kew
Gardens, and later Richmond Park, on our right,
and eventually join the river again at Richmond
Bridge. Richmond is a place of Pickwickian
association, for in the concluding chapter of the
book we read :
Mr. Tupman, when his friends married, and
Mr. Pickwick settled, took lodgings at Rich-
mond, where he has ever since resided. He
walks constantly on the Terrace during the
summer months, with a youthful and jaunty air
which has rendered him the admiration of the
numerous elderly ladies of single condition who
reside in the vicinity.
In Great Expectations we are again introduced to
this Royal Borough.
"I'm going to Richmond/' Estella told me.
" Our lesson is that there are two Richmonds,
one in Surrey and one in Yorkshire, and that
mine is the Surrey Richmond. The distance is
ten miles. ... I am going to live at a great
expense with a lady there who has the power
or says she has of taking me about, and intro-
ducing me." . . .
We came to Richmond all too soon and our
destination there was a house by the Green ;
a staid old house, where hoops and powder and
patches . . . had had their court days many a
time. Some ancient trees before the house were
still cut into fashions as formal and unnatural as
the hoops and wigs and stiff skirts.
Instead of crossing the River by the Bridge we
keep up Hill Rise for Richmond Hill ; the famous
Terrace is on our right. At the top is a hospital on
the site of the Star & Garter, the famous hotel where
Dickens celebrated the completion of David Copper-
field. Thackeray and Tennyson were of the party.
Continuing forward we arrive at Petersham. At
Elm Cottage (now called Elm Lodge), Petersham,
Dickens lived during the summer of 1839. In a
letter written at Petersham at the time he referred
to this place as
those remote and distant parts, with the chain
of mountain formed by Richmond Hill presenting
an almost insurmountable barrier between me
and the busy world.
He had previously stayed at Petersham for a time
in 1836 whilst writing the Village Coquettes, as shown
by a letter to the composer, John Hullah, from
Petersham, suggesting that Hullah should pay him
a visit there.
River Lane will take us to the River and we can
turn left along the towing path. Ham House lies
to the left.
In the account of the duel in Nicholas Nickleby
between Sir Mulberry Hawk and Lord Frederick
Verisopht we read :
" What do you say to one of the meadows
opposite Twickenham by the river side ? "
The Captain saw no objection.
" Shall we join company in the avenue of
trees which leads from Petersham to Ham House,
and settle the exact spot when we arrive there ? "
They stopped at the avenue gate and alighted.
. . . and at length turned to the right, and,
taking a track across a little meadow, passed
Ham House, and came into some fields beyond.
We are now on the road to Twickenham, whence
came Clennam to visit Mr. Meagles and Pet at the
cottage there.
It was a charming place (none the worse for
being a little eccentric) on the road by the river,
and just what the residence of the Meagles family
ought to be. It stood in a garden . . . and it
was defended by a goodly show of handsome
trees and spreading evergreens. . . . Within
view was the peaceful river and the ferry boat.
. . Before breakfast in the morning Arthur
walked out to look about him. As the morning
was fine and he had an hour on his hands he
crossed the river by the ferry and strolled along
a footpath through some meadows.
Eel Pie Island lies a little beyond the ferry. It
was one of the resorts of Dickens, and in Nicholas
Nickleby he sends one of the Kenwigs family upon
an excursion there " to make merry upon a collation,
bottled beer, shrub and shrimps, and to dance in the
open air."
At 4 Ailsa Park Villas, Twickenham, Dickens
stayed for a time in 1838. The house is in the
Isleworth Road near St. Margaret's Station
Belgrave Square
Reprinted, Out of Town
Nickleby, 21
Miscell. P. : Conventions
Mutual, TI, 3
Nickleby, 21
Cadogan Place
Nickleby, 21
Sloane Street
Nickleby, 21
Chelsea Bun House (site)
Barnaby, 42
Bleak House, 53
Ranelagh Gardens (site)
Two Cities, II, 12
Chelsea Reach
Expectations, 36
Bleak House, 13, 53
Barnaby, 53, 16, 42
Curiosity, 8
Nickleby, 48, 21
Uncommercial, 27
Pickwick, 23
Reprinted, Patent
Mutual, I, I5*t *
Haunted Man
Reprinted, Down-tide
St. Luke's Church
11 Selwood Terrace
Here Dickens lodged in 1836
Dornt, I, 1 6
Dombey, 24
Copperfield, 38, 41
Domt, I, 1 6
Clock, III
Expectations, 21, 22, 46
Nickleby, 17
Sketches: Sentiment, Scenes, 6
Uncommercial, 10
Twist, 21
Miscell. P. : Gone to the Dogs
Turnham Green
Two Cities, I, i
Mutual, I, 6
Twist, 21
Kew Bridge
Twist, 21
Expectations, 30
Expectations, 42
Mutual, 1 6
Twist, 21
Uncommercial, 10
Mutual, IV, i
Expectations, 33
Sketches : River ; Monmouth
Pickwick, 57
Richmond Green
Expectations, 33
Star and Garter (site of)
Nickleby, 50
Nickleby, 50, 52
Dorrit, I, 16
Ham House
Nickleby, 50
Twickenham Ferry
Dorrit, I, 17
Eel Pie Island
Nickleby, 52
NOWHERE in the streets of London is the ebb and
flow of the tide of Dickens' s life better mirrored than
in the illustrious highway called the Strand ; it
reflects the novelist as "a very small boy indeed,
both in years and stature/' going to view the lion
over the gateway of Northumberland House (Gone
Astray) ; it reflects him, but a few years later, walk-
ing disconsolately to Warren's Blacking Factory,
near Hungerford Bridge, and to the shop at the corner
of Chandos Street and Bedford Street, to tie up the
pots of blacking in company with Bob Fagin, " near
the second window as you come from Bedford
Street " ; it reflects him, still in those days, making
his dinner off " a stout hale pudding, heavy and
flabby, with great raisins in it, stuck in whole at
great distances apart," which " came up hot at
about noon every day," at " a good shop ... in
the Strand, somewhere near where the Lowther
Arcade is now . . . and many and many a day
did I dine off it " ; it reflects him as the young
reporter, at the age of twenty-two, going to the
office of " The Morning Chronicle " at No. 332
(now demolished) ; it reflects him walking into
Fleet Street with his first literary contribution
to the old " Monthly Magazine," which, " when
it appeared in all the glory of print," he pur-
chased from a shop in the Strand, and walked
with it to Westminster Hall, his eyes dimmed with
joy and pride ; it reflects many of the night walks
of an " Uncommercial Traveller " in the heyday
of his fame, from the offices of " Household Words "
and " All the Year Round/' in Wellington Street ;
and, finally and imperishably, it reflects a whole
host of the children of his fancy who passed along
the ancient highway in the pages of his books.
Many were the creations of his fancy that passed
along the Strand he knew so well. " We walked
down the Strand a Sunday or two ago," he writes
in Sketches by Boz, " behind a little group, and they
furnished food for our amusement the whole way/'
David Copperfield passed along, at many stages
of his history, notably on the day of his party, when,
" observing a hard mottled substance in the window
of a ham and beef shop, which resembled marble,
but was labelled Mock Turtle, I went in and bought
a slab of it/' and towards the close of the story,
when he walked along the Strand, through Temple
Bar, following the clue of Martha, to be picked up at
Blackfriars, and to end so happily at Millbank.
Ralph Nickleby " made the best of his way to the
Strand " to visit Miss La Creevy, " and stopped at a
private door about half-way down the crowded
thoroughfare. A miniature-painter lived there, for
there was a large gilt frame screwed upon the street
In far different frame of mind, Mr. Haredale
" walked along the Strand " after the burning of the
Warren by the rioters, " too proud to expose himself
to another refusal, and of too generous a spirit to
involve in distress or ruin any honest tradesman
who might be weak enough to give him shelter."
Bradley Headstone, with Rogue Riderhood at
his side, also " walked along the Strand " on an
eventful occasion, the former meditating, the latter
muttering. And in Little Dorrit we read of Arthur
Clennam " passing at nightfall along the Strand,
and the lamplighter going on before him."
Young Martin Chuzzlewit, after finding a lodging
for Mark and himself, " in a court in the Strand not
far from Temple Bar . . . passed more Golden Balls
than all the jugglers in Europe have juggled with,
in the course of their united performances, before
he could determine in favour of any particular shop
where those symbols were displayed." That this
was in the Strand there is but little doubt.
Then, too, we must not forget that graphic scene
in A Tale of Two Cities after the crowd at Temple
Bar had mobbed the hearse of the spy :
The remodelled procession started, with a
chimney sweep driving the hearse . . . and with
a pieman . . . driving the mourning coach. A
bear leader . . . was impressed as an additional
ornament, before the cavalcade had gone far
down the Strand ; and his bear, who was black
and very mangy, gave quite an undertaking
air to that part of the procession.
Finally, we remember Dick Swiveller's ambition
to join the tide of life that swept along the Strand
once received a serious check: " There's only one
avenue to the Strand left open now," he declared.
" And I shall have to stop up that to-night with a
pair of gloves. ... In about a month's time, unless
my aunt sends me a remittance, I shall have to go
three or four miles out of town to get over the way."
So much for those who were more or less merely
passers-by along the Strand ; other interests are
attached to the highway and its vicinity. At the
western extremity is Trafalgar Square, on the east
of which stands St. Martin's Church ; here on the
steps David Copperfield had that memorable meeting
with Mr. Peggotty on the latter's return from his
search for little Em'ly.
My shortest way home was through Saint
Martin's Lane. Now the Church which gives its
name to the lane stood in a less free situation
at that time, there being no open space before it
and the lane winding down to the Strand. As I
passed the steps of the portico . . . there was
the stooping figure of a man ..." Mr. Peggotty.
The district was not unknown to young David, for,
in a court at the back of the church, was a famous
pudding shop, where the pudding " was made of
currants, and was rather a special pudding, but was
dear, twopenny-worth not being larger than a
penny-worth of more ordinary pudding," and in
St. Martin's Lane adjacent stood the coffee shop,
also visited alike by young C.D. and young D.C.,
with the glass inscription on the door, to read which
backward on the wrong side, " moor-eeffoC," always
gave a shock through his blood.
Near by is the Golden Cross Hotel fronting
Charing Cross Station. In Pickwickian days it
stood on the spot where Nelson's monument now
stands. It was rebuilt on its present site in 1831-2,
but it was to the old hotel Dickens referred in
Sketches by Boz, Pickwick and David Copperfield.
From the older hostelry the Pickwickians started
off for Rochester by coach, but the present hotel
has an archway in the rear leading to the stables,
which calls to mind the one that caused Jingle to
cry " Heads, heads, take care of your heads ! "
It was to the back entrance of the hotel that David
took Peggotty after the meeting on the Church
Steps :
In those days there was a side entrance to the
stable yard of the Golden Cross . . . nearly
opposite to where we stood. I pointed out the
gateway . . . and we went across.
David was already acquainted with this hostelry,
for on his first visit to London as a young man he
stayed at
the Golden Cross at Charing Cross, then a
mouldy sort of establishment in a close neigh-
bourhood . . . my small bedchamber smelt
like a hackney coach and was shut up like a
family vault.
Steerforth fortunately came to his rescue, and he
secured a better room in the front, where " the early
morning coaches rumbling out of the archway
underneath " made him " dream of thunder and the
Next morning he describes himself " peeping out
of window at King Charles on horseback, surrounded
by a maze of hackney coaches and looking anything
but regal in the drizzling rain and a dark brown fog."
Another account of the Golden Cross is given in
the chapter on Early Coaches in Sketches by Boz.
Mr. Haredale, during the Gordon Riots, was
refused refreshment at " an hot el near Charing Cross,"
but no name is given to it ; and, at Charing Cross
also, Eugene Wrayburn witnessed the " ridiculous
and feeble spectacle " of Jenny Wren's bad boy
trying to cross the road.
The Grand Hotel occupies the site of Northumber-
land House, referred to on page 1 96, to which Dickens
also humorously alludes in Horatio Sparkins ;
" Miss Malderton was as well known as the lion on
the top of Northumberland House, and had equal
chance of going off."
Proceeding eastward, Craven Street on the right
reminds us that at an hotel here Mr. Brownlow had
the interview with Rose Maylie that resulted in the
recovery of Oliver Twist, and that, at the bottom,
on the site now occupied by the Railway Station,
formerly stood Hungerford Market, and the Blacking
Warehouse, where Dickens worked as a boy.
The blacking warehouse was the last house on
the left-hand side of the way at old Hungerford
Stairs. It was a crazy, tumble-down old house,
abutting of course on the river, and literally
overrun with rats. . . . The counting-house was
on the first floor looking over the coal barges
and the river. There was a recess in it, in which
I was to sit and work. My work was to cover
the pots of paste blacking first with a piece of
oil paper, and then with a piece of blue paper,
to tie them round with a string, and then to
clip the paper close and neat all round until it
looked as smart as a pot of ointment from an
apothecary's shop.
It was in this neighbourhood that Mr. Peggotty
lodged in the intervals of his travels abroad, to find
his niece " over a chandler's shop only two streets
away from Buckingham Street," where the meals
were flavoured by " a miscellaneous taste of tea,
coffee, butter, bacon, cheese, new loaves, firewood,
candles and walnut ketchup continually ascending
from the shop."
Mr. Dick occupied Mr. Peggotty's lodging on the
occasion when Mrs. Crupp had informed him " that
there wasn't room to swing a cat there " ; but as Mr.
Dick justly observed ..." you know, Trotwood,
I don't want to swing a cat. I never do swing a cat.
Therefore what does that signify to me ? "
There was a low wooden colonnade before
the door (not very unlike that before the house
where the little man and woman used to live
in the old weather-glass) which pleased Mr.
Dick mightily.
From Hungerford Stairs the Micawbers set off by
boat to Gravesend, en route for Australia. They
had lodgings meanwhile " in a little dirty tumble-
down public-house which in those days was close
to the stairs and whose protruding wooden rooms
overhung the river." Their room we are told was
" one of the wooden chambers upstairs, with the
tide flowing underneath." This was no doubt the
White Swan that existed close to the Blacking Ware-
house and figures in David Copperfield.
When I dined regularly and handsomely, I had
a saveloy and a penny loaf, or a fourpenny plate
of red beef from a cook's shop ; or a plate of
bread and cheese and a glass of beer from a
miserable old public-house opposite our place of
business, called the Lion, or the Lion and some-
thing else, that I have forgotten.
In Buckingham Street at the last house on the
left (demolished a few years ago) lived young David
with Mrs. Crupp ; here, too, Dickens himself had
lodgings in about 1834.
Further along, on the left, is Bedford Street ;
here at the corner of Chandos Street the Civil
Service Stores occupy the site of the shop al-
ready mentioned in which the young Dickens so
dexterously covered the tops of the blacking pots.
We cross the road to Durham House Street, leading
to the Adelphi Arches referred to below. The next
turning takes us to the Adelphi Hotel, where Mrs.
Edson stayed prior to her taking lodgings at Mrs.
Lirriper's ; but its greater claim to fame is that as
Osborne's Hotel, Adelphi, it figures in the closing
scenes of Pickwick Papers.
Further on is Adelphi Terrace where the same
Mrs. Edson " went straight down to the terrace
and along it, and looked over the iron rail. . . .
The desertion of the wharf below, and the flowing
of the high water there, seemed to settle her purpose
. and among the dark and dismal arches she
went in a wild way. . . . We were on the wharf and
she stopped " ; fortunately to be saved by good
Mrs. Lirriper, who exclaimed, "Well I never thought
nobody ever got here except me to order my coal,
and the Major to smoke his cigar/'
Dickens as a boy was fond of these dark arches of
the Adelphi. They are partly closed now ; but the
view from " the terrace which overhangs the river,"
whither Arthur Clennam in Little Dorrit followed
Tattycoram and Rigaud, and where they were met
by Miss Wade, is a very interesting one, as below
here was the coal wharf and the old Fox-under-the-
Hill public-house referred to in David Copperfield.
I was fond of wandering about the Adelphi,
because it was a mysterious place with those
dark arches. I see myself emerging one evening
from some of these arches, on a little public-
house close to the river, with an open space
before it, where some coal-heavers were dancing :
to look at whom I sat down on a bench.
On the opposite side of the Strand, Southampton
Street leads into Covent Garden Market, a district
replete with Dickensian interests which is dealt
with in Route Five.
Further on, we are reminded that Miss La Creevy
must have had her house hereabouts, from which
point she could watch the clerics going to Exeter
Hall, on the site of which the Strand Palace Hotel
now stands.
Dickens, like Mr. Watkins Tottle, had a " small
parlour in Cecil Street, Strand," but this street has
been covered by the hotel which bears its name.
This was in 1833, and he gave warning so he wrote
to his friend Kolle because they " put too much
water in the hashes, lost the nutmeg grater and
attended on me most miserably."
The office of Household Words stood in Wellington
Street, opposite the Lyceum Theatre, but the build-
ing was pulled down when Aldwych was constructed.
At Number 26 (formerly n) Wellington Street, was
the office of All The Year Round. The building
still stands, but houses an entirely different business.
Here Dickens furnished bachelor chambers in his
later years.
Waterloo Bridge leads off from the opposite side
of the Strand. It was originally called the Strand
Bridge. In the arches below, Sam Weller had
experience of the " Twopenny rope."
Somerset House has a family interest, as Dickens's
father was a clerk here, together with Thomas
Barrow, whose sister he married in 1809, and who
became the mother of the novelist. The marriage
took place at St. Mary-le-Strand Church, almost
Mr. Minns, of Dickens's first story, Mr. Minns and
His Cousin, was also a clerk at Somerset House.
A little beyond Somerset House is Strand Lane,
where the Roman Bath visited by David Copperfield
is to be found.
There was an old Roman bath in those days
at the bottom of one of the streets out of the
Strand it may be there still in which I have
had many a cold plunge.
Norfolk Street entirely rebuilt once sheltered
Major Jackman at Mrs. Lirriper' s Lodgings.
The Major it was who said, when taking the
parlours, that there was " no smell of coal sacks,"
which drew forth from Mrs. Lirriper the scathing
remark that she thought he was " referring to
Arundel, or Surrey, or Howard, but not to Norfolk,"
indicating by that the streets adjacent.
Mrs. Lirriper was married at St. Clement Danes
Church in the Strand close by.
At the corner of Arundel Street is Kelly's, on the
site of the shop of Chapman & Hall, where Dickens
purchased the magazine containing his first effort
at fiction.
He thus records it in the preface to Pickwick,
in telling how the book came to be written :
When I opened my door in Furnival's Inn to
the partner who represented the firm, I recognised
in him the person from whose hands I had bought,
two or three years previously, and whom I had
never seen before or since, my first copy of the
magazine in which my first effusion a paper
in the " Sketches/' called Mr. Minns and His
Cousin . . . appeared.
In Essex Street, Pip found for his uncle, Mr.
Provis, alias Magwitch, " a respectable lodging-
house, the back of which looked into the Temple "
and was almost within hail of his own chamber in
Garden Court (see Route One) .
The " Griffin " where Temple Bar once stood
marks the end of the Strand and the entrance to the
What a fund of romance was lost to London town
when Temple Bar was taken from us. Posterity
had to bow its head to the exigencies of time, and
a great Dickens landmark disappeared.
As Temple Bar stands to-day at the entrance to
Theobald's Park, Middlesex, it is meaningless to us.
No longer is it the gateway to the magic city of the
giants, through which Dickens pictured himself pass-
ing when he " got lost one day in the City of London "
and resolved to " try about the city for any opening
of a Whittington nature/' When he came to it,
he tells us, in Gone Astray, it took him half an hour
to stare at it, and he left it unfinished even then.
" It seemed/' he said, " a wicked old place, albeit
a noble monument of architecture and a paragon of
In the opening chapter of Bleak House, Temple Bar
is not treated with quite so much respect, for we
find it referred to as " that leaden-headed old
obstruction, appropriate ornament for the threshold
of a leaden-headed old corporation," and, again, in
the same book, on the hottest day in the long
vacation, it says, " Temple Bar gets so hot that it
is, to the adjacent Strand and Fleet Street, what a
heater is in an urn, and keeps them simmering all
The Prentice Knights of Barnaby Rudge " took
an oath not on any account ... to damage or in
any way disfigure Temple Bar, which was strictly
constitutional, and always to be approached with
Temple Bar was " headless and forlorn in these
degenerate days " when Mr. Dorrit passed under it
also, like us, on the way to the City and on a like
mission David Copperfield and Dan'l Peggotty
" came through Temple Bar into the city," whilst
Tom Pinch actually had the temerity to stop inside
Temple Bar itself to laugh heartily over the " beef-
steak pudding made with flour and eggs, until John
Westlock and his sister fairly ran away from him and
left him to have his laugh out by himself."
With all these thoughts crowding upon us, let us
imagine we pass through Temple Bar into the City
by way of Fleet Street. Immediately on our right,
No. i Fleet Street marks the site of the older premises
which Dickens called Tellsons Bank in A Tale of
Two Cities.
Tellsons Bank by Temple Bar was an old-
fashioned place. ... It was very small, very
dark, very ugly, very incommodious . . the
triumphant perfection of inconvenience. After
bursting open a door of idiotic obstinacy with a
weak rattle in its throat you fell into Tellsons
down two steps, and came to your senses in a
miserable little shop with two little counters,
where the oldest of men made your cheque shake
as if the wind rustled it, while they examined the
signature by the dingiest of windows. ... In
the musty back closet . . . Mr. Lorry sat at
great books ruled for figures, with perpendicular
iron bars to his window as if that were ruled for
figures too, and everything under the clouds
were a sum.
Outside the bank, Jerry Cruncher was wont to sit
on the " wooden stool made out of a broken backed
chair cut down," a character " as well known to
Fleet Street and the Temple as the Bar itself
and almost as ill-looking."
What a crowd of characters did Dickens cause to
pass along Fleet Street ! First Mr. Pickwick on
his way to the Fleet when
the hackney-coach jolted along Fleet Street, as
hackney-coaches usually do. The horses " went
better," the driver said, when they had anything
before them (they must have gone at a most
extraordinary pace when there was nothing),
and so the vehicle kept behind a cart ; when the
cart stopped, it stopped ; and, when the cart
went on again, it did the same. Mr. Pickwick
sat opposite the tipstaff ; and the tipstaff sat
with his hat between his knees, whistling a tune,
and looking out of the coach window.
Then Mr. Stryver, " projecting himself into Soho
while he was yet on Saint Dunstan's side of Temple
Bar bursting in his full-blown way along the pave-
ment to the jostlement of all the weaker people."
Then Mr. Boffin, " jogging along Fleet Street . . .
when he became aware that he was closely tracked
and observed by a man of genteel appearance," who
was, of course, John Rokesmith. Then little David
Copperfield himself, who, when he had no money,
" used to look at a venison shop in Fleet Street."
In later years David took his old nurse Peggotty
" to see some perspiring waxwork in Fleet Street
(melted I should hope these twenty years)." Pro-
bably these were Mrs. Salmon's Waxwork at No. 17,
once the palace of Prince Henry.
The funeral cortege of the spy, as described in
A Tale of Two Cities, found " an unusual concourse
pouring down Fleet Street westward," and a similar
concourse eastward is described in Pickwick when
Sam Weller got himself put into the Fleet to keep
his master company. " Some little commotion was
occasioned in Fleet Street by the pleasantry of the
eight gentlemen in the flank who persevered in walk-
ing four abreast. "
Maypole Hugh crossed the road hereabouts to
ply the knocker of Middle Temple Gate, and opposite
the Inner Temple Gate, a little further on, Bradley
Headstone rested, " baffled, exasperated and weary "
after the gate had closed on Eugene Wrayburn and
Mortimer Lightwood.
The Temple is dealt with in Route One.
Chancery Lane, on the left, is one of the main
arteries of Legal Land, and is also dealt with in
Route One.
Just beyond is Clifford's Inn, where the "tenant
of a top set bad character shut himself up in his
bedroom closet, and took a dose of arsenic/' to be
found by his successor some months later, as narrated
at the " Magpie and Stump " in Pickwick.
Tip Dorrit found " a stool and twelve shillings a
week ... in the office of an attorney ... in
Clifford's Inn," and here " languished for six
months." Clifford's Inn is also referred to in Bleak
House by Trooper George as being the office of
Melchisedeck, the legal agent of old Smallweed ; and,
in the archway, Rokesmith made his secretarial
proposals to Mr. Boffin.
Would you object to turn aside into this place
I think it is called Clifford's Inn where we can
hear one another better than in the roaring street?
. . Mr. Boffin glanced into the mouldy little
plantation, or cat preserve, of Clifford's Inn, as
it was that day. . . . Sparrows were there, cats
were there, dry rot and wet rot were there, but
it was not otherwise a suggestive spot.
The fact that the Dickens Fellowship has its offices
in its precincts adds a further Dickensian association
to the old Inn.
Next to Clifford's Inn is St. Dunstan's Church.
The old church, with its clock and two giants as
seen by Maypole Hugh, and David Copperfield, and
also by young Charles in Gone Astray was pulled
down in 1830. This, too, was the church of The
High up in the steeple of an old church, far
above the light and murmur of the town . .
dwelt the chimes I tell of. They were old
chimes, trust me ; centuries ago these bells had
been baptised by bishops.
Outside the church was the beat of Toby (or
Trotty) Veck, the messenger, and here he used to trot
up and down taking consolation from the bells.
On the opposite side of the street is Serjeants' Inn,
mentioned in connection with Mr. Pickwick's journey
to the Fleet Prison. Although the front is new,
many of the old buildings are to be seen by passing
through the gate- way.
At No. 166 Fleet Street is Johnson's Court, where
were the offices of the old " Monthly Magazine "
that published Dickens's first contribution to litera-
ture, the MS. of which he dropped " stealthily one
evening at twilight, with fear and trembling, into
a dark letter-box in a dark office up a dark court in
Fleet Street."
The " Daily News " office further along, on the
right, reminds us that it was Dickens who started
the paper in 1846. The present offices in Bouverie
Street are adorned with a head of Dickens carved
in the stonework.
At No. 146 on the left is Wine Office Court, in
which is that famous tavern, the Cheshire Cheese.
Although never mentioned by name, so famous an
inn, with its associations with Dr. Johnson, must
have been well known to Dickens, and it is thought
probable that he had the Cheshire Cheese in mind
when Sydney Carton induced Charles Darnay to dine
with him, after the latter 's acquittal at the Old
Bailey of the charge of high treason.
Let me show you the nearest tavern to dine
in. ... Drawing his arm through his own he
took him down Ludgate Hill to Fleet Street, and
so up a covered way into a tavern. Here they
were shown a little room.
In Whitefrairs Street opposite is Hanging Sword
Alley where Jerry Cruncher lived with his better
half, addicted to " Flopping."
Mr. Cruncher's apartments were not in a
savoury neighbourhood, and were but two in
number, even if a closet with a single pane of
glass in it might be counted as one.
Mr. George, in Bleak House, paid particular atten-
tion to this curiously named alley in walking
from his shooting gallery near Leicester Square to
the Bagnets at Blackfriars through " the cloisterly
Temple and by Whitefriars (though not without a
glance at Hanging Sword Alley, which would seem
to be something in his way)/'
Fleet Street ends at Ludgate Circus ; to the right
is Blackfrairs (see Route Seven). To the left runs
Farringdon Street, formerly Fleet Market, on the
right of which, where Memorial Hall now stands,
was once the Fleet Prison, memorable from its
associations with Pickwick.
Mr. Pickwick alighted at the gate of the Fleet.
The tipstaff, looking over his shoulder to see
that his charge was following close at his heels,
preceded Mr. Pickwick into the prison ; turning
to the left, after they had entered, they passed
through an open door into a lobby from which a
heavy gate opposite to that by which they had
entered, and which was guarded by a stout
turnkey with the key in his hand led at once
into the interior of the prison. . . .
They passed through the inner gate, and des-
cended a short flight of steps. The key was
turned after them ; and Mr. Pickwick found
himself, for the first time in his life, within the
walls of a debtors' prison.
Just under the railway arch in Ludgate Hill on
the left is La Belle Sauvage Yard where stood the
famous coaching inn which Tony Weller made his
headquarters : further on, at No. 42, was the London
Coffee House, where Arthur Clennan sat on the
Sunday of his arrival in London, watching the people
sheltering from the rain in the " public passage
opposite, and listening to the bells ringing ' Come
to church, come to church. . . . They won't come,
they won't come/ " The house still exists little
altered in appearance structurally.
In the distance St. Paul's looms large as it appeared
to so many of Dickens's people. " There be Paul's
Church. Ecod, he be a soizable 'un, he be." Thus John
Browdie to his wife on their wedding trip. " Ralph
Nickleby ... as he passed St. Paul's, stepped aside
into a door-way to set his watch, with his hand on
the key and his eye on the Cathedral dial."
In Master Humphrey's Clock we have a long ac-
count of a visit made to the clock turret ; and David
Copperfield " varied the legal character of settling
Peggotty's affairs by going to the top of St. Paul's " :
not that it afforded that good creature much pleasure,
for " from her long attachment to her work-box it
became a rival of the picture on the lid, and was in
some particulars vanquished, she considered, by that
work of art."
In St. Paul's Churchyard, David's aunt was ac-
costed by her husband, much to the surprise of
David ; and Eugene Wrayburn tracked the school-
master watching them in this neighbourhood.
Dean's Court on the right leads to where what Mr
Boffin called " Doctor Scommons" used to stand. Doc
tors' Commons is described by Steerforth as "a lazy
old nook near Saint Paul's Churchyard ... a little out-
of-the-way place . . . that has an ancient monopoly
in suits about people's wills and people's marriages."
Here David worked for the proctors, Spenlow
& Jorkins. Here, too, in earlier years had come
Jingle for his marriage licence. At the White Hart
in the Borough he had enquired of Sam Weller :
" Do you know what's-a-name Doctors'
Commons ? "
" Yes, sir."
" Where is it ? "
" Paul's Churchyard, sir ; low archway on
the carriage side, bookseller's at one corner, hotel
on the other, and two porters in the middle as
touts for licences. . . . Two coves in vhite aprons
touches their hats wen you walk in ' Licence,
sir, licence ? ' Queer sort, them, and their mas'rs
too, sir Old Baily Proctors and no mistake.'
" What do they do ? " enquired the gentleman.
" Do ! You, sir ! That a'nt the wost on it,
neither. They puts things into old gen'lm'n's
heads as they never dreamed of."
This prompted Sam Weller to tell the amusing
tale of his father's adventures with the touts who
used to infest the neighbourhood.
In "an upstairs room ... of a certain coffee-
house which in those days had a door opening into
the Commons, just within the little archway in
St. Paul's Churchyard," David Copperfield had that
momentous interview with Mr. Spenlow and Miss
Murdstpne, as narrated in Chapter 38.
An interesting association with this district is
that Dickens rented an office at No. 5 Bell Yard, off
Carter Lane, in 1831, whilst a reporter for one of the
offices in the Commons. How near we were to losing
Dickens as a novelist, at this period, is told in a
letter he wrote to Forster some years later :
" I wrote to Bartley, who was stage-manager
of Covent Garden Theatre, and told him how
young I was, and exactly what I thought I
could do ; and that I believed I had a strong
perception of character and oddity, and a natural
power of reproducing in my own person what I
observed in others. This was at the time when
I was at Doctors' Commons as a shorthand
writer for the proctors. And I recollect I wrote
the letter from a little office I had there, where
the answer came also. There must have been
something in my letter that struck the authorities,
for Bartley wrote to me almost immediately to
say that they were busy getting up the ' Hunch-
back ' (so they were), but that they would
communicate with me again in a fortnight.
Punctual to the time another letter came, with
an appointment to do anything of Mathews I
pleased before him and Charles Kemble, on a
certain day at the theatre. My sister Fanny
was in the secret, and was to go with me to play
the songs. I was laid up when the day came with
a terrible bad cold and inflammation of the face,
the beginning, by the by, of that annoyance in
one ear to which I am subject to this day. I
wrote to say so, and added that I would resume
my 'application next season. I made a great
splash in the gallery soon afterwards ; the
Chronicle opened to me ; I had a distinction in
the little world of the newspaper, which made
one like it ; began to write ; didn't want money ;
had never thought of the stage but as the means
of getting it ; gradually left off turning my
thoughts that way, and never resumed the idea.
I never told you this, did I ? See how near I
may have been to another sort of life."
At No. 29 Knightrider Street is the Horn Tavern
on the site of the Horn Coffee House, to which Mr.
Pickwick sent a messenger from the Fleet Prison,
for a bottle or two (or " bottle or six ") of wine to
celebrate Mr. Winkle's visit.
Trafalgar Square
St. Martin's Church
Barnaby, 44
Copperfield, 40 n
Sketches : Coaches
Uncommercial, 13
St. Martin's Court
Curiosity, i
Golden Cross Hotel
Sketches : Coaches
Pickwick. 2
Copperfield, 19, 40
Charing Cross
Nickleby, 2, 41
Mrs. Lirriper
Barnaby, 66
Sketches : Shabby Genteel
Mutual, III, 10
Pickwick, 2
Copperfield, 19
Northumberland House (site)
Sketches : Sparkins, Scotland
Gone Astray
Craven Street
Twist, 41
Hungerford Market (site)
Copperfield, n, 32, 46, 35
Hungerford Stairs (site)
Copperfield, 57
Buckingham Street
Copperfield, 23
Here Dickens lodged in 1843
Copperfield, n, 24
Curiosity, 8
Nickleby, 3, 5
Barnaby, 66
Mutual, III, n
Domt, II, 9
Sketches : Thoughts
Chuzzlewit 13, 48
Two Cities, II, 14
Adelphi Arches
Copperfield, n, 23
Pickwick, 42
Adelphi Hotel (late Osborne's)
Pickwick, 54
Adelphi Terrace
Uncommercial, 14
Dornt, II, 9
Chandos Street
Bedford Street
Cecil Street (site of)
Here Dickens lodged in 1833
Sketches: Tottle
Adelphi Theatre
Pickwick, 31
Exeter Hall (site of)
Nickleby, 5
Miss La Creevy's House
Nickleby, 3
Lyceum Theatre
Reprinted, Bill-sticking
Wellington Street
Reprinted, Detective P.
Waterloo Bridge (formerly Strand
Reprinted, Down-tide
Bleak House, 21
Uncommercial, 13
Sketches : Drunkards
Pickwick, 1 6
Somerset House
Sketches : Minns
St. Mary-Ie-Strand Church
Uncommercial, 14
Strand Lane
Sketches : Excursions
Copperfield, 35
Roman Bath, Strand Lane
Copperfield, 35
Surrey Street
Norfolk Street
Howard Street
Arundel Street
Strand, No. 186
St. Clement Danes
Somebody's Luggage
Clement's Inn (site of)
Uncommercial, 14
Lyon's Inn (site of)
Uncommercial, 14
Boswell Court (site of)
Essex -Street
Expectations, 40
Temple Bar (site of)
Gone Astray
Copperfield, 46
Barnaby, 8
Chuzzlewit, 45
Mutual III, 2 ; IV, to
Bleak House, i, 19
Clock, I
Two Cities, I, 12 ; II, 12, 24
Dornt, II, 17
The Temple
(See Route i)
Tellsons Bank (site)
Two Cities, II, 12, 24
Fleet Street
Two Cities, II, 12, 14
Holly Tree
Expectations, 45
Barnaby, 67, 15
Mutual, I, 8
Sketches : Tottle
Pickwick, 43, 40
Copperfield, n, 23, 33
Rainbow Tavern (site), No. 15
Sketches : Bounce
Mrs. Salmon's Waxworks No. 17
Copperfield, 33
Bell Yard
Bleak House, 15, 14
Chancery Lane
(See Route i)
Clifford's Inn
Pickwick, 21
Dorrit, I, 7
Bleak House, 34
Mutual, I, 8
St. Dunstan's Chureh
Barnaby, 40
Copperfield, 23
Two Cities, II, 12
Gone Astray
Serjeants' Inn
Pickwick, 40, 43
Bleak House, 19
Johnson's Court
Bouverie Street
(Daily News Office)
Two Cities, II, i
Mutual, I, 12
Bleak House, 27
Sketches : Tales, 12
Hanging Sword Alley
Two Cities, II, i
Bleak House, 27
Shoe Lane
Sketches : Omnibuses
Wine Office Court
Two Cities, II, 4
Bridewell (site of)
Barnaby, 82, 66, 49
Twist, 6
Fleet (site of)
Pickwick, 40, 43
Barnaby, 8, 67
Bleak House, 24
Nickleby, 55
Fleet Market (now Farringdon
Pickwick, 40, 41
Miscell. P. : Sleep Startle
Barnaby, 8, 67, 59, 40
laid Gate (site)
Ludgate Hill
Copperfield, 23
Dorrit, I, 3
Nickleby, 38
Two Cities, II, i
La Belle Sauvage
Pickwick, 10
Old Bailey
(See Route 2)
London Coffee House
Dorrit, I, 3
St. Paul's Cathedral
Nickleby, 3, 39
Two Cities, II, 6
Sketches : Shops
Barnaby, 67
Dombey, 48
Copperfield, 33
Twist, 1 8
Bleak House, 30
Chuzzlewit, 38
Uncommercial, 34
Mutual, III, i
Dornt, I, 3
Expectations, 20
St. Paul's Churchyard
Mutual, III, 10 ; I, 8
Reprinted : Bill-sticking
Barnaby, 37
Carol, i
Copperfield, 23
Dorrit, II, 34 ; I, 3
Doctors' Commons
Dornt, II, 34
Sketches : Doctors' C.
Pickwick, 10, 44
Mutual, I, 8
Copperfield, 23, 38
No Thoroughfare
Horn Coffee House
Pickwick, 44
Bell Yard, Carter Lane
APPROPRIATELY enough, Dickens, in the guise of an
Uncommercial Traveller, paid frequent visits to the
one square mile centring in the Bank and known as
the City. The account of one such ramble he pre-
faces as follows :
When I think I deserve particularly well of
myself, and have earned the right to enjoy a
little treat, I stroll from Covent Garden into the
City of London, after business hours there, on a
Saturday, or better yet on a Sunday, and
roam about its deserted nooks and corners. It is
necessary to the full enjoyment of these journeys
that they should be made in summer time, for
then the retired spots that I love to haunt are
at their idlest and dullest. A gentle fall of rain
is not objectionable, and a warm mist sets off
my favourite retreats to decided advantage.
With the Bank, Royal Exchange and Mansion
House we have already dealt in Route Two ; some
other City landmarks are mentioned in Routes
Three and Seven ; the remainder are linked up in
the present route.
By the side of the Royal Exchange runs Cornhill,
where Bob Cratchit " went down a slide ... in
honour of its being Christmas Eve." Another visitor
to Cornhill was Nadgett the mysterious, in Martin
Chuzzlewit, who was "first seen every morning coming
down Cornhill, so exactly like the Nadgett of the
day before as to occasion a popular belief that he
never went to bed or took his clothes off." The
same character, we are told, used to sit at Garraway's,
where " he would be occasionally seen drying a very
damp pocket-handkerchief before the fire." Garra-
way's, a famous City coffee-house, stood until 1874
in Change Alley, the third turning to the right in
Cornhill. It was from Garraway's that Mr. Pick-
wick indited hisUJfamous " Chops and Tomata
Sauce " epistle to Mrs. Bardell.
The Poor Relation used to tell the assembled
family that he went into the City every day he
didn't know why and sat in Garraway's Coffee
House. Mr. Flintwinch was also a regular visitor
there, as well as to the Jerusalem Coffee House in
Cowper Court, the next turning to Change Alley.
In The City of The Absent (Uncommercial Traveller)
he asks : " Where are all the people who on busy
working-days pervade these scenes ? "
And here is Garraway's, bolted and shuttered
hard and fast ! It is possible to imagine the
man who cuts the sandwiches, on his back
in a hay-field ; it is possible to imagine his
desk, like the desk of a clerk at church, with-
out him ; but imagination is unable to pursue
the men who wait at Garraway's all the week
for the men who never come. When they are
forcibly put out of Garraway's on Saturday
night which they must be, for they never
would go out of their own accord where do
they vanish until Monday morning ? On the
first Sunday that I ever strayed here, I expected
to find them hovering about these lanes, like
restle3s ghosts, and trying to peep into Garraway's
through chinks in the shutters, if not endeavour-
ing to turn the lock of the door with false keys,
picks and screw-drivers. But the wonder is
that they go clean away ! And, now I think of
it, the wonder is that every working-day pervader
of these scenes goes clean away. The man who
sells the dogs' collars and the little toy coal-
scuttles feels under as great an obligation to go
afar off as Glyn & Co., or Smith, Payne & Smith.
There is an old monastery-crypt under Garra-
way's (I have been in it among the port wine),
and perhaps Garraway's, taking pity on the
mouldy men who wait in its public room all their
lives, gives them cool house-room down there
over Sundays ; but the catacombs of Paris would
not be large enough to hold the rest of the missing.
Opposite Change Alley is the Royal Exchange
(Route Two) . The present building, which was not
built in the Pickwick era, swallowed up in its front
the yard formerly known as Freeman's Court, Corn-
hill, referred to in Pickwick as the place where
Dodson & Fogg had their offices
in the ground-floor front of a dingy house, at
the very furthest end of Freeman's Court,
Cornhill . . . the clerks catching as favourable
glimpses of Heaven's light and Heaven's sun,
in the course of their daily labours, as a man
might hope to do were he placed at the bottom
of a reasonably deep well ; and without the
opportunity of perceiving the stars in the day-
time, which the latter secluded situation affords.
Prior to 1838 when the Royal Exchange was
burned down Freeman's Court was the first court in
Cornhill past the Royal Exchange just before reach-
ing Finch Lane. It must not be confused (as is
sometimes the case) with the present Newman's
Court in Cornhill, or Freeman's Court in Cheapside.
At No. 68 Cornhill is Sun Court.
Mr. Jackson, of the house of Dodson & Fogg,
Freeman's Court, Cornhill, instead of returning
to the office . . . bent his steps direct to Sun
Court, and, walking straight into the George and
Vulture, demanded to know whether one Mr.
Pickwick was within.
This is a curious topographical error of Dickens,
as the " George and Vulture " is in George Yard,
Lombard Street, which could be approached from
Cornhill by St. Michael's Alley at No. 42 Cornhill
but not by Sun Court, which is on the opposite side
of the road.
At the end of Cornhill we reach the junction of
Leadenhall Street, Gracechurch Street and Bishops-
gate Street. Here used to stand a conduit known as
the Standard and referred to in Barnaby Rudge.
To the left is Bishopsgate, where Brogley, the
broker, of DombeyandSon, " kept a shop where every
description of second-hand furniture was exhibited
in the most uncomfortable aspect/' The Flower
Pot Inn was once in Bishopsgate Street, and from
here we are told that Mr. Minns took coach to his
cousin at Poplar Walk.
The London Tavern was formerly in Bishops-
gate Street. Here the first annual dinner of the
General Theatrical Fund took place in 1846, with
Dickens in the chair. Here too, in Nicholas Nickleby,
we hear of the Public Meeting of the United Metro-
politan Improved Hot Muffin and Crumpet Baking
and Punctual Delivery Company.
A little further on, at about the junction of
Threadneedle Street with Bishopsgate Street, un-
doubtedly stood City Square, in which was the office
of Cheeryble Brothers.
Into the city they journeyed accordingly. . . .
The old gentleman got out, with great alacrity,
when they reached the Bank, and, once more
taking Nicholas by the arm, hurried him along
Threadneedle Street, and through some lanes and
passages on the right, until they, at length,
emerged in a quiet shady little square. Into the
oldest and cleanest-looking house of business in
the square he led the way.
The square is described as " a sufficiently desirable
nook in the heart of a busy town like London."
The City Square has no enclosure, save the
lamp-post in the middle ; and has no grass but
the weeds which spring up round its base. It is
a quiet, little-frequented, retired spot, favourable
to melancholy and contemplation, and appoint-
ments of long waiting. ... It is so quiet that
you can almost hear the ticking of your own
watch when you stop to cool in its refreshing
atmosphere. There is a distant hum of coaches,
not of insects but no other sound disturbs the
stillness of the square. The ticket porter leans
idly against the post at the corner, comfortably
warm, but not hot. although the day is broiling.
Returning to Cornhill on the right almost at
the corner of Gracechurch Street is St. Peter's
Church, the one figuring in Our Mutual Friend, where
Bradley Headstone had his fateful interview with
Lizzie Hexam.
The schoolmaster and the pupil emerged upon
the Leadenhall Street region, spying eastward
for Lizzie. . . . " Don't let us take the great
leading streets where everyone walks and we
can't hear ourselves speak. Here's a large paved
court by this church, and quiet too. Let us go
up here/' . . . The court brought them to a
churchyard ; a paved square court, with a raised
bank of earth about breast high in the middle,
enclosed by iron rails.
It was the coping-stone of this enclosure that
Headstone dislodged in his passionate appeal to
Lizzie for her hand.
There is a court beside the church, as described
above, and following this round we find ourselves
in Gracechurch Street. Crossing the road and bear-
ing to the right we find on the left Bull's Head
Passage where the " Green Dragon " is supposed to
have been the original of the Blue Boar, Leadenhall
Market. Here Sam Weller wrote the famous
valentine :
Sam Weller walked on direct towards Leaden-
hall Market at a good round pace. Looking
round him, he there beheld a sign-board, on which
the painter's art had delineated something
remotely resembling a cerulean elephant with an
aquiline nose in lieu of trunk. Rightly con-
jecturing that this was the Blue Boar himself,
he stepped into the house.
It was to Leadenhall Market that Captain Cuttle
came, on taking charge of Sol Gills' premises in
Leadenhall Street, to make arrangements with a
private watchman there " to come and put up and
take down the shutters of the Wooden Midshipman
every night and morning/' and the household duties
of the little establishment were in the hands of
" the daughter of the elderly lady who usually sat
under the blue umbrella in Leadenhall Market/'
Tim Linkinwater boasted that he could buy " new-
laid eggs in Leadenhall Market any morning before
breakfast " and accordingly " pooh pooh-ed " the
idea of life in the country having any advantages
over the City.
We always imagine that Mr. Dombey's offices
were in Leadenhall Street. Curiously enough
Dickens is very vague in his description of the exact
The offices of Dombey & Son were within the
liberties of the City of London and within the
hearing of Bow Bells . . . Gog and Magog held
their state within ten minutes' walk ; the Royal
Exchange was close at hand ; the Bank of
England, with its vaults of gold and silver
" down among the dead men " underground,
was their magnificent neighbour. Just round the
corner stood the rich East India House, teeming
with suggestions of precious stuffs and stones,
tigers, elephants, howhahs, hookahs, umbrellas,
palm trees, palanquins, and gorgeops princes of a
brown complexion sitting on carpets, with their
slippers very much turned up at the toes.
A later chapter tells us that the offices were
in a court where there was an old-established stall
of choice fruit at the corner ; where perambulat-
ing merchants, of both sexes, offered for sale, at
any time between the hours of ten arid five,
slippers, pocket-books, sponges, dogs' collars,
and Windsor soap.
India House stood on the right of Leadenhall
Street, on the site now occupied by East India
At No. 157 Leadenhall Street was the original
shop of Sol Gills referred to below, then occupied by
Messrs. Norie & Wilson, who have since removed to
156 Minories, where the effigy of the " Little Wooden
Midshipman " may still be seen carefully pre-
served inside the shop. (See Route Fifteen.)
Anywhere in the immediate vicinity there might
be seen . . . little timber midshipmen in obso-
lete naval uniforms, eternally employed outside
the shop doors of nautical instrument makers in
taking observations of the hackney coaches. . . .
One of these effigies of that which might be
called, familiarly, the woodenest . . . thrust it-
self out above the pavement, right leg foremost,
with a .suavity the least endurable, and had the
shoe buckles and flapped waistcoat the least
reconcilable to human reason, and bore at its
right eye the most offensively disproportionate
piece of machinery.
In the Uncommercial Traveller Dickens tells us
how he walked from Covent Garden past the India
House, and past " my little wooden midshipman,
after affectionately patting him on one leg of his
knee-shorts for old acquaintance' sake."
Almost opposite Lime Street is St. Mary Axe,
but it would be quite impossible to-day to identify
the " yellow, overhanging, plaster-fronted house "
which was the office of Pubsey & Co., in Our Mutual
Friend, presided over by Riah, the Jew. In the
pretty roof garden on this house Lizzie Hexam and
Jenny Wren loved to sit and talk.
A turning on the right leads to Bevis Marks where
Dick Swiveller was clerk to Sampson Brass.
The atmosphere of Mr. Brass's office was of a
close and earthy kind and besides being frequently
impregnated with strong whiffs of the second-
hand wearing apparel exposed for sale in Duke's
Place and Houndsditch had a decided flavour of
rats and mice and a taint of mouldiness.
In a letter to Forster in 1840 Dickens speaks of a
visit paid to Bevis Marks :
I intended calling on you this morning on my
way back from Bevis Marks whither I went to
look at a house for Sampson Brass. But I got
mingled up in a kind of social hash with the
Jews of Houndsditch, and roamed about among
them till I came out in Moorfields quite un-
The Red Lion in Bevis Marks is generally con-
sidered to be the hostelry referred to by Dick
Swiveller when he stated, " There is mild porter in
the immediate vicinity."
The street continues as Duke Street and leads
into Aldgate (see Route Fifteen), where we turn to
the right, into Fenchurch Street.
A few turnings down on the left after noting
Mark Lane to which we refer later is Mincing Lane.
Bella Wilf er . . . arrived in the drug-flavoured
region of Mincing Lane, with the sensation of
having just opened a drawer in a chemist's shop.
The counting-house of Chicksey, Veneering &
Stobbles . . . was a wall-eyed ground-floor by
a dark gateway, and Bella was considering, as she
approached it, could there be any precedent in
the City for her going in and asking for R. Wilfer,
when whom should she see, sitting at one of the
windows with the plate-glass sash raised, but
R. Wilfer himself, preparing to take a slight
refection. On approaching nearer, Bella dis-
cerned that the refection had the appearance of
a small cottage-loaf and a pennyworth of milk.
Simultaneously with this discovery on her part, her
father discovered her, and invoked the echoes of
Mincing Lane to exclaim " My gracious me ! "
The fourth house on the left next to Dunster
Court has been identified as being, in all probability,
the office in question.
At the end of Mincing Lane is Great Tower Street.
Here we turn to the left. The narrow streets on the
right lead into Lower Thames Street and the river
side. Hereabouts was undoubtedly the Cripple
Corner of No Thoroughfare.
In the court-yard in the City of London, which
was No Thoroughfare either for vehicles or foot-
passengers, a court-yard diverging from a steep,
a slippery and a winding street connecting
Tower Street with the Middlesex shore of the
Thames, stood the place of business of Wilding
& Co., Wine Merchants. Probably as a jocose
acknowledgment of the obstructive character of
this main approach, the point nearest to its base
at which one could take the river (if so inodor-
ously minded) bore the appellation Break Neck
Stairs. The court-yard itself had likewise been
descriptively entitled in old time Cripple Corner
Mark Lane is on the left. The district is referred to
in Chapter 9 of The Uncommercial Traveller.
Rot and mildew and dead citizens formed the
uppermost scent, while, infused into it in a
dreamy way not at all displeasing, was the
staple character of the neighbourhood. In the
churches about Mark Lane, for example, there
was a dry whiff of wheat ; and I accidentally
struck an airy sample of barley out of an aged
hassock in one of them. From Rood Lane to
Tower Street, and thereabouts, there was often
a subtle flavour of wine, sometimes of tea.
One church near Mincing Lane smelt like a
druggist's drawer. Behind the Monument the
service had a flavour of damaged oranges, which,
a little further down towards the river, tempered
into herrings, and gradually toned into a cos-
mopolitan blast of fish. In one church, the
exact counterpart of the church in the " Rake's
Progress " where the hero is being married to the
horrible old lady, there was no speciality of
atmosphere, until the organ shook a perfume of
hides all over us from some adjacent warehouse.
Passing Mark Lane and Seething Lane we reach
Hart Street. On the left of Hart Street is the
Church of Saint Olave, which Dickens describes as
St. Ghastly Grim.
One of my best-beloved churchyards I call
the churchyard of Saint Ghastly Grim ; touching
what men in general call it, I have no information.
It lies at the heart of the City. It is a small,
small churchyard, with a ferocious strong spiked
iron gate, like a gaol. This gate is ornamented
with skulls and cross-bones, larger than the life,
wrought in stone ; but it likewise came into the
mind of Saint Ghastly Grim that to stick iron
spikes a-top of the stone skulls, as though they
were impaled, would be a pleasant device.
Therefore the skulls grin aloft horribly, thrust
through and through with iron spears. Hence,
there is attraction of repulsion for me in Saint
Ghastly Grim, and, having often contemplated it
in the daylight and the dark, I once felt drawn
towards it in a thunder-storm at midnight.
Crutched Friars and Coopers' Row lead us by
Trinity House on to Tower Hill. It was at " the
garden up by the Trinity House on Tower Hill "
that the chariot of Bella Wilfer halted, while Pa
bought himself " the most beautiful suit of clothes,
the most beautiful hat, and the most beautiful pair
of bright boots " for the purpose of their " innocent
elopement " to Greenwich.
On Tower Hill, Quilp resided, " and, in her bower
on Tower Hill, Mrs. Quilp was left to pine the absence
of her lord when he quitted her on business/' No. 2
Tower Hill, recently demolished, is said to have been
the house in question. At the corner of Minories,
No. i Tower Hill, formerly stood " The Crooked
Billet " mentioned in Barnaby Rudge as the head-
quarters of the recruiting sergeant from whom Joe
Willet took the King's Shilling. A recruiting office
used to stand in King Street opposite.
In the Tower of London " in a dreary room whose
thick stone walls shut out the hum of life, and made
a stillness which the records left by former prisoners
with those silent witnesses seemed to deepen and
intensify, remorseful for every act that had been
done by every man among the cruel crowd," Lord
George Gordon was imprisoned, as described in
Barnaby Rudge.
David Copperfield tells us that as a boy he used
to meet " the orfling " on London Bridge, there to
tell her " some astonishing fictions respecting the
wharves and the Tower, of which I can say no more
than that I hope I believed them myself." And in
the same book, when up in London with his aunt,
we hear of him varying " the legal character of these
proceedings by going to see ... the Tower of
Leaving Tower Hill and bearing to the left by the
Tower Moat we turn to the right by the docks and
wharves along Lower Thames Street, known in
Dickens's day simply as Thames Street. The
vintner, whose account Joe Willet had to settle on
his visit to London, had his place of business " down
some deep cellars hard by Thames Street." And it
may have been to the same vintner's that Simon
Tappertit was going with the " complicated piece of
ironmongery " which was " going to be fitted on a
ware-us door in Thames Street " when he stopped
in the Temple to speak with Sir John Chester, who
requested him to remove the offending oily smelling
lock outside the door. Along Thames Street " down
by the Monument and by the Tower " came Mor-
timer Lightwood and Eugene Wrayburn in Our
Mutual Friend in search of news of the vanished
John Harmon.
On our left is the Custom House where the late
Mr. Bardell was employed ; also where, in the con-
cluding chapter of Bleak House, we read that Peepy
had a position " and doing extremely well/'
David Copperfield on his return to London from his
long tour abroad, after the death of Dora, "landed in
London on a wintry autumn evening'' and "walked
from the Custom House to the Monument " before
he could find a coach to take him to Gray's Inn.
In Great Expectations we read that Pip always left
his boat " at a wharf near the Custom House, to be
brought up afterwards to the Temple Stairs." This
was part of the scheme for getting Magwitch out of
the country, and as he explains " it served to make
me and my boat a commoner incident among the
waterside people there."
Somewhere in this neighbourhood, between the
Custom House and London Bridge, must have existed
Spigwiffin's Wharf, where Ralph Nickleby found
house room for Mrs. Nickleby and Kate. Mrs.
Nickleby explained that the way to the house was
"all down Newgate Street, all down Cheapside, all
up Lombard Street, down Gracechurch Street, and
along Thames Street, as far as Spigwiffin's Wharf.
Oh ! it's a mile."
Here is the description of the place when Newman
Noggs first introduced them to it.
They went into the City, turning down by the
river side ; and, after a long and very slow drive
. . . stopped in front of a large old dingy house
in Thames Street, the door and windows of
which were so bespattered with mud that it
would have appeared to have been uninhabited
for years. . . . Old, and gloomy, and black, in
truth it was, and sullen and dark were the rooms,
once so bustling with life and enterprise. There
was a wharf behind, opening on the Thames.
An empty dog-kennel, some bones of animals,
fragments of iron hoops and staves of old casks,
lay strewn about, but no life was stirring there.
It was a picture of cold, silent decay.
Here also was placed Mrs. Clennam's house, thus
described, when visited by Arthur Clennam on his
return to England :
He crossed by Saint Paul's and went down, at
a long angle, almost to the water's edge, through
some of the crooked and descending streets which
lie (and lay more crookedly and closely then)
between the river and Cheapside. Passing, now
the mouldy hall of some obsolete Worshipful
Company, now the illuminated windows of a
Congregationless Church, passing silent ware-
houses and wharves, and here and there a narrow
alley leading to the river, he came at last to the
house he sought. An old brick house, so dingy
as to be all but black, standing by itself within
a gateway. Before it, a square court-yard where
a shrub or two and a patch of grass were as rank
(which is saying much) as the iron railings enclos-
ing them were rusty ; behind it, a jumble of roofs.
It was a double house, with long, narrow, heavily
framed windows. Many years ago it had had
it in its mind to slide down sideways ; it had been
propped up, however, and was leaning on some
half-dozen gigantic crutches : which gymnasium
for the neighbouring cats, weather-stained, smoke-
blackened, and overgrown with weeds, appeared
in these latter days to be no very sure reliance.
It was at one of the wharves in Thames Street
that poor Florence, after having been robbed of her
clothes by " good Mrs. Brown," was discovered by
Walter Gay.
Passing Billingsgate and the Monument (Route
Seven), we reach the foot of London Bridge, where
we turn to the right and then to the left for Cannon
Street, where, according to Mr. Jinkins, was a rival
of Todgers's ; but, he declared, he would stick to
Todgers's until " the Cannon Street establishment
shall be able to produce such a combination of wit
and beauty as has graced that board that day and
shall be able to serve up such a dinner as that of
which they had just partaken."
The first to the left out of Gracechurch Street
is Lombard Street. The office of Barbox Brothers
was in a " dim den up in a corner of a court off
Lombard Street," and here was the banking estab-
lishment of Giles, Jeremie & Giles, of No Thorough-
fare. The Poor Relation used to take little Frank
to walk in Lombard Street, on account of the " great
riches there," and in the City of the Absent (Uncom-
mercial Traveller) Dickens tells us :
Pausing in the alleys behind the closed banks
of mighty Lombard Street, it gives one as good as
a rich feeling to think of the broad counters with
a rim along the edge, made for telling money out
on, the scales for weighing precious metals, the
ponderous ledgers, and, above all, the bright
copper shovels for shovelling gold.
In Little Dorrit we have a splendid account of a
visit to Lombard Street by Mr. Dorrit and Mr.
It was a rapturous dream to Mr. Dorrit to
find himself set aloft in this public car of triumph,
making a magnificent progress to that befitting
destination, the golden Street of the Lombards.
There, Mr. Merdle insisted on alighting and going
his way afoot, and leaving his poor equipage at
Mr. Dorrit's disposition. So, the dream increased
in rapture when Mr. Dorrit came out of the bank
alone, and people looked at him in default of
Mr. Merdle, and when, with the ears of his mind,
he heard the frequent exclamation as he rolled
glibly along, " A wonderful man to be Mr.
Merdle's friend ! "
On the right of Lombard Street is George Yard, at
the bottom ^of which is the George and Vulture,
Mr. Pickwick and Sam took up their present
abode in very good, old-fashioned, and comfort-
able quarters ; to wit, the George and Vulture
Tavern, George Yard, Lombard Street.
A few days later when at Dingley Dell, Bob
Sawyer asked Mr. Pickwick to visit him and said :
" I say, old boy, where do you hang out ? "
Mr. Pickwick replied that he was at present
suspended at the George and Vulture/'
At No. i Lombard Street, was the banking house
of Smith, Payne & Smith. Their successors, the
Union of London & Smiths Bank, now occupy the
premises, which have been rebuilt. It is referred to
in Pickwick when the elder Weller was handed
" a cheque on Smith, Payne & Smith, for five hundred
and thirty pounds, that being the sum of money
to which Mr. Weller, at the market price of the day,
was entitled, in consideration of the balance ef the
second Mrs. Weller 's funded savings."
Mr. Weller was at first obstinately determined
on cashing the cheque in nothing but sovereigns :
but, it being represented by the umpires that by
so doing he must incur the expense of a small
sack to carry them home in, he consented to
receive the amount in five-pound notes.
" My son," said Mr. Weller as they came out
of the banking-house, " my son and me has a
wery particular engagement this arternoon, and
I should like to have this here bis'ness settled out
of hand, so let's jest go straight avay someveres,
vere ve can hordit the accounts."
A quiet room was soon found, and the accounts
were produced and audited.
At No. 2 Lombard Street was the bank where
George Beadnell resided, with whose daughter,
Maria, Dickens, as a youth, fell madly in love. His
friend, Henry Kolle, was engaged to one of Maria's
sisters and Dickens used to get him to smuggle
letters into the house. Of this, Forster tells us :
He, too, had his Dora, at apparently the same
hopeless elevation ; striven for as the one only
thing to be attained, and even more unattain-
able, for neither did he succeed nor happily did
she die ; but the one idol, like the other, supply-
ing a motive to exertion for the time, and other-
wise opening out to the idolater, both in face and
fiction, a highly unsubstantial, happy, foolish
time. I used to laugh and tell him I had no
belief in any but the book Dora, until the incident
of a sudden reappearance of the real one in his
life, nearly six years after Copperfield was written,
convinced me there had been a more actual
foundation for those chapters of his book than
I was ready to suppose. Still I would hardly
admit it ; and, that the matter could possibly
affect him then, persisted in a stout refusal to
believe. His reply (1855) throws a little light
on this juvenile part of his career, and I therefore
venture to preserve it.
" I don't quite apprehend what you mean by
my overrating the strength of the feeling of
five-and-twenty years ago. If you mean of my
own feeling, and will only think what the desper-
ate intensity of my nature is, and that this began
when I was Charley's age ; that it excluded every
other idea from my mind for four years, at a
time of life when four years are equal to four
times four ; and that I went at it with a deter-
mination to overcome all the difficulties, which
fairly lifted me up into that newspaper life, and
floated me away over a hundred men's heads :
then you are wrong, because nothing can exag-
gerate that. I have positively stood amazed at
myself ever since ! And so I suffered, and so
worked, and so beat and hammered away at the
maddest romances that ever got into any boy's
head and stayed there, that to see the mere cause
of it all, now, loosens my hold upon myself.
Without for a moment sincerely believing that it
would have been better if we had never got
separated, I cannot see the occasion of so much
emotion as I should see anyone else. No one
can imagine in the most distant degree what
pain the recollection gave me in Copperfield.
And, just as I can never open that book as I open
any other book, I cannot see the face (even at
four-and-forty) or hear the voice, without going
wandering away over the ashes of all that youth
and hope in the wildest manner."
Pickwick, 20
Barnaby, I, 67
Uncommercial, g
Repnnted, Bill-sticking
Chuzzlewit, 38
Golden Mary
Change Alley (site of Garra way's)
Pickwick, 34
Chuzzlewit, 27
Domt, I, 29
Expectations, 22
Uncommercial, 21
Poor Relation
Cowper's Court (site of the
Jerusalem Coffee House)
Dorrit, I, 29
Freeman's Court (site)
Pickwick, 1 8, 20
Sun Court
Pickwick, 31
Bishopsgate Street
Dombey, 9
Barnaby, 77
Nickleby, 2
Sketches : Mr. Minns
Threadneedle Street
Nickleby, 35, 37
Sketches : Tales, 2
Dr. Marigold
City Square (site)
Nickleby, 35, 37
St. Peter's Church, Cornhill
Mutual, It, 15
Leadenhall Market
Pickwick, 33
Dombey, 39, 56
Nickleby, 40
Reprinted : Bill-sticking
Leadenhall Street
Dombey, 4, 13
Barnaby, 37
Golden Mary
Mutual, II, 15
India House (site)
Dombey, 4
Uncommercial, 3
Gone Astray
St. Mary Axe
Mutual II, 5 ; III, 16
Bevls Marks
Curiosity, n, 33, 37
Curiosity, 37
Duke's Place
Curiosity, 33
Fenchurch Street
Mutual, II, 8
Mincing Lane
Mutual, II, 8 ; III, 16
Uncommercial, 9
Great Tower Street
No Thoroughfare, 5
Barnaby, 3 1
Uncommercial, 9
Mark Lane
Uncommercial, 9, 21
Hart Street
(St. Olave's Church)
Uncommercial, 21
Trinity House
Mutual, II, 8
Tower Hill
Curiosity, 4, 49
Barnaby, 31
Mutual, II, 8
Tower Stairs
Barnaby, 51
The Mint
Chuzzlewit, 21, 37
Barnaby, 67
The Tower
Copperfield, n, 33
Expectations, 54
Barnaby, 51, 73, 67
Mutual, I, 3
Chuzzlewit, 9
Uncommercial 31
Thames Street
Barnaby, 13, 24
Dornt, I, 3
Nickleby, n, 26
Mutual, I, 3
Dombey, 6
Custom House
Pickwick, 34
Copperfield, 59
Bleak House, 67
Dombey, 60
Expectations, 47
Dorrit, I, 29
Mutual, 4
Dornt, I, 7
Expectations, 54
Uncommercial, 13
Rood Lane
Uncommercial, 9
Miscell. P. : Booley
Cannon Street
Chuzzlewit, 9
Gracechurch Street
Reprinted : Bill-sticking
Uncommercial, 21
Nickleby, 26
Lombard Street
Pickwick, 55
Dorrit, II, 16
Uncommercial, 21
No Thoroughfare
Mugby Junction
Poor Relation
Chuzzlewit, 27
Nickleby, 26
George Yard
(George and Vulture)
Pickwick, 26, 30, 33
THE East End of London was by no means neglected
by Dickens. His early visits to his uncle in Lime-
house doubtless afforded him material for the
descriptions of the Docks and the River generally
in Dombey and Son and Great Expectations, and whilst
writing Edwin Drood he paid more than one visit to
the opium dens in Shadwell. The Pickwickians set
off for Ipswich from the Bull Inn in Whitechapel,
and David Copperfield on his first visit to London
arrived at the " Blue Boar " there. Young Joe
Willet, up to pay the vintner, had his meals arranged
for at the " Black Lion " ; so here at least are a
variety of hostelries in the great eastern thorough-
fare whose names have been handed down to
immortality through their connection with Dickens.
However it is from his walks described in the
Uncommercial Traveller papers that the personal
connection of the East End with Dickens is best
obtained, as our references throughout this ramble
will amply illustrate. Let us commence with the
third paper of the series, his first on this district.
My day's no-business beckoning me to the East
End of London, I had turned my face to that
point of the metropolitan compass on leaving
Covent Garden, and had got past the India
House, thinking in my idle manner of Tippoo
Sahib and Charles Lamb, and had got past my
little wooden midshipman, after affectionately
patting him on one leg of his knee-shorts for
old acquaintance' sake, and had got past Aldgate
Pump, and had got past the Saracen's Head
(with an ignominious rash of posting-bills dis-
figuring his swarthy countenance), and had
strolled up the empty yard of his ancient neigh-
bour, the Black or Blue Boar, or Bull, who
departed this life I don't know when, and whose
coaches are all gone I don't know where.
Our starting point is Aldgate Pump, at the
junction of Fenchurch Street with Leadenhall Street,
thus making a continuation of Route Two.
In one of his early Boz Sketches Dickens refers to
shabby gentility being " as purely local as ... the
pump at Aldgate."
In Dombey and Son, after the return of Walter, when
Toots could not bear to see the happiness of Florence
and him, we read, " Well might Mr, Toots leave the
little company that evening ... to take a little
turn to Aldgate Pump and back " ; and the mad old
man who lived next door to the Nicklebys at Bow
referred to " the statue at Charing Cross having
been lately seen on the Stock Exchange at midnight
walking arm in arm with the Pump from Aldgate,
in a riding habit."
Of Aldgate itself Mr. Blotton (of the Pickwick
Club) was a worthy inhabitant, and in Barnaby
Rudge we read of the initiation to the secret society
of the Prentice Knights of " Mark Gilbert bound to
Thomas Curzon, Hosier, Golden Fleece, Aldgate."
Saracen's Head Yard, at No. 92 Fenchurch Street,
nearly opposite the Pump, marks the site of the inn
referred to above, and the " Little Wooden Midship-
man " which was formerly in Leadenhall Street
(see Route Fourteen) is now to be seen at No. 156
Minories, opposite Houndsditch Church.
America Square, which turns out of John Street
on the right of Minories, is referred to in A Message
from the Sea, as the place of business of Dringworth
St. Botolph Church at the corner of Houndsditch
(see Route Fourteen), where Cruncher "received the
added appellation of Jerry/' was to Dickens the
dividing line between East and West, for we read
in The Uncommercial Traveller :
A single stride at Houndsditch Church . . .
a single stride, and everything is entirely changed
in grain and character. West of the stride, a
table, or a chest of drawers, on sale shall be of
mahogany and French-polished ; East of the
stride, it shall be of deal, smeared with a cheap
counterfeit resembling lip-salve. West of the
stride, a penny loaf or bun shall be compact and
self-contained ; East of the stride, it shall be of
a sprawling and splay-footed character, as seek-
ing to make more of itself for the money.
The Bull Inn stood on the spot now occupied by
Aldgate Avenue until 1868. " I shall work down to
Ipswich the day arter to-morrow, sir/' said Mr.
Weller the elder, " from the Bull in Whitechapel ;
and, if you really mean to go, you'd better go with
me." Which advice Mr. Pickwick took, and " away
went the coach up Whitechapel, to the admiration
of the whole population of that pretty densely
populated quarter."
Near to the " Bull " was the " Blue Boar," at
which young David Copperfield arrived from
Blunderstone en route for Salem House. " I forget,"
he says, " whether it was the ' Blue Bull ' or the
' Blue Boar/ but I know it was the Blue something,
and that its likeness was painted up on the back of
the coach." The effigy of the " Blue Boar " is re-
tained by the tobacco factory at No. 31 Aldgate
High Street, on the left-hand side.
Commercial Road, a little further along on the
right, reminds us that, " on a dead wall in the Com-
mercial^ Road," Captain Cuttle bought the " ballad
of considerable antiquity . . . which set forth the
courtship and nuptials of a promising young coal-
whipper with a certain ' lovely Peg/ "
In The Uncommercial Traveller we read :
I had come out again into the age of railways,
and I had got past Whitechapel Church, and was
rather inappropriately for an Uncommercial
Traveller in the Commercial Road. Pleasantly
wallowing in the abundant mud of that thorough-
fare, and greatly enjoying the huge piles of
building belonging to the sugar refiners, the little
masts and vanes in small back gardens in back
streets, the neighbouring canals and docks, the
India vans lumbering along their stone tramway,
and the pawnbrokers' shops where hard-up Mates
had pawned so many sextants and quadrants,
that I should have bought a few cheap if I had
the least notion how to use them.
This entrance to Commercial Road did not exist,
in Dickens's day ; it was then reached by Church
Lane a little further on, past Whitechapel Church,
which accounts for Dickens's description above.
Again, in the same series, he tells us :
My beat lying round by Whitechapel Church,
and the adjacent sugar-refineries great build-
ings, tier upon tier, that have the appearance of
being nearly related to the dock warehouses at
Our route takes us along the road to the left,
opposite Commercial Road, called Commercial Street.
The route followed will bring us out again in the
Whitechapel Road, half a mile further on.
On a July morning of this summer, I walked
towards Commercial Street (not Uncommercial
Street), Whitechapel. ... I had been attracted
by the following handbill printed on rose-
coloured paper : Self-Supporting Cooking Depot
for the Working Classes, Commercial Street,
Whitechapel, where accommodation is provided
for dining comfortably 300 persons at a time.
Open from 7 a.m. till 7 p.m.
The building referred to, a house of refreshment no
longer, stands at the corner of Flower and Dean
Street, the third street on the right. Here it was
Dickens sampled the excellent fare provided at a cost
of 4|d., and, as he says, " I dined at my club in Pall
Mall a few days afterwards for exactly twelve times
the money and not half so well."
Continuing along Commercial Street, we take the
fourth on the right, Hanbury Street. This presently
crosses Brick Lane. At No. 160 is a Mission Hall,
undoubtedly the original of the famous one in
The monthly meetings of the Brick Lane
Branch of the United Grand Junction Ebenezer
Temperance Association were held in a large
room, pleasantly and airily situated at the top
of a safe and commodious ladder. . . . Previous
to the commencement of business, the ladies sat
upon forms, and drank tea, till such time as they
considered it expedient to leave off ; and a large
wooden money-box was conspicuously placed
upon the green baize cloth of the business table,
behind which the secretary stood, and acknow-
ledged, with a gracious smile, every addition to the
rich vein of copper which lay concealed within.
But the Mission Hall in Brick Lane has not been
allowed to pass unchallenged as the place of meeting
of the famous Brick Lane Branch. Christchurch
Hall, in Hanbury Street, which is decorated with
windows illustrating scenes from the novels, claims
for itself the distinction of being the Mission Hall
Continuing along Hanbury Street, we reach
Vallence Road, where, turning to the left, we find
on the right Whitechapel Workhouse, the subject
of a deeply sympathetic paper entitled "A Nightly
Scene in London " in Miscellaneous Papers.
Returning, Vallence Road leads us into White-
chapel Road about half a mile further on from the
spot where we turned off into Commercial Street.
We turn to the left for the Mile End Road and Bow.
If, however, instead of returning into the Whitechapel
Road, we proceeded to the other end of Commercial
Street, we should reach Shoreditch, of which we read,
in Oliver Twist, that Sikes and Oliver, en route for
the burglary at Chertsey, " threaded the streets
between Shoreditch and Smithfield."
Nearly opposite Shoreditch Church is what was
formerly the Standard Theatre, to which reference
is made in " Amusements of the People/' Miscel-
laneous Papers. Behind this theatre is Hoxton
Street, in which is situated the Britannia Theatre,
which received the praise of Dickens for its great work,
particularly for its religious services on a Sunday.
This really extraordinary place is the achieve-
ment of one man's enterprise, and was erected
on the ruins of an inconvenient old building in
less than five months, at a round cost of five-and-
twenty thousand pounds. To dismiss this part
of my subject, and still to render to the proprietor
the credit that is strictly his due, I must add that
his sense of the responsibility upon him to make
the best of his audience, and to do his best for
them, is a highly agreeable sign of these times.
To the right of Shoreditch High Street runs Beth-
nal Green Road, also traversed by Oliver on the way
to the burglary, when we read : *" By the time they
had turned into the Bethnal Green Road, the day
had fairly begun to break."
At the eastern end of this is Bethnal Green, whither
Eugene and Mortimer lured the schoolmaster in
Our Mutual Friend. " There is a rather difficult
country about Bethnal Green/' said Eugene. " And
we have not taken in that direction lately. What is
your opinion of Bethnal Green ? " Mortimer assented
to Bethnal Green and they turned eastward. "
Returning to Whitechapel Road by way of Val-
lence Road described above, we turn to the left on
reaching the main road. On the right is the London
Hospital, where, " in the open street just opposite the
Hospital," Brass informed Dick Swiveller : " Sally
found you a second-hand stool, sir, yesterday evening.
She's a rare fellow at a bargain. ..."
In Barnaby Rudge we find several references to
Whitechapel. In the early chapters we are informed :
At that time ... a very large part of what is
London now had no existence. Even in the
brains of the oldest speculators there had sprung
up no long rows of streets connecting Highgate
with Whitechapel ;
and later Lord George Gordon, after leaving the
" Maypole," rode " the whole length of Whitechapel,
Leadenhall Street, Cheapside into St. Paul's Church-
yard"; and at the Black Lion Inn whose yard is
still to be seen at No. 75 Whitechapel Road Joe
Willet had his meals ordered for him and was
recommended by his father not to score up too
large a bill there, much to Joe's annoyance.
Of Whitechapel we have an amusing account in
Pickwick :
" Not a wery nice neighbourhood this, sir,"
said Sam . . .
" It is not indeed, Sam," replied Mr. Pickwick,
surveying the crowded and filthy street through
which they were passing.
" It's a wery remarkable circumstance, sir,"
said Sam, " that poverty and oysters always
seems to go together."
" I don't understand you, Sam," said Mr
"What I mean, sir," said Sam, "is that, the
poorer a place is, the greater call there seems to
be for oysters. Look here, sir ; here's a oyster
stall to every half-dozen houses the street's
lined vith 'em. Blessed if I don't think that
ven a man's wery poor he rushes out of his
lodgings and eats oysters in reg'lar desperation."
Just beyond Whitechapel Station we reach Mile
End Gate but the gate itself has long since dis-
appeared ; although the Gate House stood until
a later date. On the journey of the Pickwickians
to Ipswich we read :
By this time they had reached the turnpike
at Mile End ; a profound silence prevailed until
they had got two or three miles further on, when
Mr. Weller senior, turning suddenly to Mr. Pick-
wick said :
" Wery queer life is a pikekeeper'-s, sir. . . .
They're all on 'em men as has met vith some
disappointment in life. . . . Consequence of vich,
they retires from the world, and shuts themselves
up in pikes ; partly with the view of being
solitary, and partly to rewenge themselves on
mankind by takin' tolls/'
The road now becomes the Mile End Road referred
to thus quaintly by old Sol Gills in Dombey and Son.
Not being like the savages who came on Robin-
son Crusoe's island, we can't live on a man who
asks for change for a sovereign, and a woman who
enquires the way to Mile End Turnpike.
In Bleak House, we read of Mrs. Jellyby " having
gone to Mile End directly after breakfast, on some
Borrioboolan business " ; and, during the Riots, in
Barnaby Rudge, the party from Chigwell, on coming
to Mile End, " passed a house the master of which,
a Catholic gentleman of small means, having hired
a wagon to remove his furniture by midnight, had
it all brought down into the street to wait the
vehicle's arrival, and save time in packing."
On the left we find first the Trinity Almshouses,
then the Vintners' Almshouses ; this latter no doubt
the original of TitbulTs Almshouses in The Uncom-
mercial Traveller.
TitbulTs Almshouses are in the east of
London, in a great highway, in a poor, busy and
thronged neighbourhood. Old iron and fried
fish, cough drops and artificial flowers, boiled
pigs'-feet and household furniture that looks as
if it were polished up with lip-salve, umbrellas
full of vocal literature and saucers full of shell-
fish in a green juice which I hope is natural to
them when their health is good, garnish the
paved sideways as you go to Titbull's. I take
the ground to have risen in those parts since
Titbuirs time, and you drop into his domain
by three stone steps. So did I first drop into it,
very nearly striking my brows against Titbull's
pump, which stands with its back to the thorough-
fare just inside the gate, and has a conceited
air of reviewing Titbull's pensioners.
On the right of Mile End Road is Stepney Green,
to which Silas Wegg referred when he asked, " Would
Stepney Fields be considered intrusive ? If not
remote enough, I can go remoter."
The Mile End Road continues as Bow Road and
leads to Bow, which was " quite a rustic place to
Tim Linkinwater."
The " little cottage at Bow," let to the Nicklebys
at a very low rental by the kind-hearted Cheeryble
Brothers, was no doubt situated near the present
Grove Hall Park off the Fairfield Road by Bow
Station : the park is on the site of Grove Hall
Asylum in which the " gentleman next door " was
doubtless an inmate.
If we now return along the Bow Road to Mile
End Station we can get a bus through Burdett Road
into West India Dock Road and along the docks.
Somewhere in the region of the West India Docks
must have been Brig Place, where Captain Cuttle
lodged with Mrs. MacStinger at Number 9.
Captain Cuttle lived on the brink of a little
canal near the India Docks, where there was a
swivel bridge which opened now and then to let
some wandering monster of a ship come roaming
up the street like a stranded leviathan. The
gradual change from land to water, on the
approach to Captain Cuttle's lodgings, was
curious. It began with the erection of flag-
staffs, as appurtenances to public-houses ; then
came slopsellers' shops, with Guernsey shirts,
sou'-wester hats, and canvas pantaloons, at once
the tightest and the loosest of their order, hang-
ing up outside. These were succeeded by anchor
and chain-cable forges, where sledge-hammers
were dinging upon iron all day long. Then
came rows of houses, with little vane-3urmounted
masts uprearing themselves from among the
scarlet beans. Then ditches. Then pollard
willows. Then more ditches. Then unaccount-
able patches of dirty water, hardly to be descried,
for the ships that covered them. Then the air
was perfumed with chips ; and all other trades
were swallowed up in mast, oar, and block-
making, and boat-building. Then the ground
grew marshy and unsettled. Then there was
nothing to be smelt but rum and sugar. Then
Captain Cuttle's lodgings at once a first floor and
a top storey, in Brig Place were close before you.
The river beyond West India Docks leads to
Greenwich. (Route Eight.) " The house with the
low window being by the river side down the pool
then between Limehouse and Greenwich," at which
the convict Magwich was temporarily lodged by
Pip and Herbert in Great Expectations, has not been
identified : we should search in vain for either the Old
Green Copper Rope- Walk, or Chink's Basin, or Mill
Pond Bank, although the latter is described as follows:
It was a fresh kind of place, all circumstances
considered, where the wind from the river had
room to turn itself round ; and there were two
or three trees in it, and there was the stump of a
ruined windmill, and there was the Old Green
Copper Rope-Walk, whose long and narrow
vista I could trace in the moonlight, along a series
of wooden frames set in the ground, that looked
like superannuated haymaking-rakes which had
grown old and lost most of their teeth.
Selecting from the few queer houses upon Mill
Pond Bank a house with a wooden front and
three stories of bow-window (not bay-window,
which is another thing) I looked at the plate upon
the door, and read there Mrs. Whimple.
We are now in the Borough of Poplar, where lived
William Ravender (Wreck of the Golden Mary).
When I am ashore, I live in my house at
Poplar. My house at Poplar is taken care of
and kept shipshape by an old lady who was my
mother's maid before I was born.
Returning along West India Dock Road we find,
on our left, Limehouse Church, where " Miss Abbey
Potterson, of the ' Six Jolly Fellowship Porters/ had
been christened some sixty and odd years before/'
John Harmon described this as the spot where he
waited for his assailant.
I disembarked with my valise in my hand as
Potterson the steward, and Mr. Jacob Kibble, my
fellow-passenger, afterwards remembered and
waited for him in the dark by that very Lime-
house Church which is now behind me.
Of a visit to a lead mills " close to Limehouse
Church/' Dickens devotes a chapter of the Uncom-
mercial Traveller, under the title of " On an Amateur
The next turning past the church on the left is
Church Row. Here at No. 12 lived Christopher
Huff am, a " rigger in His Majesty's Navy," god-
father to Dickens, whose full name was Charles
John Huffham Dickens (Huffham incorrectly so
spelled in the church register) .
Church Row leads into Ropemakers' Fields and
the river : bearing to the right we are in the river-
side street called Narrow Street, where the Grapes
Inn, at No. 76, is said to be the original of " The Six
Jolly Fellowship Porters " of Our Mutual Friend :
A red-curtained tavern, that stood dropsically
bulging over the causeway. . . .
In its whole constitution it had not a straight
floor, and hardly a straight line ; but it had out-
lasted, and clearly would yet outlast, many a
better-trimmed building, many a sprucer public-
house. Externally, it was a narrow lopsided
wooden jumble of corpulent windows heaped
one upon another as you might heap as many
toppling oranges, with a crazy wooden verandah
impending over the water ; indeed the whole
house, inclusive of the complaining flag-staff on
the roof, impended over the water, but seemed
to have got into the condition of a faint-hearted
diver who has paused so long on the brink that
he will never go in at all. . . .
The bar of the " Six Jolly Fellowship Porters "
was a bar to soften the human breast. The avail-
able space in it was not much larger than a
hackney coach ; but no one could have wished
the bar bigger, that space was so girt in by
corpulent little casks, and by cordial-bottles
radiant with fictitious grapes in bunches, and by
lemons in nets, and by biscuits in baskets, and
by the polite beer-pulls that made low bows
when customers were served with beer, and by
the cheese in a snug corner, and by the landlady's
own small table in a snugger corner near the fire,
with the cloth everlastingly laid. This haven
was divided from the rough world by a glass
partition and a half -door with a leaden sill upon
it for the convenience of resting your liquor.
For the rest, both the tap and parlour of the
" Six Jolly Fellowship Porters " gave upon the
river, and had red curtains matching the noses
of the regular customers.
Round about here must have lived Rogue Rider-
hood, who " dwelt deep and dark in Limehouse Hole,
among the riggers, and the mast, oar and block
makers, and the boat-builders, and the sail-lofts. . . .
It was a wretched little shop, with a roof that any
man standing in it could touch with his hand ;
little better than a cellar or cave, down three steps."
The home of Lizzie Hexam was also in this
neighbourhood :
" By the docks ; down by Ratcliff . .
down by where accumulated scum of humanity
seemed to be washed from higher grounds/'
It was, we read, a low building which " had the
look of having been once a mill. There was a
rotten wart of wood upon its forehead which
seemed to indicate where the sails had been."
At the end of Narrow Street the road turns right,
and then left into Broad Street.
In Glamis Road to the right is the fairly modern
building of the East London Hospital for children,
which has grown from the tiny place at Ratcliff
Cross, visited and described by Dickens in a paper
entitled " The Small Star in the East/'
Down by the river's bank in Ratcliff, I was
turning upward by a side-street, therefore, to
regain the railway, when my eyes rested on the
inscription across the road, " East London
Children's Hospital." I could scarcely have seen
an inscription better suited to my frame of mind ;
and I went across and went straight in.
I found the children's hospital established in an
old sail-loft or storehouse, of the roughest nature,
and on the simplest means. There were trap-doors
in the floors, where goods had been hoisted up
and down ; heavy feet and heavy weights had
started every knot in the well-trodden plank-
ing ; inconvenient bulks and beams and awkward
staircases perplexed my passage through the
wards. But I found it airy, sweet, and clean.
We return to High Street, Shadwell, the region of
the opium den of Edwin Drood, whither came John
Jasper. " Eastward and still eastward through the
stale streets he takes his way, until he reaches his
destination, a miserable court, specially miserable
among many such."
Dickens paid a visit to an opium den in Shadwell,
in company with his American friend, J. T. Fields,
and then wrote, a month before he died :
The opium smoking I have described, I saw
(exactly as I have described it, penny ink bottle
and all) down in Shadwell this last autumn.
A couple of the Inspectors of Lodging Houses
knew the woman and took me to her as I was
making a round with them to see for myself the
working of Lord Shaftesbury's Bill.
The den was probably situated in New Court,
Victoria Street, E., to the right of St. George's Street,
close to the church, on the site of which a play-
ground now stands.
J. T. Fields has thus put the visit on record :
In a miserable court, at night, we found a hag-
gard old woman blowing at a kind of pipe made
of an old ink bottle ; and the words that Dickens
puts into the mouth of this wretched creature in
Edwin Drood we heard her croon as we leaned
over the tattered bed in which she was lying.
St. George's Street was in Dickens's day known as
Ratcliff Highway. It is described in Sketches by
Boz : and Ratcliff is referred to in Oliver Twist
as a " remote but genteel suburb."
On our left we pass Old Gravel Lane and reach the
bridge once called "Mr. Baker's trap " on account
of the number of suicides taking place here. Dickens
thus describes his visit :
Long before I reached Wapping, I gave myself
up as having lost my way, and, abandoning myself
to the narrow streets in a Turkish frame of mind,
relied on predestination to bring me somehow or
other to the place I wanted if I were ever to get
there. When I had ceased for an hour or so to
take any trouble about the matter, I found my-
self on a swing-bridge looking down at some dark
locks in some dirty water.
Being informed it was called " Mr. Baker's Trap "
Dickens continues :
Inspiration suggested to me that Mr. Baker
was the acting coroner of that neighbourhood.
" A common place for suicide," said I, looking
down at the locks. " Sue ? . . . Yes ! And
Poll. Likewise Emily. And Nancy. And Jane
. . . and all the biling. Ketches off their
bonnets or shorls, takes a run, and headers down
here, they doos. Always a headerin' down here,
they is. Like one o'clock/'
This road now takes us through the heart of the
London Docks, but we look in vain for " Number
Thirty, Little Gosling Street, London Docks," where
Mr. F. breathed his last, as described by Flora in
Little Dorrit.
This way, we remember, came Mortimer Light-
wood in search of news of John Harmon.
The wheels rolled on ... by the Tower, and
by the Docks ; down by Ratcliff and by
Rotherhithe :
and a particularly interesting description of the dis-
trict is to be found in chapter twenty of The Uncom-
mercial Traveller, of which an extract is here
given :
My road lies through that part of London
generally known to the initiated as " Down by
the Docks." Down by the Docks is home to a
good many people to too many, if I may judge
from the overflow of local population in the
streets but my nose insinuates that the number
to whom it is Sweet Home might be easily
counted. . . .
Down by the Docks, they eat the largest oysters
and scatter the roughest oyster shells known to
the descendants of Saint George and the Dragon.
Down by the Docks, they consume the slimiest
of shell-fish, which seem to have been scraped
off the copper bottoms of ships. Down by the
Docks, the vegetables at greengrocers' doors
acquire a saline and a scaly look, as if they had
been crossed with fish and seaweed. Down by
the Docks, they " board seamen " at the eating-
houses, the public-houses, the slop-shops, the
coffee-shops, the tally-shops, all kinds of shops
mentionable and unmentionable board them,
as it were, in the piratical sense, making them
bleed terribly, and giving no quarter. Down by
the Docks, the seamen roam in mid-street and
mid-day, their pockets inside-out, and their
heads no better. Down by the Docks, the
daughters of wave-ruling Britannia also rove,
clad in silken attire, with uncovered tresses
streaming in the breeze, bandana kerchiefs
floating from their shoulders, and crinoline not
wanting. . . . Down by the Docks, you may buy
polonies, saveloys, and sausage preparations
various, if you are not particular what they are
made of besides seasoning. Down by the Docks,
the Children of Israel creep into any gloomy cribs
and entries they can hire, and hang slops there
pewter watches, sou'-wester hats, waterproo/
overalls" firtht rate articleth, Thjack." Down
by the Docks, such dealers exhibiting on a
frame a complete nautical suit without the refine-
ment of a waxen visage in the hat present the
imaginary wearer as drooping at the yard-arm,
with his seafaring and earthfaring troubles over.
Down by the Docks, the placards in the shops
apostrophise the customer, knowing him
familiarly beforehand, as, " Look here, Jack ! "
" Here's your sort, my lad ! " " Try our sea-
going mixed, at two and nine ! " " The right
kit for the British tar 1 " " Ship ahoy ! "
" Splice the main brace, brother " " Come,
cheer up, my lads, We've the best liquors here.
And you'll find something new In our wonderful
Beer ! " Down by the Docks, the pawnbroker
lends money on Union Jack pocket-handker-
chiefs, on watches with little ships pitching fore
and aft on the dial, on telescopes, nautical
instruments in cases, and such-like. Down by
the Docks, the apothecary sets up in business on
the wretchedest scale chiefly on lint and plaster
for the strapping of wounds and with no bright
bottles, and with no little drawers. Down by
the Docks, the shabby undertaker's shop will
bury you for next to nothing, after the Malay
or Chinaman has stabbed you for nothing at all :
so you can hardly hope to make a cheaper end.
Down by the Docks, anybody drunk will quarrel
with anybody drunk or sober, and everybody
else will have a hand in it.
Old Gravel Lane continued straight on leads to
Wapping, where, in Barnaby Rudge, we read that the
rioters " were bound for Wapping to destroy a
Dickens visited the workhouse at Wapping to
make personal enquiries on an important question.
I was going to Wapping because an Eastern
police magistrate had said, through the morning
papers, that there was no classification at the
Wapping Workhouse for women, and that it was
a disgrace and a shame, and divers other hard
names, and because I wished to see how the fact
really stood ;
and on the way he makes a reference to an ancient
landmark in this neighbourhood, Wapping Old
Stairs, which is reached by turning to the right
along High Street at the end of Gravel Lane.
I at last began to file off to the right, towards
Wapping. Not that I intended to take boat at
Wapping Old Stairs, or that I was going to look
at the locality because I believe (for I don't)
in the constancy of the young woman who told
her sea-going lover, to such a beautiful old tune,
that she had ever continued the same, since she
gave him the 'baccer-box marked with his name ;
I am afraid he usually got the worst of those
transactions, and was frightfully taken in.
Further on, on the right, Nightingale Lane takes
us back again into a continuation of St. George's
Street called Upper East Smithfield and leading by
the left to the Tower (Route Fourteen). We turn
right, and shortly afterwards to the left along Well
Street, following the footsteps of young Dickens as
narrated in Gone Astray :
I must have strayed by that time, as I recall
my course, into Goodman's Fields, or somewhere
thereabouts. The picture represented a scene
in a play then performing at a theatre in that
neighbourhood which is no longer in existence.
It stimulated me to go to that theatre and see
that play. ... I found out the theatre. . . .
Of its external appearance, I can only remember
the loyal initials G.R. untidily paintfed in yellow
ochre on the front.
The theatre in Goodman's Fields (where Garrick
made his first London appearance) disappeared in
1802, so the one Dickens refers to was no doubt that
in Well Street called The Royalty or East London
Theatre, burnt down in April, 1826. The site is now
occupied by a Sailors' Home.
To the right of Well Street is Wellclose Square,
where in the same adventure he " found a watchman
in his box . . . this venerable man took me to the
nearest watch-house ... a warm and drowsy sort
of place embellished with great coats and rattles
hanging up/'
The other end of Well Street brings us to Cable
Street, where we turn to the left, and then right,
along Leman Street. The streets to the left cover
the site of Goodman's Fields, referred to above.
At the end of Leman Street we are in Whitechapel
High Street once again and turn left for Aldgate and
the Bank.
Thus we end our exploration of the London of
Dickens. It has taken us into all quarters, for
Dickens was a great walker. G. A. Sala has des-
cribed himself encountering Dickens in the oddest
S'aces and most inclement weather, in Ratcliff
ighway, on Haverstock Hill, on Camberwell Green,
in Gray's Inn Lane, in the Wandsworth Road, at
Hammersmith Broadway, in Norton Folgate, and
at Kensal New Town. " A hansom whirled you
by the Bell and Horns at Brompton, and there he
was striding, as with seven-league boots, seem-
ingly in the direction of North End, Fulham. The
Metropolitan Railway sent you forth at Lisson
Grove, and you met him plodding speedily towards
the Yorkshire Stingo. He was to be met rapidly
skirting the grim brick wall of the prison in Coldbath
Fields, or trudging along the Seven Sisters Road at
Holloway, or bearing, under a steady press of sail,
underneath Highgate Archway, or pursuing the
even tenor of his way up the Vauxhall Bridge Road."
Wherever there was " matter to be heard and
learned," in back streets behind Holborn, in Borough
courts and passages, in City wharfs or alleys, about
the poorer lodging-houses, in prisons, workhouses,
ragged-schools, police-courts, rag-shops, chandlers'
shops, and all sorts of markets for the poor, he
carried his keen observation and untiring study.
His friend and biographer, John Forster, tells us
that for several consecutive years he accompanied
him every Christmas Eve to see the marketings for
Christmas down the road from Aldgate to Bow ;
and he further informs us Dickens had a surprising
fondness for wandering about in poor neighbour-
hoods on Christmas Day, past the areas of shabby
genteel houses in Somers or Kentish Towns, and
watching the dinners preparing or coming in.
Aldgate Pump
Sketches : Shabby Genteel
Nickleby, 41
Dombey, 56
Uncommercial, 3
Saracen's Head Yard
Uncommercial, 3
Pickwick, i
Barnaby, 8
Houndsditch Church
(See also Route 14)
Curiosity Shop, 36
Two Cities, II, i
Uncommercial, 34
Minories, No. 156, "Little
Wooden Midshipman "
Dombey, 4
Uncommercial, 3
Reprinted : Down-tide
America Square
Message from Sea
Aldgate Avenue (site of " Bull "
Pickwick, 20, 22
Aldgate High Street, No. 31
(site of " Blue Boar ")
Copperfield, 5
Commercial Road
Dombey, 9
Uncommercial, 3
Whltechapel Church
Uncommercial, 3, 35
Commercial Street
Uncommercial, 23
Brick Lane
Pickwick, 33
Whitechapel Workhouse
Miscell. P. : Nightly Scene
Twist, 21
Standard Theatre
Miscell. P. : Amusements
Britannia Theatre
Uncommercial, 4
Bethnal Green Road
Twist, 21
Bethnal Green
Twist, 19
Mutual, III, 10
Uncommercial, 10
London Hospital
Curiosity, 35
Pickwick, 20, 22
Twist, 19
Cunosity, 35
Barnaby, 4, 37
Copperfield, 5
Uncommercial, 3, 10, 34
Carol, 3
Mile End Gate
Pickwick, 22
Mile End Road
Dombey, 4
Mile End
Bleak, 14
Barnaby, 61
Vintners' Almhouses
(" Titbull's ")
Uncommercial, 27
Uncommercial, 32
Stepney Green
Mutual, I, 15
Nickleby, 35, 40
West India Docks
Dombey, 9, 15
Expectations, 45, 46
Golden Mary
Dombey, 60
Expectations, 45, 46
Mutual, I, 36 ; II, 12
Uncommercial, 29, 34
Limehouse Church
Mutual, I, 6 ; II, 13
Uncommercial, 34
Church Row
Narrow Street
Grapes Inn (Three Jolly
Fellowship Porters)
Mutual, I, 36
Mutual, I, 3 ; II, 12
Twist, 13
Uncommercial, 32, 30
Dombey, 23
Drood, i, 23
Uncommercial, 20
St. George's Street (formerly
Ratcliff Highway)
Sketches : Brokers' Shops
Twist, 13
Mutual, I, 3 ; II, 12
Old Gravel Lane
Uncommercial, 3
Barnaby, 53
Mutual, II, 12
Uncommercial, 3
Gone Astray
Message from Sea
London Docks
Dorrit, I, 24
Uncommercial, 20
Wapping Workhouse
Uncommercial, 3
Wapping Old Stairs
Uncommercial, 3
Well Street
Gone Astray
Wellclose Square
Gone Astray
Goodman's Fields
Gone Astray
Abel Cottage 78
Adelphi, The - 202-3, 2I 4
,, Arches 202-3, 214
Hotel - - 202, 214
Terrace 202-3, 214
Theatre - 27, 214
Ailsa Park Villas - 194
Albany, The - 164-5, 169
Albion Hotel - - 50, 57
Aldermanbury - - 59, 71
Aldersgate Street 45, 49, 50, 57
Aldgate - - 237-8, 254-5
Pump 8, 53, 236-7, 255
Aldwych ... - 88
All Souls' Church - 154
" All the Year Round "
Offices - - 81, 197, 203
Almacks - - - 184
Almshouses :
Bayham Street - 105
Titbull's - ... 243
America Square - - 237, 255
Amwell Street 74
Angel, The, Islington
44. 67-70. 72-4
Angel Court - - 118,129
Anglo-Bengalee Offices - 173
Archway, The 74
Arlington Street - 68, 72
Arundel Street - - 204, 215
Astley's - 132, 145
Athenaeum, The - 174, 184
Austin Friars - 61, 71
Badger, Bayham, Mr.,
House of - - 1 88
Bagnet Family, House of 135
Baker's, Trap, Mr. - - 249
Ball's Pond - - 74, 80
Bank of England
52-4, 58-62, 218, 222
Barbican - - 45, 60, 62, 71
Barbox Bros., Office of - 230
Bardell, Mrs., .House of - 65
Barnacle, Tite, House of - 166
Barnard's Inn - - 39, 56
Barrow, Thomas, House of 158
Bartholomew Close 49, 50, 57
Battersea - - - 195
Battle Bridge - 74, 101-2, 108
Bayham Street
81, 98, 104-5, 108
Bazaar, Soho Square - 159
Beadnell, Maria, House of 232-3
Beak Street - - 161, 169
Bedford Row 33
Square - 148-9, 156
Street - 196, 202, 214
Belgrave Square - 187, 195
Belgravia - - 187, 195
Bell Alley - 62, 71
,, Yard, Carter Lane
212-3, 216
,, Yard, Fleet Street
25. 34. 215
Belle Sauvage - - 211, 216
Bentinck Street - - 153, 157
Bermondsey - - 118, 129
Berners Street - - 169
Bethlehem Hospital
115. 133. 135. M5
Bethnal Green - - 241, 255
,, Road 62, 241, 255
Beulah Spa - - - 146
Bevis Marks - 63, 224, 234
Billikin's - - - - 37
Billingsgate - - 230, 235
Bishopsgate Street - 220, 234
Black Bull, The 36, 41, 56
Black Lion, The - 236, 242
Blacking Warehouse
no, 147, 196, 200-2
8, no, 124, 128, 197, 210
Bridge - iio-n, 128
Road no, 128, 133, 135
Blackheath 123, 138-9, 146
Bleeding Heart Yard 43, 56
Bloomsbury - 36-8
Bloomsbury Square 37-8, 148, 156
Blue Boar, Leadenhall
Market - - - - 222
Blue Boar, Whitechapel
236-8, 255
Boffin's Bower - - 102
,, House, Mr. - 154
Bond Street - 37, 165, 170
Boot Tavern - 94- 5, 97
Borough, The 8, no, 113,
117-121, 129, 131, 254
Clink - 129
,, Compter - 129
Market - 120, 129
Boswell Court - - - 215
Bouvene Street - 209, 216
Bow 237, 240, 244, 254, 256
Bow Church, Cheapside 58, 222
Bow Street Police Station
85-6, 96
Bradley Headstone's School 1 36
Brass, Sampson, House of 224
Break Neck Stairs - - 225
Brentford - - - 191, 195
Brick Lane - 240, 255
Bridewell - - - - 216
Brig Place - - 244-5, 256
Britannia Theatre - 241, 255
British Museum 91, 97, 148
Bnxton - - - 141, 146
Broad Court - - 86, 96
Street, City - - 71
Street, Golden Square 162
Brompton - - 187, 195, 254
Brook Street - - 1 66, 170
Brownlow, Mr., House of 67, 73
Bryanston Square - 152, 157
Buckingham Palace - 184
Street 201-2, 214
Bucklersbury - - - 58
Bull Inn, Holborn 37, 41, 56
236-238, 255
Bull and Mouth, The 51, 57
Burlington Arcade - - 170
Gardens 165, 169
(Old) Street - 169
Cadogan Place - 187-8, 195
Caen Wood - - 76-7, 80
Camberwell - 140-1, 146
Green 140, 146, 254
Grove - 140, 146
Camberlmg Town - 106
Camden Town
8, 63, 65, 98, 103, 105-9, 166
Cannon Row - - - 176
Cannon Street - - 230, 235
Carker, James, House of - 143
John, House of - 78
Carlisle House - - 159
Street - - 159, 169
Carnaby Street - - - 162
Carstone, Richard, Lodgings
of 147
Casby, Mr., House of - 14
Castle Street - - 39, 56
Cateaton Street - 60, 71
Catherine Street - - 96
Cavendish Square 153-4, 157
Cecil Street - - 203, 214
Chancery Lane
21-23, 32-34, 39, 42, 66, 99
Chandos Street - 196, 202, 214
Change Alley - - - 234
Chapman & Hall, Offices of
82, 173, 204
Charing Cross
51, 131, 199-202, 214, 237
Charterhouse, The - 16, 33
Street 42-5
Cheapside 51-2, 57, 229, 242
Cheeryble Brothers, Office
of 220-1
Chelsea - - 186-9, 195
Bun House - 188, 195
Ferry - - - 189
Reach - - 188, 195
Cheshire Cheese, The - 209
Chester, Mr., Chambers of 31
Chichester Rents - 23, 34
Chicksey Veneering &
Stobbles, Offices of - 225
Children's Hospital, The 91-2, 97
Ratcliff 248
Chimes, Church of the - 209
Chinks' s Basin - - - 245
Chiswell Street - - 62, 71
Chiswick - 191, 195
Chivery, John, Shop of - 115
Church House, Highgate - 75
Church Row - - 246, 256
Street - 181-2, 185
Chuzzlewit's Offices - - 50-1
Circumlocution Office 174-5, 185
City of London - 52-5, 217-8
City Road - 59, 63-5, 71
Square - 220-1, 234
Clapham - - - 142-3
Clapham Common - 143, 146
Green - 143, 146
Rise - 142-3, 146
,, Road - - 142, 146
Clare Court - - - 88
Market - - 34, 34
Clarendon Square - 101, 108
Clement's Inn - - - 215
Clenham Street - - 113
Clennam, Mrs , House of - 229
Arthur, Rooms of
62, 81-2
Clerkenwell 16, 17, 33, 43, 44, 61
Green - - 16
Sessions House 16,33
Square - 16, 33
Gaol - 69, 72
Road - 15, 16
Cleveland Street 149-50, 156
Clifford's Inn - 208-9, 215
Clifford Street - - - 169
Clink, Borough, The - 129
Coavmses' Castle - 22
Cobley's Farm - - - 78
Cock Lane - - 46, 57
Coleman Street - - 62, 71
College Place - - 103, 1 08
Street, Great - 103
,, Little - 103, 108
Commercial Road 238-9, 255
Street 239-40, 255
Compeyson, House of - 191
Compter, Borough - 129
Smithfield 46, 49, 57
Cook's Court - - - 21
Copenhagen House - 103, 108
Coppice Row - 68-70, 72
Coram Street - - 94. 97
Cornhill - - 217-220, 234
Covent Garden
81-6, 96, 203, 217, 236
Covent Garden Market 81-5, 96
,, Theatre
82-6, 96, 212-3
Cratchit, Bob, House of - 105
Craven Street - - 200, 214
Crawford Passage - 70, 72
Cripple Corner - - - 225
Cnpples's, Academy, Mr. 114
Crockford's - - 184
Cromer Street - - 94-5, 97
Crooked Billet, The - - 227
Cross Keys, Wood Street 51, 58
Crown, The, Beak Street 162
Crown Street 62
Cruikshank, George, House
of 74
Cruncher, Jerry, Lodgings
of 210
Crupp, Mrs , House of - 201
Cursitor Street - - 21, 34
Cuttle, Captain, Lodgings
of - 244-5
Custom House 125, 228, 235
Cuttnss 1 Hotel 83
" Daily News " Office 209, 216
David Copperfield's Lodg-
ings 114
David Copperfield's Cottage 75
Deaf and Dumb Establish-
ment .... 136
Dean's Court - - - 211
Deptford - - - 137, 145
Devonshire House - 172, 184
Terrace - 150, 156
Dickens's, Mrs., Establish-
ment 99
Dickens Fellowship, Offices
of 208-
Docks, The 236, 250-1, 256
Dockhead - - - - 129
Doctors' Commons 211-3, 2I ^
Dodson & Fogg Office of - 219
Doll's Dressmaker, House
of 181
Dombey, Mr., House of - 152
Dombey & Son, Offices of 222-3
Dorrit, Frederick, Lodg-
ings of - - - - 114
Dorrit, Little, Playground 113
Dorrit Street - - 113
Doughty Street
^ , 8 ' y. * 4 ' 33 ' 4I ' I47
Dover Road, The 131, 134, 145
Doyce & Clennam, Rooms of 62
Doyce & Clennam, Works 43
Drouet's Paradise at Toot-
ing 143
Drummond Street 99-101, 108
Drury Lane - 88-90, 96
Theatre 87-90, 96
Duke's Place - - 224, 234
Duke Street - - 173, 184
Duke of York's Column - 184
Dulwich - - - 144, 146
Church - 144, 146
,, Gallery - 144, 146
Dumps, Mr., Lodgings of 73
Eagle, The - - 59, 63, 71
East London Children's
Hospital - - - - 248
Edgware Road - 150-1, 156
Eel Pie Island - - 194-5
Elephant and Castle, The
135. 145
Elm Lodge, Petersham 192-3
Ely Place ... 42, 56
Essex Street - - 205, 215
Euston Road - 95, 98-9
Euston Square - - - 108
Exchequer Coffee House - 180
Exeter Hall - - 203, 214
Exmouth Street 44, 68-9, 72
Fagin's House 14
Falcon Hotel - 50
Fang, Mr., Office of - 15
Farm House, The - 113,128
Faningdon Hotel (The
Fleet) - - - - 210
,, Road - 69-70
Street 46, *io, 216
Feenix, Lord, House of - 166
Fenchurch Street 224-5, 2 34> 2 37
Fetter Lane - - 40, 57
Field Court - - - 33
Field Lane 36, 44, 56, 89
Ragged School 16
Fmchley - - - 78-80
Finsbury - - - 62, 71
Square - 62, 71
Fips, Mr., Office of - - 61
Fish Street Hill - 125, 129
Fitzroy Square - - 149, 156
,, Street ... 149
Fledgeby, Mr., Chambers
of 164
Fleet, The 21, 62, 207,
209-11, 213, 216
Market - - 210, 216
Street 14, 25, 26,
32, 40, 196, 205-10, 215
Flite, Miss, Lodgings of - 23
Flower Pot, The - - 220
Folly Ditch - - 124-5
Forster, John, House of - 24
Foundling Hospital, The
92-3. 95. 97 *47
Fountain Court 8, 27-31, 35
Fox-under-the-Hill, The - 203
Freeman's Court 52, 219, 234
Freemasons' Tavern 90, 97
Fresh Wharf - - 125, 129
Fulham - - 189-90, 195
Furnival's Inn
14, 20, 35, 40-1, 56, 59, 204
Furnival Street - - 39, 56
Gamp, Mrs., House of - 38
Garland, Mr., House of - 78
Garden Court - 27-30, 35
Garraway's - - 7, 218-9, 234
Gateway, Doctors' Commons 212
Gray's Inn 19, 33
Lincoln's Inn 23, 34
Temple 25, 32, 35
Whitefriars 31, 35, 123
General Post Office 50-1, 57, 155
George Inn, Borough 120-1, 129
George IV Tavern - 2 5, 34
George, Mr., Shooting Gal-
lery of - - - - 158
George and Vulture, The
220, 231, 235
George Yard - 220, 231, 235
Gerrard Street - - 158, 169
Giles, Jeremie & Giles,
Office of - 230
Giltspur Street - 46, 49, 57
Glyn&Co. - 219
Golden Cross, The
51, 131, 199, 200, 214
Golden Dog and Pot, The
no-i, 128
Golden Square 147, 162-4, 169
Goldsmith Buildings - 32, 35
Goodman's Fields - 253, 256
Gordon, Lord George,
House of - - 153
Gosvvell Street - - 59, 65, 72
Gower Street - 26, 98, 108
Gracechurch Street - 229, 235
Granby Street 99
Grapes Inn, The - 246-7
Gray's Inn 15, 17-19, 33-4, 39, 42
Coffee House 19, 34
Gardens - 17, 33
Gateway - 19, 33
Hall - 1 8, 19, 32
Lane 15, 32, 68, 254
Road 14, 15, 20,
32, 102
,, ,, Square - 17, 32
Great College Street - 103
Great Coram Street - 94, 97
Great Ormond Street 91-2
Great Queen Street 87, 90, 96
Great Russell Street
37, 9i, 97. M8, 156
Green Lanes - - 150, 156
,, Park - - 171, 184
Street - - - 158
132, 134, 136-8, 145, 245
Church 137-8, 145
Fair - - - 145
Hospital - 145
Observatory 138, 145
Park 138-9, 145
Gresham Street - 60, 71
Grewgious, Mr., House of 8, 21
Grimaldi, House of - - 73
Grocers' Hall Court - 52, 58
Grosvenor Place 181, 184, 187
Square 45, 167-8,170
Grove Hall Park - - 244
Guildhall, The - 52, 60- 1, 71
Guilford Street - 92-3, 147
Guppy, Mr. House, of 73, 135
Mrs., House of - 63
Guy's Hospital - 113, 121, 129
Ham House - - 193, 195
186, 190-1, 195, 254
Heath -
Ponds -
Hanbury Street
Hanging Sword Alley
76-8, 80
- 77-8
8, 99, 108
- 240
210, 216
Hanover Square 165-6, 170
Rooms 165-6
Harley Street - - *53> *57
Harrow Street - - 113
Hart Street, Bloomsbury
37. 9i, 97
Hart Street, City - 226, 235
Harmony Jail - - 102
Hatton Garden - 15, 33, 43, 44
Wall - - 15, 33
Yard - - 15, 33
Haymarket - - 184
Headstone, Bradley School
of 136
Heep, Uriah, Lodgings of 69
Henrietta Street - - 82
Hexam's House - 248
Higden, Betty, House of - 191
HighHolborn 38
High Street, Borough 115-121
High Street, Islington 3, 65-70
Highbury Barn 80
Highgate - 74-6, 80, 243, 254
Archway - 74, 80
Cemetery - 76, 80
Church - 76, 80
Hill - 74, 80
Toll - - 74, 80
Hockley-in-the-Hole 68, 70, 72
Holborn 14, 20, 36-46, 56, 91, 147
Court - 19, 33
Holborn Hill - 36, 42, 56
Viaduct 36, 41, 56
Holloway - 74, 80, 102, 254
,, Road 74
Honey Court 52
Horn Coffee House - 213, 216
Hornsey - 79-80
Horse and Groom 25
Horse Guards, The - 174, 185
Horsemonger Lane - 115,128
Jail - 115
Hosier Lane - - 45-6, 57
Hospital for Sick Children
91-2, 97
Hotel in Furnival's Inn - 40
Hotels, Inns and Taverns
Adelphi Hotel - 202, 214
Albion Hotel, Aldersgate
Street - - - 50, 57
Angel, The, Islington
44, 67-70, 72-4
Belle Sauvage, Ludgate
Hill - - - 211, 216
Black Lion, Whitechapel
236, 242
Blue Boar, Whitechapel
236-8, 255
Blue Boar, Leadenhall
Market - - - 222
Boot, The - - 94-5, 97
Bull Inn, Holborn 36, 41, 56
Bull Inn, Whitechapel
236, 238, 255
Bull and Mouth - 51, 57
Cheshire Cheese, The - 209
Crooked Billet - - 227
Cross Keys, Wood Street 51, 58
Crown, The, Beak Street 162
Cuttriss's Hotel - - 83
Eagle, The, City Road
59, 63, 71
Exchequer Coffee House 180
Falcon Hotel 50
Flower Pot, The,
Bishopsgate - - 220
Fox-under-the-Hill - 203
Freemasons' Tavern 90, 97
Garraway's - 7, 218-9, 234
George Inn, Borough
120-1, 129
George IV Tavern - 25, 34
George and Vulture
220, 231, 235
Golden Cross, Charing
Cross 51, 131, 199, 200, 214
Grapes Inn - - 246-7
Gray's Inn Coffee House 19, 34
Highbury Barn 80
Horn Coffee House 213, 216
Horse and Groom, The 25
Hummums Hotel - 83, 96
Jack Straw's Castle 78, 80
Jerusalem Coffee House
218, 234
London Coffee House 211, 216
London Tavern - - 220
Long's Hotel - - 165, 170
Magpie and Stump 25, 34, 208
Old Ship Tavern 23
Osborne's Hotel - 202, 214
Peacock, The - 67, 72
Piazza Hotel - - 82-3, 96
Prince of Wales's Hotel 158
Rainbow Tavern - - 215
Red Lion, Bevis Marks 224
Red Lion, Highgate - 75
Red Lion, Parliament
Street - - - 176, 185
Saracen's Head, Aldgate
237> 255
Saracen's Head, Snow
Hill - - 36, 46, 57, 101
Serjeants' Inn Coffee
House - - - 209, 216
Ship Hotel - - - 137
Six Jolly FellowshiD
Porters - - 246-7
Sol's Arms, Chancery
Lane - 23, 34
Sol's Arms, Hampstead
Road - * - - * 99
Spaniards, The - 76-7, 80
Star & Garter - 192, 195
Tavistock Hotel - 82-3, 96
Three Cripples 44
Three Magpies - - 191
White Hart - - 121, 129
White Horse Cellars 171-2, 184
Wood's Hotel - - 40
White Swan - 202
Houses and Places where
Dickens resided
10 Norfolk Street - 149-150
1 6 Bayham Street i4*5
4 Gower Street North - 98-9
37 Little College Street 103-4
Lant Street - - 113-4
Hampstead 78
13 Johnson Street - 100
Polygon - - - 1 01
Fitzroy Street - 149
10 Norfolk Street - 149-50
Highgate 75
1 8 Ben ti nek Street - 153
Cecil Street - - -203
15 Buckingham Street - 202
15 Furmval's Inn - - 40
1 1 Selwood Terrace, Ful-
ham - 189
48 Doughty Street - 14
4 Ailsa Park Villas,
Iwickenham - 194
Elm Cottage, Petersham 192
i Devonshire Terrace - 150
Cobley's Farm, Fmchley 78
9 Osnaburgh Terrace - 150
i Chester Plac^, Regent's
Park - 151
Tavistock House 94
Wylde's Farm, Hamp-
stead 78
26 Wellington Street - 203
3 Hanover Terrace, Re-
gent's Park - - 151
1 6 Hyde Park Gate - 151
57 Gloucester Place,
Hyde Park - - 151
1 6 Somers Place, Hyde
Park - 151
6 Southwick Place - 151
5 Hyde Park Place - 151
Houndsditch - 63, 224, 234
Church 237-8, 255
Houses of Parliament 176-7,185
Howard Street - - 204, 215
" Household Words,"
Office of - - - 197, 203
Hoxton - - - - 241
Huggin Lane - 52, 58, 60
Hummums Hotel - 83, 96
Hungerford Bridge - no, 196
Market 200-?, 214
Stairs 1 49, 200-2, 214
Hyde Park 147, 150-2, 156
,, Corner
155, 168, 170-1, 186
Place 8, 151, 157
India Docks - 244-5, 256
India House 223-4, 234, 236
Inner Temple - - - 31-2
Inner Temple Gate 32, 35, 208
Inns of Court - 13-32, 66
Insolvent Court - - 25, 34
Iron Bridge, The - 8, 112
Islington - 59, 65-70, 72-4
Jack Straw's Castle - 78, 80
acob's Island - 124-5, 129
Jaggers, Mr., Office - 49, 50
,, House of - 159
James Street - - 162
ellyby, Mrs., House of - 42
,, Lodgings of 15
Jerusalem Coffee House 218, 234
Johnson's Court - 209, 216
Johnson Street - 8, 100, 108
Jorkins, Mr., House of - 153
Ken Wood - - 76-7, 80
Kenge & Carboy, Office of 23-4
Kennington - 135, 142, 146
Oval - - 146
Kensington - - 157, 191
Gardens - 157
Kent Road - 135-6, 145
Kent Street - - - 128
Kentish Town - - 109, 254
Kenwigs Family, House of 162
Kew - 191, 195
Kew Bridge - - 191, 195
King Street, Cheapside 52, 71
,, Co vent Garden 96
St. James's - 184
King's Bench Prison 114, 128
Walk - 31, 35
Kings Cross 65, 73, 102-3, 108
Kingsgate Street 38, 56
Kingsway 36
Kitterbell, Mr., House of
37, 91, 148
Knag, Mr., House of - 149
Krook's Shop 23
La Creevy, Miss, House
of 197, 203, 215
Lad Lane 58
Lady James's Folly - 139
Lambeth - - 133, 145, 181
Lammle, Mr., House of - 164
Langdale's Distillery 39, 40, 56
Langham Place - 154, 157
Lant Street no, 113-4, I28 > J 33
Lead Mills, Limehouse - 246
Leadenhall Market - 222, 234
221-3, 234, 237, 242
Leather Lane - - 15, 32
Leicester Fields - 158, 169
Place - - 158, 169
,, Square - 158, 169
Lightwood, Mortimer,
Chambers of - - - 32
Limehouse 236, 245-8, 256
,, Church - 246, 256
Hole - 247-8
Lincoln's Inn - 13,34,172
Chapel 23, 34
Fields 24, 34
Garden - 34
Gateway 23, 34
Hall 23, 34, 177
Lirriper, Mrs., House of 202, 204
Little Britain - - 49, 57
College Street - 103, 108
Little Donit's Playground 113
Little Gosling Street - 250
Little Wooden Midship-
man, The 222-4, 2 37 2 55
Lombard Street 220, 229-33, 235
London Bridge
119, 121-5, 129, 131, 181, 227
London Bridge Steps 122, 129
Station - 129
London Coffee House 211,216
Docks - 250-1, 256
Hospital 241-2, 255
Tavern - - 220
Wall - 60,62,71
Long Acre - - 87, 90, 96
Long Lane -
Long's Hotel
Lothbury -
Lowther Arcade
Hill -
Lyceum Theatre
Lyon's Inn
62, 71
- 165, 170
60, 71
- - 196
- 216
2IO-I, 216
- 203, 215
- - 215
MacStinger, Mrs., House of
Magpie and Stump, The
25, 34, 208
Maiden Lane - - 102, 108
Malderton, Mr., House of 140
Manchester Buildings - 182
Manette, Dr., House of 159-60
Manette Street - - 159
Mansfield, Lord, Houses of
76, 148
Mansion House - - 52-4, 58
Mantalini, Mrs., Houses
of - - - - 91, 154
Marlborough Street, Great
161, 169
Marble Arch - - 151-2
Mark Lane - - 224-6, 234
Marsh Gate, Lambeth 133, 145
Marshalsea Place - - 118
7, 99, 103, no-i,
116-19, 129, 134
Road 113, 128, 166
Marylebone Church - 150, 156
Metropolitan Police Office 15
Meagles, Mr., House of 193-4
Mecklenberg Square - - 147
Merdle, Mr., House of - 153
Mews Street - - 166-7
Micawber, Mr., Residences
of 14, 6^, 105
Middle Temple - - 14, 35
,, Gate 25, 35, 208
,, ,, Lane - 30
Mile End - 243, 256
,, ,, Gate - - 243, 255
,, ,, Road - - 240, 255
Millbank 180, 182, 185, 197
Mill Lane - - - - 125
Mill Pond - - - - 125
Mill Pond Bank - 245-6
Mincing Lane - 224-6, 234
Minerva House - - - 191
Minns, Mr., Residence of - 82
Minories - 223, 237, 255
Mint, Old - 128
The 59, 235
Monmouth Street - 91, 97
Montague Place - - 148, 156
Square - 153, 157
Monument 60, 124-6, 130,
226, 228, 230
,, Yard - 127, 130
Moorfields - 62, 63, 71, 224
Moorgate Street - - 61
Morfin, Mr., House of - 66
" Morning Chronicle " Office 196
Mormngton Place - 100
Mould, Mr., Premises of - 51
Mount Pleasant - - 69, 72
Murdstone & Gnnby's
Warehouse - - in
Mutton Hill - - 15, 33
Nanby, Mr, Office of - 62
Narrow Street - 256
New Cut - 133, 145
Inn - - - - 34
Oxford Street - - 91
River Head - 69, 72
Road - 187
Square - - 24, 34
Newgate 36, 44-9, 57, 66, 151,177
Market - 37, 57
Street 48, 57, 229
Newman Street - 159, 161, 169
Nickleby, Mrs., Cottage of 244
,, Ralph, House of 163
Wharf of 228-9
Norfolk Street, Fitzroy
Square - - 149-50, 156
Norfolk Street, Strand 204, 215
North End - - - 77-8
Northumberland House
I75 196, 200, 214
Norwood - - 143-4, I 4^
Oak Lodge ... 140
Obelisk, The 115, 132-4, 145
Obenreizer, House of -159
Observatory, The - - 138
Old Bailey - 36, 47-8, 57
Old Curiosity Shop, The
25, 34, 158
Old Gravel Lane Bridge 249, 256
Old Green Copper Rope
Walk .... 245
Old Kent Road - - 136, 145
Old Monthly Magazine
Office - - - 196, 209
Old Pancras Road - 103
Old Ship Tavern - - 23
Old Square - - 23-4, 34
Old Street Road - - 62-3, 71
Opera Colonnade - 184
Opium Den ... 249
Ormond Street, Great - 91-2
Osborne's Hotel - 202, 214
Osnaburgh Terrace - - 156
Oxford Street
147. I5I-5. 157. 161, 167
Oxford Street, New - - 91
Market - 155, 157
P.J.T. House - - - 8, 21
Palace Yard, Old - 180, 185
Pall Mall - 173-4,184,240
Panks, Mr., Residence of 73
Pancras Road 101, 103, 108
Paper Buildings - 31, 35
Park Lane 152, 165, 167-8, 170
Parliament, Houses of 176-7, 185
Parliament Street - 176,185
Peacock, The - - 67, 72
Pear Tree Court - - 16
Peckham - - - 140, 146
Rye - 146
Peggotty, Mr., Lodgings of 201
Penton Place - - 73-4, 80
Street - - 73-4, 80
Pentonville 65-70, 73-4, 80
Hill - - 14
Perker, Mr., Chambers of - 17
,, House of - 148
Petersham - 186, 192-3, 195
Phunky, Mr., Chambers of 19
Piazza Hotel - - 82-3, 96
Piccadilly 151, 171. 181, 184
Hotel - - 172
Pickwick, Mr,, Lodgings - 65
Pickwick, Mr., House of - 144
Pinch, Tom, Lodgings of - 66
Pip's Chambers - - 39
Pleasant Place, Finsbury 71
Plornish, House of - - 43
Pocket, Mr., House of - 190
Podsnap, Mr., House of - 153
Police Office, Hatton Garden 1 5
Police Court, Bow Street 85
Great Marl-
borough Street - - 161
Polygon, The - - 100, 108
Pool, The - 245
Poor Jo's Churchyard 89-90
Poplar - - - 246, 256
Poplar Walk - - 74, 221
Portland Place - - 152, 157
Portland Street, Great 155, 157
Portman Square - 153, 157
Portsmouth Street - 25, 34
Portugal Street - - 25, 34
Poultry ... 52, 58
Prince of Wales Hotel - 158
Pubsey & Co., Offices of - 224
Pump Court - - 31,35
Putney - - 189-90, 195
Heath - - - 189
Quadrant, The - - 169
Quality Court - - - 34
Queen Charlotte's Hospital 156
Queen Square - - 147, 156
Street, Great 87, 90, 96
Queen's Theatre 87
Quilp's House - - - 227
Quilp Street - - 113
Quilp's Wharf - - 124, 129
Rainbow Tavern - - 215
Ranelagh Gardens - 188,195
Ratcliff - - 248-50, 256
Highway 249, 254, 256
Raymond Buildings - 17,33
Red Lion, Bevis Marks - 224
Highgate - - 75
Parliament St.
176, 185
Square - 39, 56
Regent's Canal - - - 156
Park - - 150, 156
Regent Street - 161, 169
Richmond - 191-2, 195
Riderhood, Rogue, House
of 247-8
Rokesmith's Cottage - 139
Rolls Yard and Chapel 23, 34
Roman Bath - 77, 204, 215
Rood Lane - - 226, 235
Rose Villa - - - 142
Rosebery Avenue 68
Rotherhithe - - 129, 250
Rowland Hill's Chapel no-i, 128
Royal Academy of Music 166
Royal Exchange, The
52-4, 58, 217, 222
Rules, The - - 114-5, 128
Russell Court - - 89, 96
Square - 93, 147, 156
Street - 83, 85, 87
37, 91, 97, 148, 156
Sackville Street - 164, 169
Sadlers Wells Theatre 68, 70, 72
Saffron Hill 43-4, 56, 68, 72
St. Andrew's Church 42, 56, 89
,, Bartholomew's Church 49
,, Hospital 45, 49, 57
,, Botolph's Church 237-8
, , Clement Danes Church
Dunstan's Church
204, 215
207, 209, 215
George's Church, Bor-
ough - 8, 113-8, 128
George's Church, Cam-
berwell - - 141
George's Church, Han-
over Square - 165
George's Church, Hart
Street - 37, 91, 97
George's Circus 133, 135, 145
132-3, 145, 183
Street - 249, 256
Ghastly Grim - 226-7
Giles's Church - 90-1,97
James's Church - 172, 184
Hall - 172,184
Palace 37
St. James's Park - 175, 185
Square 173-4, 184
Street - 173, 184
John's Church - 185
Road (Street)
44, 65, 67-8, 72
, Luke's Church 186, 189, 195
Workhouse 63-4, 71
, Magnus' Church - 129
, Martin's Church - 198,214
Court - - 214
Hall - 87, 97
Lane - 198-9
, ,, le-Grand 51, 57
, Mary Axe - 224, 234
, Mary-le-Strand Burial
Ground 89
, Mary-le- Strand Church
204, 215
,, Michael's Alley - - 220
,, Nicholas' Church - - 76
,, Olave's Church 226-7, 2 35
,, Pancras' Church, New
93, 95> 97
Old 103, 108
,, ,, Workhouse 103, 108
Paul's Cathedral 45, 49, 50,
53, 105, in, 2ii, 216, 229
Paul's Churchyard 211-2, 216
,, Peter's Church - 221, 234
Saviour's Church - 122, 129
,, Sepulchre's Church 46-9, 57
Salem House - - 138-9
Saracen's Head, Snow Hill
36, 46, 57, 101
237. 255
Sardinia Street Chapel - 34
Sausage Factory, Celebrated 48-9
Savile Row - - 164-5, l &9
Sawyer, Bob, Lodgings of no
Scotland Yard - 175-6, 185
Selwood Terrace 186, 189, 195
Serjeants' Inn - - 209, 216
Serpentine, The - - 185
Seven Dials - 90-1, 97
Severndroog Castle - 139, 146
Seymour Street Chapel 101, 108
Shadwell - 236, 248-9, 256
Shaftesbury Avenue - 91, 159
Ship Hotel - - - - 137
Shoe Lane 44, 216
Shooter's Hill - 138-9, 146
Shoreditch - 241, 255
Silver Street - - 162, 169
Six Jolly Fellowship Por-
ters - 246-7
Skewton, Mrs., House of 166
Skimpole, Harold, House
of 101
Skittles, Sir Barnet, House
of 1*89-90
Sloane Street - - 187,195
Small Star in the East, The 248
Smallweed, Mr., House of 69
Smith, Payne & Smith
61, 219, 231-2
Smith Square - 181-2, 185
Smithfield 44-6, 49, 56, 62, 68
Snagsby, Mr., House of - 21-2
Snawley, Mr , House of - 100
Snow Hill - 36, 46, 56, 101
Snubbin, Serjeant, Cham-
bers of - - - - 24
Soho - - 91, 158-61, 169
Soho Square 17,147,159,169
Sol's Arms, The - 23, 34, 99
Somers Place - - 151
Somers Town 100, 108, 147, 254
Somerset House - 204, 215
Southampton Row 91, 93, 148
Street 37, 56, 82
South Grove, Highgate 75, 80
South Square - - 19, 33
Southwark - - 123, 124, 129
8, 112, 117, 128
Road 112, 128
Southwick Place - - 151
Spaniards, The - - 76-7, 80
Spa Fields - 69, 72
Spenlow & Jorkins, Office
of 212
Spenlow, Mr., House of 143-4
Misses, House of 190
Spigwiffin's Wharf - 228-9
Staggs' Gardens 106-7, 109
Stamford Hill - - 74, 80
Standard, The, Cornhill - 220
Theatre - 241, 255
Staple Inn - 20-1, 34, 39, 41
Star and Garter, Rich-
mond ... 192, 195
Star Yard 23
Statue at Charing Cross 200, 237
Steerforth, Mrs., House of 75
Stepney . . - 256
Green - - 244, 256
Stock Exchange, The 61, 71, 237
Stoke Newington 80
Strand 14, 25, 26, 77, 81,
87. 153. 175, 196-205, 214
Bridge - - 204, 215
Lane - - 204, 215
Strong, Dr., House of - 75
Stryver, Mr., Chambers of 31
Sun Court - - - 219, 234
,, Street - 62, 71
Surgeons' Hall - - - 34
Surrey Street - - 204, 215
Theatre - - 135, 145
Swallow Street 153, 164, 169
Sweedlepipe, Poll, House
of 38
Swiveller, Dick, Lodgings of 88
,, ,, Cottage - 77
Symond's Inn - - 22, 34
Tabard Street - 128
Tartar, Mr., Chambers of 21
Tavistock Hotel - 82-3, 96
House - 94, 97
,, Square 26, 94, 97
Street - 82, 96
Tellsons Bank - - 206, 215
Temple, The 8, 13, 25-32, 35, 123
Bar 25, 197-8, 205-7, 215
Church - 30, 32, 35
. Gardens - 31, 35
Gates 25, 32, 35, 83, 208
Stairs - 31, 35, 228
Tenterden Street - 166,170
Thames, The 30, 31, 121-5,
137, 175, 190
13, 14, no
60, 225, 228-30, 235
Thavies Inn - - 42, 56
Theobald's Road 14,17,148
Threadneedle Street - 222, 234
Three Cripples, The - - 44
Magpies, The - - 191
Tibbs, Mrs., Boarding House 94
Tigg, Montague, Chambers 173
Tippins, Lady, Residence
of 187
Titbull's Almshouses 243, 256
Tite Barnacles, House of 166-7
Todgers's Boarding House 126-7
Toll House, Blackfriars - in
Tom-all-alones - 88-9
Took's Court - - 21-2, 34
Tooting - - - 143, 146
Tottenham Court Road
148-9, 156
Tower, The 119, 227-8, 235, 253
,, Hill - 124, 227, 235
,, Street - 225-7, 2 34
Stairs - - - 235
Traddles, Thomas, Cham-
bers of - 19
Lodgings of 39, 105
Trafalgar Square - - 198
Trinity House, The 227, 235
Turnstile - 39, 56
Tulkinghorn, Mr., House of 24
Tupman, Mr., Lodgings of 192
Turnham Green - - 191, 195
Turveydrop's Academy - 161
Twemlow's House - 173
Twickenham - 186, 193-5
Tyburn - 151, 156
Union Road
115, 128
III-2, 128
Vale of Health 77
Varden, Gabriel, House of 16, 17
Vauxhall - - 121, 181, 185
Bridge - 181, 185
Gardens - 181, 185
Venus, Mr., Shop of - - 17
Verulam Buildings 33
Veterinary Hospital
103, 105, 108
Vholes, Mr., Chambers of 22-3
Victoria Theatre - 133, 145
Vine Street - - 16, 33
Vintners' Almshouses 243, 256
Walcot Square - - 135. *45
Walmers, Mr., House of - 139
Walworth - - H 1 ' 2 ' M^
Wappmg - - 249-52*256
Wapping Old Stairs - 252, 250
;, Workhouse 252, 256
Warren's Blacking Ware-
house no, 147, 196. 200-2
Warwick Street - 162, 169
Waterbrook, Mr., House of 42
Waterloo Bridge 181, 203, 215
Place - - 174. l8 4
Road - - 133, J 45
Station - 133. *45
Waxworks in Fleet Street
207, 215
Webb's County Terrace I35~ 6
Welbeck Street - - 153. J 57
Well Street - - 253,256
Wellclose Square - 253, 256
Weller, Tony, Public House
of 139
Wellington House Academy
100, 108
Wellington Street
81, 8$, 197. 2 3> 2I 5
Wemmick, House of - M*' 2
West India Docks 244-6, 256
Westlock, John, Chambers
of -----
Westminster - 121, 163, ii
Abbey 177-9, 185
Westminster Bridge
123, 131-2, 182-3, 185
Bridge Road 132
Westminster Hail
40, 176-7, 185, 197
Whitechapel 123, 236-42, 255
Church 239, 255
Workhouse 240,255
White Conduit House 73. 8o
Whitecross Street - - 7*
Whitefnars - 3 1 . 2IO 2l6
Gate 31, 35. I2 3
Whitehall - - i74~5 ^5
Place - 175. I 8 5
White Hart - - I 2 L "9
White Horse Cellars, The
171-2, 184
Swan, The - - 2 *
Whittington Stone - 8, 74-5
Wilding & Co., Warehouse
of ----- 22 5
Wilfer Family, House of - 102
Wimpole Street - - *57
Windsor Terrace - 63-5, 72
Wine Office Court - 209, 216
Woburn Place - - 93. 97
Wood Street - - 5 1 . 5 s
Wood's Hotel 4
Wren, Jenny, House of - 181
Wylde's Farm 7 8
York Road - IOI '3
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